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Title Programming

What Is the Program?

Title I is short for "Title-I Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001." It is a federally funded program established for the purpose of providing supplemental reading and math instruction to children. Eligible Title I schools are decided yearly, based on federal guidelines around the district/school enrollments of low income students. 

How Do Students Qualify?

Students who have not met proficiency criteria in reading or mathematics are eligible for Title I services. Multiple, age appropriate assessments are used in this determination including state, district and classroom assessments. Classroom teachers identify students most in need of educational support based on this criteria.

What Do Services Look Like?

Title I services do not replace regular classroom instruction. They are in addition to classroom instruction. The highly qualified staff work with students individually and in small group both in and outside the students homeroom class. The Title staff, the classroom teacher and parent/guardian work together to set goals for the Title student. During conferences or another designated time, teachers will meet with parents to review/develop a Compact for Success. Progress is monitored weekly and the plan is reviewed annually.

What Can I Do as a Parent?
Parents are an integral part of the student's program and schools strive to include parents in all aspects of school. To see if your school is a Title School this year— click on the school's website or ask your principal. There are numerous opportunities for parent to become involved. Be looking for these to be advertised through your child's school or contact Jeff Thelen, Title I Coordinator (952-975-8683).  The Eden Prairie Title Parent Advisory Committee (TPAC) meets at least twice a year and is the vehicle for parents and Title Staff to review the Title programming including the District/School Parent Involvement Policy. 

How Will I Know if My Student Will Receive Title Services at Prairie View?

Students who qualify for Title services will be contacted by the school reading and math specialists.  Specialists will begin supporting students after contact with parents.  Parents of Title students are invited to stop in room 316 during October conferences to learn more about the program. A flyer will be sent home with eligible students.


Title I Staff

Name Email Voice Mail
Andrea Cassin 952-975-2673
Abby Beran 952-975-8840
Stacy Natal 952-975-8883
Catherine Twomey 952-975-8840