Literacy Toolkit

This toolkit has been created to support those who are building literacy and English language skills--whether you are learning at home or working with adults, K-12 students, or young children in any number of settings.

Included in the lists of resources are videos, websites, flyers, story collections, and many other tools designed to help people develop literacy skills. The resources are organized by age: to use the toolkit, click on the description that fits best with your situation and scroll through those resources. 

Learning at home? 

Welcome! These resources will be updated regularly while distance learning is in session. 

Find resources from Eden Prairie Schools' Early Childhood educators in this document, and summer learning activities for K-12 students here. 

Looking for other resources? The district's COVID-19 page has information about distance learning plans, meal distribution, and other community resources.

Toolkit Resources

This page is updated regularly. If you have suggestions of resources you think should be on this page or if you would like to see more information on specific topics, contact Melissa Laubach at