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Health Services

The school health service has been established for the health and safety of students. The health room is to be used exclusively for students who become ill, are injured during the school day, need medication or health related information.

Students who become ill during the day must have a pass from the class they are missing. They will be given a pass from health services to return to class. Students reporting that they spent the period in the lavatory or commons will not be given an excused absence from class. Exceptions to the above will be made at the discretion of health services based on the severity of the illness or injury.

All medications, including over-the-counter medications, required by students during the school day will be dispensed through health services with appropriate parental and physician signatures. The school nurse will meet with the students and families to provide for individual health care needs.

Carolyn Henning, 952-975-8074, carolyn_henning@edenpr.k12.mn.us

Are you concerned about your child's well-being?

Click on the links below to view information that can help you recognize signs and symptoms related to mental health, chemical health and bullying behavior, along with resources you can use to help your child.
