Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
The Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) at Forest Hills Elementary School is comprised of dedicated parents and teachers working together to enhance every child’s school experience. The PTO sponsors important family-focused social and/or academic activities throughout the year. These activities bring us together as a community and are key fundraisers that benefit all Forest Hills students. To learn more or volunteer, email us at
PTO Meeting Dates
Go to our PTO website to learn about EVENTS, read important NEWS and find VOLUNTEER opportunities.
Get Involved
There are so many ways to contribute, to help make attending Forest Hills an even better experience for your child. Whether you can commit to a couple of hours helping out at an event, donate resources or materials for a fundraiser, or volunteer several hours per month as a Board member, your participation will make a difference. Please consider signing up for available positions or email to learn more.
Our Mission: Create, foster and support the Forest Hills community through volunteerism and fundraising efforts that make a positive impact on all of our students, achieving the District goal of “High Academic Achievement for All Learners.”
Our Vision: To create an inclusive environment that holds to the Eden Prairie Schools District’s core values of honesty, integrity, caring, trust, and respect. To provide opportunities for parents and families to participate in school activities and share their skills, time, talent, and passions.
Our Goals: To create and foster sustained long-term relationships in and amongst our families, students, staff, district and the broader community. To be proactive, prudent fiscal stewards of Eden Prairie Schools District PTO funds to create the most direct and sustainable positive impact on all students’ achievements.