Career & Counseling

EP Online students in grades 6 through 12 have access to a school counselor who has a Master's Degree in school counseling and is licensed by the State of Minnesota. Our school counselor is available for individual appointments, group guidance activities, spontaneous meetings, or connections over email or phone. Our counselor offers support to examine each student's personal, social, career and/or academic issues. She also helps students to clarify their feelings, thoughts and behaviors, explore alternatives, and make good decisions.

Ms. Boztepe and Ms. Wold is happy to meet with staff, students, and families for questions regarding schedules, credits and transcripts, college and career, mental health concerns, and academic concerns. 

The goals of the counseling department are:

  • To provide respectful, meaningful services for each student
  • To provide safe, confidential support to each student
  • To help each student understand and appreciate their uniqueness
  • To help each student enhance skills to promote positive change
  • To have each senior develop a future plan and graduate 

Amanda Boztepe

Amanda Boztepe has worked in the Eden Prairie School system for 16 years, moving from the High School to Online in 2024. She appreciates helping her students find their voice and work on advocating for their needs, both inside and outside of the classroom.  Outside of school, Ms. Boztepe loves to listen to true crime podcasts while walking her Shepsky, Roxy. And is always willing to hear about your recent read to add to her book list.  The rest of her time is spent at hockey and soccer practice for her boys!

Schedule an appointment with Amanda

Danielle Wold

Danielle Wold has been a school counselor since 2019 and is starting her 3rd year with Eden Prairie Online. She loves working with middle and high school students to develop lifelong skills they will use in college and their careers. Mrs. Wold lives in Janesville, MN with her husband and two-year-old daughter. In her free time, she enjoys coaching, hiking, and playing games with family and friends.

Schedule an appointment with Danielle