End-of-year reminders for all families

End-of-year reminders for all families

It’s hard to believe we’re about to wrap up the 2022-23 school year! Thank you for all you have done to help make this year a success for our students. As we finish this year and look to the next, here are some important details.

End of the 2022-23 school year

Last day of school

The last day of school for students in grades pre-K-11 is Thursday, June 8. The last day of school for grade 12 is Wednesday, June 7. The last day of school is a full day for students, and schools and/or classes may offer different celebrations. Check your school calendar, newsletter, or teacher messages for the most up-to-date information. 


Most students can keep their devices over the summer and bring them back for the start of the next school year. If needed, students will swap out devices in the fall as part of their back-to-school activities. 

  • If you will not be returning to Eden Prairie Schools next year but are not graduating, please return your student’s device(s) to school no later than June 15. 
  • If your student is graduating this year, your family will receive information about returning devices to EPHS or EPO and should follow those instructions.

If you have any questions, please contact your school’s technology support specialist or email Helpline@edenpr.org

Media Center materials/library books

All library books and Media Center materials should be returned to school as soon as possible. Schools will send notices to families about any materials that are overdue, and they may ask for payment for any materials or books that are not returned. 

Lost and Found items

As a reminder, please check your school’s Lost and Found if your student is missing any items. Unclaimed items will be donated or discarded after the last day of school.

Graduation ceremony/livestream

Families of graduates, please check your email for a message with details about the EPHS and EPO graduation ceremony at Target Center on June 8. For those not attending in person, we encourage you to watch the ceremony online on the district’s YouTube page. Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

Annual update
By June 2, please review your information in the Parent Portal and make updates as needed so we can share important back-to-school information with you this summer. This “Annual Update” process makes sure we have the most accurate information to best support your student and family, and it can only be completed by a parent or guardian in the student’s primary household.

Summer opportunities


School office hours

If you need to get in touch with your child’s school during the summer, be sure to check your school’s office hours. Because of different staffing schedules, office hours and response times may vary at each school. For immediate support, you can always contact the district’s Welcome Center, which is staffed year-round.

Welcome Center hours

The Eden Prairie Schools Welcome Center supports families enrolling in Eden Prairie Schools, welcomes visitors to the district office, and serves as a resource for answering questions and concerns. During the summer, the Welcome Center will be open 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, or by appointment outside of those hours. 

Free weekend food for kids

All Eden Prairie Schools families (including TASSEL) are welcome to pick up free Weekend Food for Kids bags (one per child) from Every Meal, a local non-profit fighting child hunger. All food bag types contain 4-5 pounds of nutritious, non-perishable food — including a variety of canned fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and soups/entrees. Families may choose from five food bag options that are tailored to cultural and dietary needs.

Meals can be picked up on Thursday evenings from 4-6 p.m. from June 15 through August 31 outside Door 4 of the district office's Historic Gym at 8100 School Road.

Childcare through Eagle Zone

Eagle Zone provides low-cost childcare with a summer twist for kids entering kindergarten through sixth grade. This is ideal for families who need a consistent schedule of fun activities (and supervision) all summer long! Eagle Zone runs from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.

Camps and Targeted Services through EPIC

EPIC Camps provide children in pre-K through ninth grade with fun and educational programs and activities over the summer. Camps are offered weekly from mid-June to mid-August (with a break from July 3-7) and typically run Monday through Thursday, with morning and afternoon options. Some courses include a pick-your-price option for families, with free options available to students who qualify.

Targeted Services is a free program for students entering first through ninth grade to strengthen their literacy, math, and social-emotional skills through select EPIC camps. These two-week courses are taught by licensed Eden Prairie Schools teachers, align with district academic standards, and are reserved for eligible students. Small-group, hands-on courses cover various topics and are designed to maintain and strengthen skills in a fun, engaging, and interactive experience. Targeted Services courses require a teacher referral, and qualifying students attend at no cost.

KinderCamp for incoming kindergarteners

KinderCamp is a free opportunity for students entering kindergarten to help build their confidence about the start of the school year. Students experience a "typical" kindergarten day and learn what it means to be an Eden Prairie Eagle for two half-days, August 14-17. Register now!

Summer and fall jobs available
Looking for some extra cash this summer or next fall? Enjoy flexible work schedules while helping to inspire each as an Eden Prairie Schools employee! Visit the Careers page of our website to learn more about our open positions. 

Learning opportunities for students, families and adults through Community Education

In Eden Prairie Schools, we believe you are never done learning. That’s why our Community Education program offers hundreds of classes to help adults grow! General topics include computer courses, dance, financial planning, fitness, hobbies, DIY home projects, music, language, personal growth, cooking, plus periodic seminars on parenting topics and more.

Start of the 2023-24 school year


First day of school

The official first day of the 2023-24 school year is Tuesday, September 5. However, students may have different start dates based on their grade. Please read the information below carefully! CMS and EPHS will follow up with additional information on staggered start dates for students.

  • Little Eagles Preschool students (ages 3-4): Tuesday, September 5
  • Elementary students (grades pre-K-5, all schools): Tuesday, September 5
  • Central Middle School students (grades 6-8):
    • 6th graders: Tuesday, September 5
    • 7th and 8th graders: Wednesday, September 6
  • Eden Prairie High School students (grades 9-12):
    • 9th graders: Tuesday, September 5
    • 10th-12th graders: Wednesday, September 6
  • EP Online students (all grades): Tuesday, September 5
  • TASSEL students: Tuesday, September 5

School hours

The school day and office hours of each school are posted on your school website’s Contact Us page, as well as on the district Contact Us page

Key events for the start of school
Keep an eye out for information from your school about the following important events! 

  • Back to School Night: Takes place before the first day of school, when families and students can meet students’ teachers. Elementary (pre-K-5) families are invited to drop off school supplies.
  • Open House: Takes place in September. For elementary families, your student’s teacher will send home a video with information about their classrooms and learning platforms, and your student will give you a tour of the building! 

Information about your teacher(s)

Information about your student’s teacher(s) will be shared with you in late August. Thank you for your patience as our principals find the best classroom fit for your child.

Transportation information

If your student will take the bus to or from school next year, the Transportation Department will share preliminary route information with you via email in mid-August and follow up with finalized information later that month. Your route information will include pick up and drop off locations and times. If you need to make any changes to the preliminary information, please complete the Route & Stop Changes form on the Transportation website, email transportation@edenpr.org, or call 952-975-7500.

School supplies
School supply lists can be found on each school’s website. Many of our school Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs) partner with companies like School Tool Box to have everything you need for the new school year shipped directly to your door. If you are interested, watch for a message from your school PTO to purchase. If cost is a barrier to getting school supplies, your school’s social worker can help.

Free first breakfast and lunch for all students

Minnesota approved free school meals for all students learning in person beginning in the 2023-24 school year. This means the first breakfast and lunch provided to a student each day are free as long as they include at least 3 items, and one MUST be ½ cup fruit or vegetable. In addition, Eden Prairie Schools will provide one free milk for every child, even if they bring meals from home. Please note that additional meals, a la carte items and Mega Bites will still have a charge. 

Stay up to date on the latest changes and view school menus on the Child Nutrition webpage.

Student handbooks

Our student handbooks include important information about expectations at school and are updated each summer. Once your school’s 2023-24 handbook is posted to the school website, please be sure to review it with your students so they can have the most successful year possible. Thank you! 

When the 2023-24 handbooks are available later this summer, you will be able to find them here: 

We’re so proud of everything our Eagles have accomplished this year. Our staff members wish you a wonderful summer and look forward to welcoming students back to school this fall!

  • Central Middle School
  • Elementary
  • High School