Eden Prairie Schools: Community Education places volunteers 14 and older in a wide variety of volunteer opportunities across the district. Opportunities include, but are not limited to, the Eagles Homework Help & Tutoring Program, ECFE and Little Eagles Preschool, one-time events, and more! Learn more at www.edenpr.org/volunteer
People serving people: Serving homeless children and their families and providing new opportunities for healthy, stable family life. Both one-time and long term volunteer positions available. Visit their website for more information: www.Peopleservingpeople.org.
True Friends: True Friends mission is to provide life-changing experiences that enhance independence and self-esteem for children and adults with disabilities. Email volunteerservices@truefriends.org or for more information visit: www.truefriends.org/volunteer.
PROP Shop: In-shop volunteering Tuesdays through Sundays at different shift times, also Saturday delivery team. All shifts must be scheduled one week in advance. If interested please email Alicia at Alicia@propshopep.org.
Legacy Care Home: Lots of 1:1 and group opportunities for students to engage with older adults. Gardening, picnics, games and puzzles. Contact: Michelle Nash 612-597-3153. Located in Minnetonka.
Teens Alone: Youth Advisory Board and other volunteer opportunities – visit www.teensalone.org to fill out an application.
Animal Humane Society: Information is on their website http://www.animalhumanesociety.org/volunteer
Three Rivers Park District: Many volunteer opportunities listed on the website http://www.threeriversparks.org/volunteer.
Second Harvest Heartland: General Food Sorting and packing 9am-noon most days in various locations. Visit www.2harvest.org or email volunteer@2harvest.org and 651-282-0901
Arc’s Value Village: Daily opportunities for volunteering! Check out the Online Volunteer Calendar at www.arcsvaluevillage.org.
HOME: Many opportunities to volunteer helping seniors with yard work, window washing, gardening etc. Email scsvolunteer@seniorcommunity.org or call 952-767-7894 for more information.
Feed My Starving Children: Visit www.FMSC.org to schedule a time to pack food – you can do more than one shift in a day if you want!
Goodwill: Goodwill is a nonprofit resale store staffed by paid staff and volunteers. Locations around the metro - Chanhassen store is located at 80 West 78th Street. You must be 16 years old to volunteer and must attend an orientation before you volunteer. Orientation is every Wednesday from 4:30 – 8pm. Please call ahead to reserve your spot at orientation. Call 952-934-1354 or email chanhassenstore@goodwilleasterseals.org.
Salvation Army: Go to www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/volunteer and type in your zip code for volunteer opportunities near you.
Minnesota Masonic Home: Located in Bloomington – many varied volunteer opportunities available – fill out online application at www.mnmasonichomes.org/who-we-are/volunteer/.
Loaves & Fishes: Help feed the hungry and show them kindness, dignity & respect! Visit their website for more information: www.loavesandfishesmn.org.
VEAP: Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People (Bloomington food shelf) – visit www.veap.org
DinoMights: Hockey in the hood – “equip our urban youth to develop physical, academic, social & spiritual excellence” – www.dinomights.com
Good in the Hood: Transforming the community through simple acts of kindness. A partner with Union Gospel Mission in Minneapolis; www.goodinthehood.org
Hammer: Providing adults and children with developmental disabilities the opportunity to live life to its fullest. Visit www.hammer.org for more info or to volunteer.
Kids against hunger west metro: Monthly packing events – 1st Saturday of each month at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church (301 County Road 19, Excelsior) from 9-11am. To sign up go to: www.kidsagainsthungerwm.org.
Steamboat Minnehaha/Museum of Lake Minnetonka: Ages 15 & up can volunteer for this all volunteer organization: www.steamboatminnehaha.org. (click on museum and then volunteers)
Abbott Northwestern Hospital: Many volunteer opportunities available, call the volunteer line at 612-863-4281. (Other area hospitals also need volunteers – look at their websites for further information). https://www.allinahealth.org/abbott-northwestern-hospital
Brookdale: Help out with senior who suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia. Many fun activities to choose from such as: Men’s Poker Club, Bingo, Dice games, Manicures, etc. Call 952-906-3800 if interested for more information. Located at 7513 Mitchell Rd in EP. www.brookdale.com/en/communities/brookdale-eden-prairie.html
We Can Ride: Therapeutic horseback riding for children & adults living with disabilities. Volunteers must be at least 14 years old but do not have to have previous experience with horses. Call 952-934-0057 or visit www.wecanride.org for more information.
Hennepin County Library: Fill out a teen application at www.hclib.org or call 612-543-5633.
American Red Cross: Apply to be a volunteer at www.redcross.org/mn/volunteer or call 612-871-7676.
Bridging: Furnishing homes with hope! Visit www.bridging.org to fill out a volunteer interest form. May volunteer as an individual or a group.
The Colony: Volunteer for a variety of activities to interact with the Seniors living at The Colony. The Colony’s cornerstone volunteer program is managed by Marta Volbrecht at the Normandale Center for Healing & Wholeness. If you’d like to volunteer, please call Marta at 952-977-9365 or email to marta@normandalecenter.org.
Special Olympics: Volunteer to help with one or more of 17 different sports! For information on current opportunities visit: www.specialolympicsminnesota.org/who-we-are/volunteers/
United Way: United Way has great volunteer opportunities year round. Some of their programs are: Home for Good helps families in need, Art for All beautifies neighborhoods and they need tutors as well. Visit www.gtcuw.org for more information and to sign up!
Bethesda Thrift Shops: These thrift stores support local group homes that serve intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals. Very flexible scheduling of volunteer shifts. Call the Minnetonka store if you are interested in volunteering at 952-939-0988.
Ordway: The Ordway Theater is always looking for volunteers! Call 651-282-3123 to inquire about volunteering and to get on their volunteer email list. For more information about the theater visit their website at www.ordway.org.
Park Nicollet: Volunteers a t Park Nicollet welcome and escort patients, assist with patient care, give information and directions to patients and guests and provide support for staff. Interested? Go to www.parknicollet.com/volunteer or call 952 993-5086 for more information.
Volunteer United: A United Way volunteer matching service - A huge database of volunteer opportunities that help people get out of poverty! Search for what you are interested in at gtcuw.org/liveunited or call 612-340-7440 or email volunteerunited@gtcuw.org.