Open Hour Permission
August 16, 2023
Dear Students and Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the Junior/Senior off-campus privilege process for the 2023-2024 school year.
With parent permission and all criteria met, Seniors and Juniors are eligible to leave EPHS during their lunch or open hour on their schedule each term. Students with off-campus privilege must exit via the East or North doors by scanning their student ID. Students must re-enter through the North or East doors using the same ID scanning process. Students without a current student ID will not be able to leave campus. Please ensure your child attends Ramp Up days on August 24th from 12:00-5:00 or August 28th from 3:00-7:00 to get their school picture taken.
Criteria for off-campus privilege:
- Student is on-track for graduation (30+ credits for juniors, 40+ credits for seniors) and continues to make progress towards graduation
- Student has not had any discipline referrals in the prior term and continues to exhibit positive behavior
- Student has maintained positive attendance and will continue to attend class throughout the year
We expect all students with the off-campus privileges to represent EPHS positively and exhibit exemplary behavior while off-campus at all times. Off-campus privilege can be removed by parent/guardian request or by administration if, at any point, the student does not meet all the criteria above.
Parents/guardians, please complete and sign this form, allowing your student to leave the building during their open hour and/or lunch. This form will close on September 15th. If you wish to apply for off-campus privilege after that point, please make an appointment with your dean.
In Partnership,
Tamiko Thomas, Associate Principal (A-G) |
Kitty Hallin Payne, Administrative Dean (A-G) | |
Lomumba Ismail, Associate Principal (H-N) | Paul Obuon, Administrative Dean (H-N) | |
Victor Johnson, Associate Principal (O-Z) | Josh Wenzel, Administrative Dean (O-Z) |