EPHS logo in white


Dear Eden Prairie Schools Families,

Eden Prairie Schools believes parent and family involvement is one of the primary keys to student success. In working together, all of us - staff members, parents, students and community members - work together to achieve the very best for our students. I believe it is our purpose to create an environment of care and support where each student is inspired every day. In partnership with the School Board, the district has developed comprehensive policies and procedures that define our students’ rights and responsibilities and provide for a positive learning environment. This handbook serves as a resource for students and families to help understand these policies and their alignment with district procedures. Eden Prairie Schools parents/guardians are asked to review this important handbook with their student(s). In addition, schools will review the handbook with students at the beginning of the school year. Thank you for taking the time to review this important resource. Together we can continue to inspire each student every day.


Dr. Josh Swanson

Academic Expectations

Eden Prairie Schools and Eden Prairie High School (EPHS) are committed to the academic success of all students. We know you have entrusted your student’s education to us, and we promise to work as hard as possible to educate each child in a caring, safe environment.



Student Life

i-Learn Expectations

The mission of Eden Prairie Schools is “To inspire each student to learn continuously so they are empowered to reach personal fulfillment and contribute purposefully to our ever-changing world.” Our world is changing with a new generation who never knew life without the Internet. Technology is a major tool in our personal lives as well as many professions. Our students will be prepared to demonstrate digital responsibility, technological awareness and the ability to use technology to create, research, communicate and produce in the academic and professional setting. i-Learn@EP is about creating engaging curriculum, dynamic learning environments and students who are better prepared for the world beyond our school doors; it is not about the device, but rather how to use the device in education.

Students are required to follow Eden Prairie Schools District expectations regarding the use of technology. Access to Eden Prairie Schools’ owned technology is a privilege and not a right. At any point access to devices, the internet and the like can be revoked.

Student Behavior

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students who attend Eden Prairie High School have various rights and responsibilities. Students also have responsibilities to teachers, other staff, and fellow students. The following describes student rights and opportunities as well as student responsibilities.

Student Discipline Policy

Every student and employee of Eden Prairie High School is entitled to learn and work in a safe school environment. To ensure this, the district and school have established clear student discipline policies, consequences appropriate for the behavior, and practices to consistently apply the policies. Corrective action to discipline a student and/or modify a student’s behavior will be taken by staff when a student’s behavior violates the discipline policy. Any behaviors prohibited by policy may result in a referral to a pre-assessment team. The school district may take into account the student’s disciplinary records while enrolled in EPHS. Where applicable, the student will be declared ineligible for participation in activities governed by the Minnesota State High School League. Students are expected to behave in accordance with federal, state and local laws and rules, district and school policies and regulations, and in a way that respects the rights and safety of others. Students violating the law will be referred to the police. The following are school discipline policies. These discipline policies and the potential consequences apply at any time a student is present at a school location or at a school-sponsored event, and on school buses. Also, the School District may impose disciplinary consequences for violations at non-school locations/events if the misconduct is determined to have a nexus to the school environment. Listed are the violations and the recommended consequences for first, second and third offenses. The school district in its sole discretion may impose more severe consequences (i.e. expulsion) beyond those set forth in this policy based on the particular misconduct.

Co-Curricular Participation



Opportunities: EPHS offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities that can vary by school year depending on need. Some of the possibilities include speaking in classes, assisting with school pictures, working in the resource centers, and working in the media center. Procedures: Volunteer forms will be available in the “back-to-school packet” in the summer. Please fill one out and return it at any time. Volunteers are asked to follow the school security sign-in procedures. Staff are instructed to ask if they can help any visitor without a volunteer badge. This procedure has been developed in response to safety concerns. As you work with staff and students, information of a confidential nature may be shared with you. The problems, abilities, relationships, and confidences of students, their parents/guardians and staff should never be discussed with anyone who does not have a professional right or need to know. Like teachers, volunteers are bound by a code of ethics to keep confidential matters within the school.


The Health Services staff work in partnership with educational staff to provide students with high quality and consistent health care and health management. Find Health Services forms online at www.edenpr.org.


Policies and Guidelines

Safety and Security


The Eden Prairie School District is pleased to offer safe, dependable, cost-effective transportation. In accordance with state law, a bus is available to any student living further than two miles from their school and to any special education student regardless of where they live if it is part of their individual education plan.