Please expand an activity below for more information.
Fall Musical
- Location: Performing Arts Center
- Fees: $100 (costumes are provided, but students may need to purchase individual supplies, such as make-up kit and dance shoes)
- Description: Students produce a Broadway musical by performing in the cast or pit orchestra and/or working in a variety of production crews
- Requirements/Expectations: Attendance at all scheduled rehearsals or crew meetings. Must commit to all dress rehearsal and performance dates.
- Season: Fall (early September through mid-November)
- Times/Dates: Rehearsals held daily -- typically after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and evening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Saturday rehearsals are from 9-3pm starting late September. Early in rehearsal process, not all students are called for full hours of each rehearsal, but rehearsal time will increase closer to opening night. No Sunday rehearsals or performances. No rehearsals will be held over MEA break.
- Registration/Tryouts: Early September; sign up will be posted outside the Student Activities Office.
- Awards/Recognition: Drama points toward lettering for each participant; consideration for end of the year acting and service awards.
- Contact Director: Laurie Nebeker (lnebeker@edenpr.org)
One Act Play
- Location: Performing Arts Center
- Fees: $100
- Description: Tour a one act play to several schools, festivals, and competition
- Requirements/Expectations: Must audition and be present at all rehearsals and performances
- Season: Late-November to mid-February
- Times/Dates: After school, some evenings, and every Saturday in January
- Registration/Tryouts: The week after Thanksgiving Break
- Awards/Recognition: Drama points awarded toward letter for each participant
- New Student Information: In the announcements or contact the director - Jay Asfeld (jasfeld@edenpr.org)
- Location: Auditorium
- Fees: $35
- Description: Present student-written and student-directed and choreographed short plays and dance numbers.
- Requirements/Expectations: Every student who wishes to be on stage will be cast in one of the shows and must be at all rehearsals and performances.
- Season: Mid-August to early-September
- Times/Dates: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. in August; after school and evenings in September
- Registration/Tryouts: Early August
- Awards/Recognition: Drama points toward letter for each participant
- New Student Information: Visit ephsdrama.com or contact the director - Jay Asfeld (jasfeld@edenpr.org)
Winter/Spring Plays
- Location: Auditorium/Performing Arts Center
- Fees: $100
- Description: Become part of the cast or crew of a full-length play
- Requirements/Expectations: Must audition and attend all rehearsals and performances
- Season: Winter (Late-fall until February); Spring (Early-March until mid-May)
- Times/Dates: After school; some evening and weekend rehearsals
- Registration/Tryouts: Winter: November; Spring: early-March
- Awards/Recognition: Points toward letter for each participant
- New Student Information: In the announcements or contact the director