Club Name: IYNA (International Youth Neuroscience Club)
The International Youth Neuroscience Association is dedicated to inspiring the next generation of neuroscientists. The IYNA aims to increase international collaboration among young neuroscientists from all backgrounds by educating them about the brain and inspiring them to fight neurological diseases. Our EP Chapter will organize events such as university lectures, socials, fundraisers, and educational activities. The club is open to anyone interested in learning more about neuroscience.
Head Advisor: Carol Snyder
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: Room 341
Meeting Days: One Friday a month
Meeting Times: 7:55 a.m.
Club Name: Data Science & Machine Learning
Head Advisor: Allison Grajkowske
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): After School
Meeting Location: Room 317
Meeting Days: Every Thurs. 10/10
Meeting Times: 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Club Name: Jewish Student Union
Head Advisor: Lenny Moskowitz, Lindsay Dvorak
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Student Support Center 236 or 154
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Morgan's Message
Head Advisor: DJ Brown
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: Auditorium
Meeting Days: The last Tuesday of the month
Meeting Times: 7:30-8:30 a.m.
Club Name: K-Pop
Head Advisor: Kari Beutz
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): After School
Meeting Location: Music Rehearsal Hall
Meeting Days: Thursdays 9/12
Meeting Times: 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Club Name: Wellness Club
Head Advisor: Megan Southwick
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 256
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Botany
Botany Club is a student-led club for EPHS students who are interested in plants and gardening. This club is open to students in all grades. You can join at any point during the school year.
Head Advisor: Jayson Sandeen
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: The EPHS Greenhouse
Meeting Days: Wednesdays
Meeting Times: 7:50-8:25 a.m.
Club Name: Project Gimmer
Head Advisor: Vanessa Warren
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: South Commons
Meeting Days: Fridays once a month
Meeting Times: 7:45- 8:30 a.m.
Club Name: Stem Club
Head Advisor: Alyce Price
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 323
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons Club is a group that meets to have fun and play Dungeons and Dragons together. This club is the place to unwind and meet new people. You don't need to have experience to join; just be willing to have fun!
Head Advisor: Alex Bauer
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 207
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Trading Card Games (TCG)
Head Advisor: Alex Bauer
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: Room 207
Meeting Days: Wednesdays
Meeting Times: 7:30-8:30 a.m.
Club Name: PHLEGM
Head Advisor: Veronica Torres
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus and After School
Meeting Location: Room 163
Meeting Days: 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Meeting Times: 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Club Name: Rock Club
Head Advisor: Mike Whipkey
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): After School
Meeting Location: Room 246
Meeting Days: Alternating Tuesdays
Meeting Times: 3:30 p.m.
Club Name: Board Game Club
Head Advisor: Perry Kennedy
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 257
Meeting Days: Alternating Tuesdays
Meeting Times: 3:30 p.m.
Club Name: EP Transfer Students Club
Head Advisor: Arika Stottler, Marissa Brandt, Lisa Quirring, Jenny Hanson
EP Focus Group (A,B or C):
Meeting Location:
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Book Club
Head Advisor: Kelsey Cornwell
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: Room 210
Meeting Days: Wednesday once a month
Meeting Times: 8-8:30 a.m.
Club Name: Slime Club
Head Advisor: Andrea Benzine
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 166
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Interior Design Club
Interior Design Club welcomes ALL, both old and new members, every year. If you enjoy planning and designing spaces like on HGTV, or if you consider yourself artsy and creative, this is the club for you! We do several DIY projects throughout the year. We work with an interior design software program to design rooms for staff members and clients. There are also field trips to the Parade of Homes in the Fall and Spring. In order to put Interior Design Club on a resume students must attend a minimum of 8 club meetings a year.
Head Advisor: Brianna Kruschke
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: Before School
southMeeting Days:Thursdays
Meeting Times: 7:45-8:30 a.m.
Club Name: Korean Club
Korean Club is a club where students are given the chance to explore Korean culture, language, and food. Students are required to attend at least one meeting per month. Neither racial, ethnic, nor GPA requirement to join. No previous experience with the language needed.
Head Advisor: Kari Beutz
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 206
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: History Club
Head Advisor: Brett Pederson
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: Room 121
Meeting Days:Last Thursday of month
Meeting Times: 8-8:30 a.m.
Club Name: Econ Club
Economics Club is a group of students who meet to learn, discuss, research, and compete in the fields of economics and finance. We do not focus on the stock market or investments, but more on the economics. Club members will be competing in the National Economics Challenge and the Federal Reserve High School Paper Challenge. This club is open to all students in grades 9-12.
Head Advisor: Mark Anderson
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): After School
Meeting Location: Room 123
Meeting Days: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Meeting Times: 5 p.m.
Club Name: Chinese Club
Chinese Club is a cultural diversity club whose goal is to explore world culture. The club's central motto is respecting and celebrating cultural diversity in our school. Chinese Club will focus on connecting with Chinese foreign exchange students, celebrating traditional functions, and getting an introduction to the foreign language. The club also aims to raise awareness against racism and Asian hate. The club is open to all EPHS students of any race, all grade levels.
Head Advisor: Ergan Xu
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 303
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Ping Pong Club
Head Advisor: Mike Halloran
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Main Gym
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Athena Chapter EPHS (AI in Education)
Head Advisor: Zach Hanson
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): After School
Meeting Location: Room 313 (Math Resource Center)
Meeting Days: Thursday
Meeting Times: 3:30 p.m.
Club Name: RTS Club (Real Time Strategy)
Head Advisor: Scott Sayles
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 259
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Aerospace Team
Head Advisor: Mike Maas
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): After School
Meeting Location: Room 337
Meeting Days: Tuesdays
Meeting Times: 3:30 p.m.
Club Name: Crochet for Charity
Crochet for Charity is a club where we crochet items and donate them to charities. Our goal is to make a positive impact in the community by providing things like hats, scarves, and stuffed animals while also having fun with crocheting. This club is open to all EPHS students, no experience is required, and we will teach you! There is a $5 participation fee to help purchase yarn, hooks, and other accessories.
HOW TO JOIN: Click this link to the GroupMe. Sign in, click "Join Group"
Head Advisor: Michelle Rada and Chloe Brown
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 222
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is the largest Christian sports organization in America. This is a faith-based organization meant to help athletes make a difference among their teams and classmates. Eden Prairie High School athletes and coaches meet every other Friday morning for a Huddle Meeting. Meetings are structured and may include music, a short message on topics relevant to athletes, small group discussions and time to hang out.
Head Advisor: Bridget Johnson
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus and before school
Meeting Location: Room 261
Meeting Days: Every other Thursday
Meeting Times: 7:45-8:30 a.m.
Club Name: Threads for Change
Head Advisor: Liza Anderson
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus (wants A)
Meeting Location: Room 164
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Latino Student Union
Latino Club is a welcoming environment full of energy surrounded by people from all Latin America! This is a place where you can learn more about the different cultures of Latin America including foods, dances, experiences and more! You will get a chance to meet new people and make friends that will always have your back and support you. You do not need to be a Latino to join this club because everyone is welcome!
Head Advisor: Heriberto Vargas
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Mr. Vargas office
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Filmmaker's Club
Head Advisor: Jacquelyn Books
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 118
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Bracelet Making Club
Head Advisor: Levi Zak
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: Room 138
Meeting Days: Tuesdays
Meeting Times: 7:30-8:30 a.m.
Club Name: Music for Memories (WISI Ensemble)
Head Advisor: Angelique Rowell
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 244 Orchestra Room
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Young Entrepreneurs Club
Head Advisor: Zach Hanson
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): After School
Meeting Location: Room 313 (Math Resource Center)
Meeting Days: Mondays
Meeting Times: 4 p.m.
Club Name: Letters of Love
Letters of Love is a club whose purpose is to support people who are struggling in our community by writing and sending positive and uplifting letters to them. Our goal is to make everyone who is struggling know that they are loved and have a team of people cheering them on. In addition to emotional support, Letters of Love also donates funds to support people who are hurting. This club is open to all EPHS students. There is a $5 participation fee required to help purchase supplies.
Head Advisor: Lee Moen
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before School
Meeting Location: South Commons
Meeting Days: First Friday of month
Meeting Times: 7:45 a.m.
Club Name: South Asian Student Union
South Asian Culture Club exists to teach and celebrate South Asian culture at our school. Open to students in all grades.
Head Advisor: Oli Gaston
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Main Gym
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: EPHS WINC (Wharton Investment Competition Club)
Head Advisor: Lee Moen
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): Before and After School
Meeting Location: Room 264 or the Perch
Meeting Days: Random dates
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Black Student Union
Black Student Union (BSU) is an equity and anti-racism group at EPHS. The club's purpose is to advocate for and create opportunities for black students to have a voice on campus and a safe place to learn and discuss topics pertaining to black history, black culture, and black issues.
Head Advisor: Nolana Holloway
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 154
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Muslim Student Union
Head Advisor: Hani Abdi
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 154
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Crafts Club
Crafts Club is a student club where we come together and do craft projects. It is a safe environment where students can have fun and expand their creativity without any pressure. This club is open to all students in grades 9-12.
Head Advisor: Ellen Degler
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): EP Focus
Meeting Location: Room 322
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times:
Club Name: Distracted Free Life Club
Head Advisor: Vanessa Warren
EP Focus Group (A,B or C): After School
Meeting Location: Room 138
Meeting Days:
Meeting Times: