EPHS offers several intramural opportunities for students in grades 9-12 with the purpose of providing a safe, enjoyable environment for students of any skill level to participate in a variety of recreational activities. The activities offered are based on student interests and the facilities available for use. Co-ed student involvement is strongly encouraged in most activities. Based on total team registrations, the Student Activities Office reserves the right to group teams as needed. Teams will be divided into divisions based on grade and may be assigned a higher division for post-season play. The intramural department is open to any suggestions from students regarding other activities that should be offered. The current offerings are listed in the chart below. Stop by the Activities Office for registration dates and information.
Fall: Pinguard, Disc Golf
- Fall intramural registration Sept 16-30
- registration forms due on Sept 30
- First day of games: Oct 10
Winter: Boys Touch Football, Girls Flag Football, Pinguard, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee
- Winter intramural registration: Nove 21- Dec 9
- Registration forms due on Dec 9
- First day of games: Jan 3
Spring: Beach Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Badminton
- Contact: Jon Madson (Intramurals Coordinator) for more information or to sign up