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Summer Assignments

EPHS students take Honors, Advanced, AP, or other college-level courses for more intellectually challenging content and atmosphere.  The rigor of these high school courses is a major consideration by colleges in their admissions decisions.  It demonstrates an ability and willingness to work hard and pursue academic excellence.  All Honors, Advanced, and AP teachers expect you to learn at a faster pace than a Regular class.  These courses cover similar content as Regular courses in a subject, adding more breadth and depth to the material.  

Several EPHS Honors and AP courses require summer assignments (see the assignment links listed by department).  The summer assignments engage students to promote critical thinking, expand background knowledge, and explore what it means to be human. To reach these goals, summer assignments will provide a wide range of learning experiences, encourage rigorous discourse and analysis, and help students develop their identities as independent thinkers.

Summer assignments are generally due at the end of summer break.  EPHS wants students to continue and succeed in their courses even if they do not complete summer assignments by then.  EPHS does allow students to complete and turn in the assignment during the course if they do not complete the assignment over the summer.  Check in with your teacher to determine a reasonable due date.

You may check out books from the EPHS Media Center front desk before you leave for the summer.

English Summer Assignments

The Eden Prairie High School English Department believes in the power of reading and its ability to engage readers, promote critical thinking, and improve writing.  It is in this spirit that we ask you to spend a part of your summer engaging in reading and writing activities that we believe will help develop your identity as a reader and prepare you for the year ahead.

Math Summer Assignments

Social Studies Summer Assignments

Science Summer Assignments