Wednesday, May 8th, 4:30 pm-6:30 pm - Virtual
Scheduling conferences is in an on-line format
The scheduling site will OPEN on Tuesday, April 30th at 5:00am.
It CLOSES Monday, May 6th at 10 pm.
Please follow these easy steps to see your student’s teacher and make your own schedule.
- To begin, WATCH the video tutorial of the on-line conference scheduling system (see below).
- Log-in to Or use the link in the EPHS Weekly.
NOTE: Each email address with pickAtime can only have 1 password. If a parent logged into the scheduler last year and created a password for their email address, please use that same password.
- The first page is “Welcome to the EPHS Online Scheduler”. Enter your email address and click on “login / create an account”.
- On the second page under “EPHS requires the following information”, confirm your email address, enter your First name and Last Name and CREATE your own password for your account.
- On the next page, for each child at the high school, enter their student ID and their birth date (using MM/DD/YY format) and press “Add”. You will then see your student’s teacher list and schedule.
IF YOU HAVE SCHEDULED ON-LINE PREVIOUSLY, after clicking on the link to scheduling:
- Please use your email address for the login; then use your last password you created. Forgot it? Click on the lower “Forgot my password” button. The system will email you a new one.
- The name of the teacher is color coded to correspond to their schedule.
- If there is a student teacher or temporary sub, it will be the primary teacher’s name. If a teacher is booked, you will see that time blocked.
- Once you have scheduled, it will be available in a printable format. You may also set an email reminder for 24 hours prior to your appointment.
English 952.975.8016
Somali 952.975.7069
Spanish 952.975.7068
Pick A Time - First Time User
This video shows how to create a Pick A Time account and schedule a parent-teacher conference.
Pick A Time - Existing Account
This how-to video shows how parents can schedule a parent-teacher conference, after logging into Pick A Time.