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In-person Conference

Date: Thursday, Feb 27

Time: 4-7 p.m.

Parent sign up window opens: Wednesday, Feb 19 at 8 a.m.

Parent sign up window closes: Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 12 p.m.

In-Person conferences will be held in the Activities Center and Student Services conferences will be held in the teacher’s Special Education classroom. This information will be available in the Activities Center Lobby. Please plan to park and enter the building either at the East, North, or Student Activities entrances.

Virtual Conferences

Date: Wednesday, Mar. 5

Time: 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Parent sign up window opens: Wednesday, Feb 19 at 8 a.m.

Parent sign up window closes: Wednesday, Mar. 4 at 12 p.m.

Please follow these easy steps to see your student’s teacher and make your own schedule.

  • To begin, WATCH the video tutorial of the on-line conference scheduling system.
  • Log-in to https://www.pickatime.com/ephs. Or use the link in the EPHS weekly newsletter.

NOTE: Each email address with pickAtime can only have 1 password. If a parent logged into the scheduler last year and created a password for their email address, please use that same password.


  • The first page is “Welcome to the EPHS Online Scheduler”. Enter your email address and click on “login / create an account”.
  • On the second page under “EPHS requires the following information”, confirm your email address, enter your First name and Last Name and CREATE your own password for your account.
  • On the next page, for each child at the high school, enter their student ID and their birth date (using MM/DD/YY format) and press “Add”. You will then see your student’s teacher list and schedule.

Pick A Time - First Time User

This video shows how to create a Pick A Time account and schedule a parent-teacher conference.


  • Please use your email address for the login; then use your last password you created. Forgot it? Click on the lower “Forgot my password” button. The system will email you a new one.
    • The name of the teacher is color coded to correspond to their schedule.
    • If there is a student teacher or temporary sub, it will be the primary teacher’s name. If a teacher is booked, you will see that time blocked.
  • Once you have scheduled, it will be available in a printable format. You may also set an email reminder for 24 hours prior to your appointment.

Pick A Time - Existing Account

This how-to video shows how parents can schedule a parent-teacher conference, after logging into Pick A Time.

Need help? Call us at:

  • English 952-975-8016
  • Somali 952-975-7069
  • Spanish 952-975-7068