Essential Learning Targets
Each course has common essential learning targets, which are the essential knowledge and skills students are expected to achieve, regardless of teacher. Use the arrows below to expand the department and course lists, review the essential learning targets, and find out what do we want students to know and be able to do in each course.
Art Courses
- Advanced Ceramics
- Ceramics I
- Ceramics II
- Digital Art I
- Digital Art II
- Drawing I
- Drawing II
- Drawing III
- Jewelry I
- Painting I
- Painting II
- Sculpture I
- Sculpture II
- Studio Art Experience I
Advanced Ceramics
1. I can follow studio safety protocol in the ceramics studio.
2. I can follow studio safety procedures by loading and unloading a kiln.
3. I can demonstrate to others the proper recycling of clay and use of the pugger.
4. I can research and develop a ceramic piece based on a historical/cultural piece of artwork.
5. I can design and execute my own figurative form based on a contemporary artist.
6. I can investigate and test new methods and techniques of glazing in my own work.
7. I can produce a series/set that demonstrates how art/design can define, shape, enhance, inhibit, or empower people’s lives.
Ceramics I
1. I can apply and practice the techniques of the potter’s wheel to create pottery.
2. I can integrate the appropriate use of ceramic tools needed for throwing on the potter’s wheel.
3. I can apply understanding of the health and safety issues related to glazes when glazing my ceramic works.
4. I can demonstrate my knowledge of the history of majolica glazing to my own works of art.
5. I can present my finished ceramic works to the class in a final critique.
Ceramics II
1. I can follow studio safety protocol in the ceramics studio.
2. I can share my knowledge of Ceramics I essential learning targets with others.
3. I can present my artwork in relation to the work of a professional artist to the class.
4. I can use the potter’s wheel to create various functional forms.
5. I can create a lidded form with clay based on a piece of architecture.
6. I can research a contemporary artist and create a piece inspired by their work.
7. I can safely use the glazes along with various firing methods to complete my ceramic art works.
Digital Art I
1. I can engage with the discourse around digital art and develop a personal definition of it.
2. I can demonstrate a variety of compositional framing strategies with a camera.
3. I can learn how to use digital art making software via book or video tutorials.
4. I can employ a variety of digital tools and techniques to create a composite self-portrait.
5. I can employ a variety of digital tools and techniques to create a surreal image.
6. I can employ a variety of digital tools and techniques to create graphic designs for clients.
7. I can present my artwork, and provide constructive feedback, in class critiques.
Digital Art II
1. I can engage with the discourse around animation and develop a personal definition of it.
2. I can comprehend the mechanics of animation by creating and operating basic animation devices.
3. I can learn how to use animation software via video tutorials.
4. I can employ a variety of digital tools and stop motion techniques to create a basic pixilation animation.
5. I can employ a variety of digital tools and claymation techniques to create a basic Claymation animation.
6. I can employ a variety of digital tools and collage techniques to create a basic collage animation.
7. I can present my animation, and provide constructive feedback, in class critiques.
Drawing I
1. I can follow studio safety protocol.
2. I can use a variety of drawing tools to create drawings (i.e. viewfinder, pencils, and blending stomps).
3. I can employ contour lines (edges), negative space, line relationships, and light and shadows to depict reality.
4. I can demonstrate my mastery of technical drawing skills in a final drawing.
5. I can design and execute my own drawing that explores a personally meaningful theme, idea, or concept.
6. I can engage in a constructive critique with peers, then reflect on, revise, and refine my drawing.
Drawing II
1. I can follow studio safety protocol.
2. I can use variety of studio tools to create art.
3. I can apply my knowledge from Drawing I into Drawing II.
4. I can draw from life and incorporate accurate proportions and textures.
5. I can design and execute my own drawings that expresses a personally meaningful theme, idea, or concept.
6. I can engage in constructive critique with peers, then reflect on, revise, and refine my painting.
7. I can research and present on a historical or contemporary artist that I find inspiring.
Drawing III
1. I can follow studio safety protocol.
2. I can use variety of studio tools to create art.
3. I can apply my knowledge from Drawing I and II into Drawing III.
4. I can create a drawing that explores non-traditional drawing mediums.
5. I can design and execute my own drawings that fulfill requirements for a drawing portfolio that can be submitted to an art college.
6. I can engage in constructive critique with peers, then reflect on, revise, and refine my painting.
7. I can research and present on a historical or contemporary artist that I find inspiring.
Jewelry I
1. I can follow proper studio safety procedures and protocol.
2. I can demonstrate understanding of tools, materials, and techniques to polish, burnish & bending of materials to create jewelry.
3. I can design a wearable piece of art that integrates and transforms various materials.
4. I can demonstrate processes of American Indian beading to create a contemporary piece of jewelry.
5. I can present my work to the class and provide constructive feedback in class critiques.
Painting I
1. I can follow studio safety protocol.
2. I can use studio tools to create art.
3. I can create a painted still life that practices my ability to observe.
4. I can design and execute my own painting that explores a personally meaningful theme, idea, or concept.
5. I can engage in constructive critique with peers, then reflect on, revise, and refine my painting.
Painting II
1. I can demonstrate my attention to learning.
2. I can use tools and materials to make paintings.
3. I can create paintings based on life and as well as photographs.
4. I can design and execute a painting that expresses a personally meaningful theme, idea, or concept.
5. I can engage in constructive critique with peers, then reflect on, revise, and refine my painting.
6. I can research and present on a historical or contemporary artist that I find inspiring.
Sculpture I
1. I can engage with the discourse around sculpture and develop a personal definition of it.
2. I can make a rough draft of a sculpture to practice techniques and tools, and to clarify my design.
3. I can employ a variety of tools, materials, and techniques to create a found object sculpture.
4. I can employ a variety of tools, materials, and techniques to create a representational sculpture.
5. I can employ a variety of tools, materials, and techniques to create a cloth garment.
6. I can present my sculptures and provide constructive feedback in class critiques.
Sculpture II
1. I can engage with the discourse around sculpture and refine my personal definition of it.
2. I can make a rough draft of a sculpture to practice techniques and tools and to clarify my design.
3. I can employ a variety of tools, materials, and techniques to create a found object sculpture.
4. I can research an influential artist and develop an artwork inspired by their work.
5. I can employ a variety of tools, materials, and techniques to create a sculpture in the style of a chosen artist.
6. I can employ a variety of tools, materials, and techniques to create a cloth garment.
7. I can present my sculptures, and provide constructive feedback, in class critiques.
Studio Art Experience I
1. I can follow studio safety protocol.
2. I can use a variety of drawing tools to create a drawing (i.e. viewfinder, pencils, and blending stomps).
3. I can design a digital work of art that demonstrates an understanding of visual literacy.
4. I can understand philosophies from the arts and craft movement and can develop a craft.
5. I can develop a proposal for a site specific installation and work collaboratively to install it.
6. I can design and create a 3 dimensional work of art.
AVID Courses
1. Create short-, mid-, and long-term goals that support academic and personal growth.
2. Work collaboratively to create and deliver a presentation to the class.
3. Write summaries of information in various contexts.
4. Use Costa’s Levels of Thinking words in assignments, discussions, and notes.
5. Effectively work with others in team building activities.
6. Write higher-level questions in the left column of Cornell notes that correspond to chunks of information in the notes section.
7. Use multiple reading strategies, including marking the text and annotating the text, to increase comprehension.
8. Research a career of interest based upon career values.
1. Track community service hours and extracurricular activity participation in a multi-year student portfolio.
2. Practice speaking skills through mock job interviews.
3. Write detailed reflections on academic experiences connecting the information to your personal learning.
4. Complete a high-level reflection about the learning process during tutorials.
5. Utilize technology to interact and collaborate with others and foster trust-building skills by working with partners to complete a specified task.
6. Compose an essential question based on the standard or objective covered by the lesson.
7. Expand vocabulary, especially those words utilized on SAT/ACT testing.
8. Understand the college application process and required information.
1. Examine potential career paths and college degrees that align with abilities, talents, and interests.
2. Seamlessly incorporate visual aids of varying types into speeches and presentations.
3. Use a variety of rubrics to grade essays, especially those used to grade essays for the SAT and other college admissions tests.
4. Formulate questions to make a personal connection with text(s) and/or other content/concepts.
5. Effectively communicate with peers in an academic setting.
6. Write higher level questions in the left hand column of Cornell notes that corresponds to chunks of information in the notes section.
7. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of significant ideas expressed in written works by identifying important ideas, recognizing inferences, and drawing conclusions.
8. Examine the cost of colleges, and determine how financial aid, grants, scholarship, work study programs, and other funding sources can help meet those cost needs.
1. Apply for scholarships that align with abilities, talents and interests.
2. Demonstrate oral communication and leadership skills through a variety of means, including presentation, Socratic Seminars, and Philosophical Chairs discussion.
3. Reflect upon research skills gained during research and how those skills will relate to postsecondary education.
4. Reflect upon the relationship between high school tutorials and their connection at the collegiate level.
5. Understand informal study group norms and how to become a member of a study team in college.
6. Adapt the organization strategy of note-taking to meet required academic tasks, such as lectures, lab work, reading, or collaborative work.
7. Demonstrate the ability to take notes or record information from texts.
8. Complete and submit college/university applications for schools of interest, including admission essays, letters of recommendation, SAT/ACT scores, and official transcripts within the appropriate timeframe and prepare a financial aid application including the FAFSA.
Business Courses
- Accounting
- Advanced Marketing
- AP Microeconomics
- Business Introduction
- Careers 9/10
- Careers 11/12
- Entrepreneurship
- Introduction to Technology
- Introduction to Technology SKILLS
- Keyboarding
- Marketing Strategies
- Personal Financial Management
- Personal & Business Law
- Senior Intern Program
- Small Business Development
- Spreadsheets and Databases
- TDMP Talent Management Mentor Program
1. I can demonstrate how business transactions impact the accounting equation.
2. I can apply the double-entry system of accounting to record business transactions and prepare a trial balance.
3. I can prepare a detailed balance sheet.
4. I can describe the relationship between assets, liabilities, and equity on the balance sheet.
5. I can identify the classifications in an income statement and explain their relationship to each other (revenue, expenses, gains, losses).
6. I can prepare an income statement.
Advanced Marketing
1. I can develop research methodology based on client needs.
2. I can conduct secondary and primary marketing research.
3. I can analyze research data to determine key findings and conclusions.
4. I can create a proposed strategic plan to accomplish client objectives.
5. I can deliver an effective oral presentation.
6. I can communicate progress to a client and meet deadlines.
7. I can develop a professional business report.
AP Microeconomics
I can evaluate how changes in supply and demand impact equilibrium price and quantity.
I can interpret how elasticity impacts decisions within a market.
I can calculate and analyze short-run production costs.
I can compare and contrast the characteristics of various market structures.
I can evaluate production data to identify short-run and long-run profit for various market structures.
I can evaluate short-run production data to identify the profit-maximizing price and quantity for various market structures.
I can evaluate production data to identify efficiency for various market structures.
I can evaluate resource data to identify the profit-maximizing wage paid and quantity hired for a labor resource market.
Business Introduction
1. I can describe and investigate the stages of the economic business cycle in order to demonstrate the fundamental economic concepts.
2. I can select a variety of stocks using various investment strategies and analyze a specific company.
3. I can identify the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.
4. I can develop a marketing mix strategy that will appeal to a specific target market.
Careers 9/10
1. I can identify my personality type, individual interests and related career clusters as they relate to career exploration.
2. I can research career options and identify personal fit.
3. I can examine post-secondary options and rank them to make informed decisions.
4. I can prepare a professional resume for seeking employment.
5. I can participate in a mock employment interview and critique my performance.
6. I can write a personal and meaningful thank you note using a professional format.
Careers 11/12
1. I can identify my personality type, individual interests and related career clusters as they relate to career exploration.
2. I can research career options and determine personal fit.
3. I can examine post-secondary options in order to make informed decisions.
4. I can prepare a professional resume for seeking employment.
5. I can participate in a mock employment interview.
6. I can write a personal and meaningful thank you note using a professional format.
1. I can project net income/loss based on research and sales forecasting strategies.
2. I can create a multi-level promotional campaign to gain popularity for my business.
3. I can analyze aspects of daily business operations to improve profit margins.
4. I can effectively communicate information to my team during weekly meetings.
5. I can create a reflective presentation given my experience of running a business.
Introduction to Technology
Introduction to Technology SKILLS
Marketing Strategies
1. I can recognize how the elements of the Marketing Mix create a position for a product or a company.
2. I can identify how to increase sales by positioning a brand with a well-defined target market.
3. I can improve my selling ability by evaluating my sales demonstration.
4. I can develop a promotional campaign geared toward a well-defined target market that accomplishes business objectives.
Personal Financial Management
1. I can categorize the risks and responsibilities of using credit and credit cards and the effects on credit rating.
2. I can investigate the essential elements for a loan.
3. I can investigate the appropriate form of credit for particular buying decisions.
4. I can prepare the Federal 1040EZ and Minnesota M-1 tax forms.
5. I can construct a budget with all essential elements.
6. I can identify and analyze auto, life, and property insurance.
7. I can analyze various investments for financial growth and development.
Personal & Business Law
1. I can research and develop a profile on a criminal event or person.
2. I can describe and apply the essential elements involved in criminal law.
3. I can describe and apply the essential elements involved in the civil law process.
4. I can evaluate a criminal law case in preparation for a Mock Trial.
Senior Intern Program
1. I can reassess and analyze individual interests, talents, skills, values and personal characteristics as they relate to changing career decisions based on the assessments, academic achievement, and work related experiences.
2. I can analyze a specific career cluster using a variety of research tools (e.g., college career centers/counselors, professional and trade associations, career fairs, informational interviews, print media, and the internet).
3. I can write formal, persuasive application messages customized to meet prospective employers’ needs.
4. I can prepare resumes in both print and digital formats.
5. I can participate in and analyze mock interviews.
6. I can identify and build a network of people who will motivate and provide moral support.
7. I can experience unpaid/paid work opportunities in a chosen career cluster (e.g., internships, apprenticeships, or work-site learning).
8. I can identify and use appropriate sources of lifelong learning to strengthen existing skills, develop new skills, and maximize career growth.
9. I can demonstrate skills to maximize my personal and career growth.
Small Business Development
1. I can identify the primary and secondary target market for my small business and create an action plan to be successful based off “who” that is.
2. I can estimate the expenses my small business may incur and reflect on how to ensure financial success.
3. I can compose a business plan for my small business idea.
4. I can deliver a presentation requesting an investment in my small business.
Spreadsheets and Databases
TDMP Talent Management Mentor Program
1. I can develop a network of people who can assist in gaining career knowledge and experience.
2. I can plan for the upcoming week using SMART goals.
3. Students have accountability by completing expectations in a timely manner.
4. Student can demonstrate professional skills to schedule 10 informational interviews with the aspiration of finding/securing a mentorship.
5. Students have accountability by completing expectations in a timely manner.
6. I can build confidence in making professional phone calls.
English Courses
English 9
English 9 in 4 A&B
1. I can effectively use the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
2. I can write a narrative and/or creative text using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
3. I can use the writing process to develop and strengthen writing.
4. I can avoid plagiarism and follow a standard format for citation.
5. I can identify examples from a text to demonstrate comprehension and to make inferences in literature.
6. I can determine how theme develops in a text by using specific details to support a theme.
7. I can read and comprehend literature.
English 9 in 4 C&D
1. I can effectively use the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
2. I can use the writing process to develop and strengthen writing.
3. I can avoid plagiarism and follow a standard format for citation.
4. I can read and comprehend literature.
5. I can identify examples from a text to demonstrate comprehension and to make inferences from informational texts.
6. I can determine the main points of an informational text and effectively summarize them in writing.
7. I can read and comprehend informational texts.
8. I can prepare for and effectively participate in collegial discussions.
English 9A
1. I can effectively use the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Assessment: Effective Writing Paper
2. I can write a narrative and/or creative text using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences
Assessment: Effective Writing Paper
3. I can use the writing process to develop and strengthen writing.
Assessment: Effective Writing Paper
4. I can read and comprehend literature.
Assessment: Reading Comprehension Assessment
5. I can identify examples from a text to demonstrate comprehension and to make inferences in literature.
Assessment: Reading Comprehension Assessment
6. I can determine how theme develops in a text by using specific details to support a theme.
Assessment: To Kill a Mockingbird Theme Assessment
English 9B
1. I can read and comprehend informational texts.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
2. I can effectively use the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
3. I can avoid plagiarism and follow a standard format for citation.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
4. I can identify examples from a text to demonstrate comprehension and to make inferences from informational texts.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
5. I can determine the main points of an informational text and effectively summarize them in writing.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
6. I can read and comprehend literature.
Assessment: Romeo and Juliet Reading Comprehension Assessment
7. I can prepare for and effectively participate in collegial discussions.
Assessment: Collegial Discussion Assessment
Honors English 9A
1. I can effectively use the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Assessment: Effective Writing Paper
2. I can write a narrative and/or creative text using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences
Assessment: Effective Writing Paper
3. I can use the writing process to develop and strengthen writing.
Assessment: Effective Writing Paper
4. I can read and comprehend literature.
Assessment: Reading Comprehension Assessment
5. I can identify examples from a text to demonstrate comprehension and to make inferences in literature.
Assessment: Reading Comprehension Assessment
6. I can determine how theme develops in a text by using specific details to support a theme.
Assessment: To Kill a Mockingbird Theme Assessment
Honors English 9B
1. I can read and comprehend informational texts.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
2. I can effectively use the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
3. I can avoid plagiarism and follow a standard format for citation.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
4. I can identify examples from a text to demonstrate comprehension and to make inferences from informational texts.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
5. I can determine the main points of an informational text and effectively summarize them in writing.
Assessment: Article Summary Paper
6. I can read and comprehend literature.
Assessment: Romeo and Juliet Reading Comprehension Assessment
7. I can prepare for and effectively participate in collegial discussions.
Assessment: Collegial Discussion Assessment
English 10
- English 10 in 4 A&B
- English 10 in 4 C&D
- English 10A
- English 10B
- Honors English 10A
- Honors English 10B
English 10 in 4 A&B
1. I can self-select texts for personal enjoyment, interest, and academic tasks.
2. I can read widely to understand multiple perspectives.
3. I can write clearly and coherently.
4. I can write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and relevant evidence.
5. I can use a writing process to develop and strengthen writing.
6. I can selectively integrate information into my writing.
7. I can demonstrate a command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
8. I can write an informative piece of writing which includes clear and accurate ideas, concepts, and information.
9. I can actively participate in discussions by asking questions, responding to others, and making connections.
10. I can read and comprehend literature and other texts including stories and poems.
11. I can use strong and thorough textual evidence to analyze a piece of literature and make inferences.
12. I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development.
English 10 in 4 C&D
1. I can self-select texts for personal enjoyment, interest, and academic tasks.
2. I can read widely from multiple perspectives.
3. I can write clearly and coherently.
4. I can write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and relevant evidence.
5. I can use a writing process to develop and strengthen writing.
6. I can selectively integrate information into my writing.
7. I can demonstrate a command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
8. I can write an informative piece of writing which includes clear and accurate ideas, concepts, and information.
9. I can actively participate in discussions by asking questions, responding to others, and making connections.
10. I can read and comprehend literature and other texts including stories and poems.
11. I can use strong and thorough textual evidence to analyze a piece of literature and make inferences.
12. I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development.
English 10A
1. I can self-select texts for personal enjoyment, interest, and academic tasks.
2. I can read widely to understand multiple perspectives.
3. I can write clearly and coherently.
4. I can write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and relevant evidence.
5. I can selectively integrate information into my writing.
6. I can write an informative piece of writing which includes clear and accurate ideas, concepts, and information.
7. I can read and comprehend literature and other texts including stories and poems.
8. I can use strong and thorough textual evidence to analyze a piece of literature and make inferences.
9. I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development.
English 10B
1. I can self-select texts for personal enjoyment, interest, and academic tasks.
2. I can read widely to understand multiple perspectives.
3. I can write clearly and coherently.
4. I can write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and relevant evidence.
5. I can use a writing process to develop and strengthen writing.
6. I can selectively integrate information into my writing.
7. I can demonstrate a command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
8. I can write an informative piece of writing which includes clear and accurate ideas, concepts, and information.
9. I can actively participate in discussions by asking questions, responding to others, and making connections.
10. I can read and comprehend literature and other texts including stories and poems.
11. I can use strong and thorough textual evidence to analyze a piece of literature and make inferences.
12. I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development.
Honors English 10A
1. I can self-select texts for personal enjoyment, interest, and academic tasks.
2. I can read widely to understand multiple perspectives.
3. I can write clearly and coherently.
4. I can write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and relevant evidence.
5. I can selectively integrate information into my writing.
6. I can write an informative piece of writing which includes clear and accurate ideas, concepts, and information.
7. I can read and comprehend literature and other texts including stories and poems.
8. I can use strong and thorough textual evidence to analyze a piece of literature and make inferences.
9. I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development.
Honors English 10B
1. I can self-select texts for personal enjoyment, interest, and academic tasks.
2. I can read widely to understand multiple perspectives.
3. I can write clearly and coherently.
4. I can write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and relevant evidence.
5. I can use a writing process to develop and strengthen writing.
6. I can selectively integrate information into my writing.
7. I can demonstrate a command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
8. I can write an informative piece of writing which includes clear and accurate ideas, concepts, and information.
9. I can actively participate in discussions by asking questions, responding to others, and making connections.
10. I can read and comprehend literature and other texts including stories and poems.
11. I can use strong and thorough textual evidence to analyze a piece of literature and make inferences.
12. I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development.
English 11
English 11A & B
1. I can understand perspectives other than my own through reading.
2. I can use evidence from a text to support my ideas about what I’ve read.
3. I can identify, analyze, and summarize multiple ideas in a single text.
4. I can communicate effectively in writing.
5. I can prepare for and participate in academic discussions and presentations.
Honors English 11A & B
1. I can understand perspectives other than my own through reading.
2. I can use evidence from a text to support my ideas about what I’ve read.
3. I can identify, analyze, and summarize multiple ideas in a single text.
4. I can communicate effectively in writing.
5. I can prepare for and participate in academic discussions and presentations.
AP English 11: Language and Composition
1. I can read to understand perspectives beyond my own.
2. I can closely read a nonfiction text: discern vocabulary in context, understand purpose, define tone, infer meaning, etc.
3. I can use academic vocabulary to discuss and evaluate rhetoric.
4. I can write an analysis of a piece of nonfiction prose.
5. I can generate evidence and construct a written argument.
6. I can write a research-based essay.
English 12
- English 12A
- English 12B
- AP English 12: Literature and Composition
- Honors English 12: Humanities
- Honors English 12A: Psychology of Literature
- Honors English 12B: Psychology of Literature
English 12A
1. I can write arguments to support claims.
2. I can critically analyze topics and texts.
3. I can use valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence for my written arguments.
4. I can create an organized, cohesive piece of writing that logically sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
5. I can pay attention to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which I am writing.
6. I can demonstrate an understanding of how to give credit to a source.
7. I can draw evidence from literary and informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
English 12B
1. I can critically analyze topics and texts.
2. I can draw evidence from literary and informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research (literary theory).
3. I can pay attention to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which I am writing.
4. I can use digital media in a presentation to show what I’ve learned, my thinking about what I’ve learned, and evidence of my learning.
5. I can demonstrate an understanding of how to give credit to a source.
6. I can write arguments to support claims.
7. I can use valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence for my written arguments.
8. I can create an organized, cohesive piece of writing that logically sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
AP English 12: Literature and Composition
1. I can effectively use the norms and conventions of standard English and MLA formatting.
2. I can effectively establish credibility and accurately cite sources in research-based writing.
3. I can write a research based essay.
4. I can critically analyze how a writer’s use of diction, syntax, imagery, and various literary devices affect the meaning of a selection.
5. I can understand, critically analyze, and evaluate different types of literature.
6. I can write arguments, provide information, and use valid reasoning to support a policy position.
Honors English 12: Humanities
1. I can critically analyze how an artist’s choices concerning how to structure a text contribute to its overall meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.
2. I can understand, critically analyze, evaluate, and use different types of print, digital, and multimodal media.
3. I can recognize how visual techniques or design elements carry or influence messages in various media.
4. I can make strategic use of digital media (e.g. textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence.
5. I can write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
Honors English 12A: Psychology of Literature
1. I can write arguments to support claims.
2. I can critically analyze topics and texts.
3. I can use valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence for my written arguments.
4. I can create an organized, cohesive piece of writing that logically sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
5. I can pay attention to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which I am writing.
6. I can demonstrate an understanding of how to give credit to a source.
7. I can draw evidence from literary and informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Honors English 12B: Psychology of Literature
1. I can critically analyze topics and texts.
2. I can draw evidence from literary and informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research (literary theory).
3. I can pay attention to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which I am writing.
4. I can use digital media in a presentation to show what I’ve learned, my thinking about what I’ve learned, and evidence of my learning.
5. I can demonstrate an understanding of how to give credit to a source.
6. I can write arguments to support claims.
7. I can use valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence for my written arguments.
8. I can create an organized, cohesive piece of writing that logically sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
- Acting and Theatre Arts
- Advanced Acting
- Advanced Broadcast Journalism - Eagle Vision News
- Advanced Journalism
- Creative Writing
- Effective Speaking in the Digital Age
- Film Studies
- Introduction to 21st Century Journalism - Eagle Update
- Literacy Workshop
- Standardized Test Preparation and Grammar Workshop
Acting and Theatre Arts
1. I understand and can describe the audition process for a standard play.
2. I can demonstrate the skills of pantomime and improvisation.
3. I can develop a character for an audition monologue, duo scene, and other performance.
4. I can perform for an audience of my classmate peers and instructor.
5. I can memorize dramatic material.
Advanced Acting
1. I understand and can describe the audition process for a standard play.
2. I can demonstrate the skills of pantomime and improvisation.
3. I can develop two contrasting audition monologues, duo scene, and other performance.
4. I can perform for an audience of my classmate peers and instructor.
5. I can analyze and memorize dramatic material.
6. I can direct my classmates in developing a performance.
Advanced Broadcast Journalism - Eagle Vision News
1. I can understand and practice ethical behavior and act in accordance with professional journalistic standards.
2. I can continually learn and develop the skills of broadcast journalism.
3. I can hone my creativity as a broadcast journalist, including camera techniques and story development.
4. I can collaborate effectively with a team, lead others, and make a positive contribution to the staff.
Advanced Journalism
1. I can understand and practice ethical behavior and act in accordance with professional journalistic standards.
2. I can continually learn and develop the skills of broadcast journalism.
3. I can hone my creativity as a broadcast journalist, including camera techniques and story development.
4. I can collaborate effectively with a team, lead others and make a positive contribution to the staff.
Creative Writing
1. I can write creatively in a variety of styles and formats.
2. I can write creatively for a variety of purposes and audiences.
3. I can engage in all stages of the writing process: brainstorming, planning, writing, editing, formatting, publishing.
4. I can give and receive constructive feedback as part of the writing process.
5. I can share my finished work with an audience.
Effective Speaking in the Digital Age
1. I can prepare and deliver effective speeches and presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences.
2. I can use dynamic physical and vocal communication choices to engage my audience.
3. I can identify and use the classic elements of persuasive rhetoric: pathos, ethos, and logos.
4. I can use my awareness of the audience and the situation to craft a successful speech.
5. I can evaluate the effectiveness of a speaker’s message and delivery.
6. I can engage in self-evaluation of my own practice and performance as a speaker.
Film Studies
1. I can actively view a film through the following lenses: literary, dramatic, and cinematic.
2. I can recognize and explain the purpose of camera shots, camera angles, editing cuts, and diegetic/non-diegetic sound in film.
3. I can write a character treatment in proper screenplay format.
4. I can explain basic conventions of film genre through the aspects of: character, lighting, and iconographies.
5. I can analyze a film through its cinematic properties.
6. I can utilize technology in filming and/or editing a film.
Introduction to 21st Century Journalism - Eagle Update
1. I can understand and practice ethical behavior and act in accordance with professional journalistic standards.
2. I can demonstrate the skills of broadcast journalism and describe the jobs and duties of broadcast studio members..
3. I can develop a news story as a broadcast journalist, including camera, microphone, editing equipment and other resources.
4. I can collaborate effectively with a team, lead others and make a positive contribution to the staff.
Literacy Workshop
1. I can read text independently and understand what I read.
2. I can read for information and support the main idea with examples and details from the text.
3. I can build a larger vocabulary to increase comprehension.
4. I can write effectively to summarize and analyze what I read.
5. I can demonstrate growth in reading fluency in order to increase comprehension.
Standardized Test Preparation and Grammar Workshop
English Language Learners Courses
- Academic English
- Advanced Reading
- Advanced Writing
- Basic Language Arts
- Beginning Reading
- Beginning Writing
- Intermediate Reading
- Intermediate Writing
Academic English
1. I can analyze literature and conduct research to produce a written product.
2. I can create simple, compound, and complex sentences.
3. I can demonstrate the use of correct grammar when writing including articles, active voice, and questions.
4. I can independently read and comprehend fiction and nonfiction texts at an advanced level.
5. I can read an advanced passage fluently.
6. I can demonstrate both literal and inferential comprehension of an advanced reading.
Advanced Reading
Advanced Writing
1. I can create statements and questions using different tenses.
2. I can organize, research, and create a five-paragraph expository essay.
3. I can demonstrate the use of correct grammar when writing including articles, apostrophes, and questions.
4. I can demonstrate correct grammar in a timed writing.
Basic Language Arts
1. I can comprehend text at an introductory level.
2. I can demonstrate both literal and inferential comprehension of a text at an introductory level.
3. I can read an introductory passage fluently.
4. I can create statements and questions using different tenses.
5. I can create a narrative paragraph.
6. I can demonstrate the use of correct grammar when writing including pronouns, comparative adjectives, and questions.
7. I can demonstrate correct grammar in a timed writing.
Beginning Reading
Beginning Writing
1. I can create statements and questions using different tenses.
2. I can organize writing to create an expository paragraph.
3. I can demonstrate the use of correct grammar when writing including pronouns, comparative adjectives, and questions.
4. I can demonstrate correct grammar in a timed writing.
Intermediate Reading
1. I can comprehend an intermediate level reading.
2. I can demonstrate both literal and inferential comprehension of an intermediate level reading.
3. I can read an intermediate level passage fluently.
4. I can independently read and comprehend fiction and nonfiction books at the intermediate level.
Intermediate Writing
Family and Consumer Science (FACS)
- Child Psychology and Parenting A
- Child Psychology and Parenting B
- Contemporary Relationships
- Elementary Mentoring
- Fashion Design and Merchandising
- Food Fundamentals
- Gourmet and International Foods
- Independent Living
- Interior Design
- Life Issues
- Peer Insights
- Sewing I
- Sewing II
Child Psychology and Parenting A
1. I can identify the roles and responsibilities of parenting.
2. I can evaluate parenting practices that maximize human growth and development.
3. I can describe physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development from birth to five years old.
4. I can analyze research-based theories of physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development.
5. I can examine and discuss career pathways and opportunities in child-related fields.
Child Psychology and Parenting B
1. I can demonstrate an understanding of child development in creating age-appropriate lesson plans.
2. I can demonstrate effective discipline and listening skills when working with preschool children.
3. I can foster a safe and healthy learning environment.
4. I can apply child theorist’s research findings to my observations in writing comprehensive case studies.
Contemporary Relationships
1. I can demonstrate communication skills contributing to positive relationships.
2. I can analyze communication styles and their effects on relationships.
3. I can examine family units in today’s society.
4. I can analyze processes for building and maintaining interpersonal relationships.
5. I can analyze the roles and responsibilities of parenting a newborn.
Elementary Mentoring
1. I can understand the expectations and role as an elementary school mentor and demonstrate mentoring techniques.
2. I can mentor at an assigned elementary school.
3. I can examine the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social development of school-age children.
4. I can define and research special needs diagnosis.
5. I can analyze the requirements, demands, and rewards of a teaching career.
Fashion Design and Merchandising
1. I can research opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors.
2. I can demonstrate the basics of flat pattern design as used in fashion design.
3. I can demonstrate the concepts of the elements and principles of design.
4. I can analyze technology and trends that affect design, production and cost of textile, apparel and fashion products.
5. I can identify fashion designers and their contributions to the field of fashion design.
Food Fundamentals
1. I can apply my knowledge of abbreviations and equivalents in order to measure accurately.
2. I can properly utilize food production tools/equipment.
3. I can demonstrate proper kitchen safety and sanitation procedures.
4. I can demonstrate the ability to follow a recipe using proper equipment, techniques and ingredients.
5. I can demonstrate and describe the elements of appealing meals.
6. I can apply the guidelines for healthy eating.
7. I can demonstrate the functions of ingredients in baked products to create a high quality product.
Gourmet and International Foods
1. I can describe and practice kitchen safety, food safety, and sanitation rules.
2. I can distinguish different spices and herbs and demonstrate appropriate applications for each.
3. I can understand and demonstrate the impact of culture, agricultural resources, and geography on cuisine.
4. I can understand and demonstrate specialized food preparation techniques.
Independent Living
1. I can demonstrate goal setting and decision making skills.
2. I can demonstrate management of financial resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the lifespan.
3. I can analyze factors that affect consumer advocacy.
4. I can analyze interests, skills and possible career paths.
5. I can analyze factors in developing a long-term financial management plan.
6. I can apply consumer skills to decisions about housing and utilities.
7. I can analyze risks and insurance needs.
Interior Design
1. I can apply knowledge of standard architectural symbols to read and draw a floor plan using a scale ruler.
2. I can apply knowledge of principles and elements of interior design in creating room designs using furnishings, accessories, and colors.
3. I can apply the elements and principles of design while creating computer aided room designs.
4. I can construct a design board displaying my interior design skills and showcase my work.
Life Issues
1. I can identify signs, symptoms, and/or characteristics of those impacted by potentially unhealthy circumstances.
2. I can analyze processes for handling relationships with those impacted by potentially unhealthy circumstances.
3. I can explore career options in relation to course topics.
4. I can apply my knowledge of course topics to my everyday life.
Peer Insights
1. I can recognize health conditions and provide appropriate assistance.
2. I can apply knowledge of quality of life indicators to service activities within the school and community.
3. I can apply positive social skills while interacting with classmates with and without disabilities.
4. I can apply knowledge about disabilities to enhance classroom and community interactions.
Sewing I
I can research and present information about fashion.
2. I can demonstrate the correct use of a sewing machine.
3. I can demonstrate technical reading skills when using a commercial sewing pattern.
4. I can construct various sewing projects.
5. I can demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of design.
Sewing II
1. I can demonstrate the skills needed to produce fashion, apparel, and textile products.
2. I can explore career paths within the textile, apparel, and design industries.
3. I can demonstrate technical reading skills when using a commercial sewing pattern.
4. I can demonstrate the use of a sewing machine for advanced construction techniques.
5. I can use appropriate terms to describe procedures and tools used in sewing.
Health Courses
Health Elective - First Aid and CPR/AED Certification
1. I can perform proper first aid, CPR and AED skills necessary to become certified through the American Heart Association.
2. I can demonstrate an understanding of first aid and CPR skills.
3. I can identify and discuss a variety of current health and wellness related topics with my peers.
4. I can demonstrate an understanding of nutrition and its relationship to my health and well-being.
Health Education
1. I can access valid information, services, products, and resources that can improve my wellness.
2. I can demonstrate interpersonal communication and collaboration skills with my family, peers, and teachers regarding health decisions.
3. I can demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance wellness.
4. I can apply the responsible decision-making model.
5. I can predict the potential short-term and long-term impact of each health-related decision on myself and others.
Online Health Education
1. I can access valid information, services, products, and resources that can improve my wellness.
2. I can demonstrate interpersonal communication and collaboration skills with my family, peers, and teachers regarding health decisions.
3. I can demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance wellness.
4. I can apply the responsible decision-making model.
5. I can predict the potential short-term and long-term impact of each health-related decision on myself and others.
Intervention Courses
Academic Seminar
1. I can responsibly organize and manage my personal and classroom materials.
2. I can demonstrate increasing levels of independence and set and achieve goals that will help me be successful.
3. I can identify my needs and identify the supports in the building.
4. I can explain changes in my academic performance by monitoring my homework completion, grades and attendance.
5. I can effectively communicate with adults.
1. I can demonstrate a working knowledge of Naviance by creating both a four-year plan and a resume.
2. I can identify resources within Naviance that will enable me to learn more about my myself and enrichment opportunities.
3. I can collaborate with my counselor to develop my Individualized Learning Plan.
1. I can articulate why daily attendance is important.
2. I can initiate a conversation with my teachers and develop a plan to complete the work that was missed from absences. This will include a timeline for check in and completion.
3. I can understand the difference between an excused and an unexcused absence and work to eliminate the latter.
4. I can participate actively as a member of my attendance team.
5. I can identify resources that enable me to address issues and reasons adversely affecting my attendance.
Social Work
1. I can understand the impact of my emotions on my brain and body.
2. I can identify what triggers my emotional distress.
3. I can recognize what I look and feel like to myself and others when I experience different levels of emotional distress.
4. I can explain how my emotional state impacts my learning and my relationships.
5. I can apply different strategies to regulate my emotions so that I can engage in the learning process.
Math Courses
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra I A&B
- Geometry A
- Honors Geometry A
- Geometry B
- Honors Geometry B
- Algebra II A
- Honors Algebra II A
- Algebra II B
- Honors Algebra II B
- FST (Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry)
- Algebra / Trigonometry A
- Algebra / Trigonometry B
- Pre-Calculus A&B
- Honors Pre-Calculus A&B
- Statistics and Analytics
- AP Statistics
- Calculus A&B
- AP AB Calculus
- AP BC Calculus
1. I can add, subtract, multiply and divide integers.
2. I can add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.
3. I can use order of operations and substitution to evaluate algebraic expressions.
4. I can solve one-step equations.
5. I can plot points on a coordinate plane and identify the coordinates of a given point.
1. I can solve two-step equations.
2. I can graph a line in point-slope and standard form.
3. I can write an equation for a line that matches a given graph.
4. I can find the perimeter and area of circles, rectangles, and triangles.
5. I can use formulas to solve for a missing quantity, such as converting Fahrenheit to Celsius.
Algebra I A&B
1. I can add, subtract, multiply, divide integers and fractions.
2. I can simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions
3. I can solve one step and two step equations
4. I can solve two step inequalities
5. I can graph points and lines on a coordinate plane
6. I can find the slope of a line from a graph or equation.
7. I can write equations of lines in different forms
8. I can solve systems of equations
9. I can simplify exponential expressions
10. I can simplify polynomial expressions
11. I can simplify radical expressions
Geometry A
1. I can identify, solve, and determine angle measures using angle relationships.
2. I can use a compass and straightedge to create various construct.
3. I can develop and use properties of triangles and quadrilaterals to find side lengths and angle measures of polygons.
4. I can create two column proofs and flow proofs to prove triangle congruence using the shortcut theorems of SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS.
Honors Geometry A
1. I can identify, solve, and determine angle measures using angle relationships.
2. I can use a compass and straightedge to create various constructions.
3. I can develop and use properties of triangles and quadrilaterals to find side lengths and angle measures of polygons.
4. I can create two column proofs and flow proofs to prove triangle congruence using the shortcut theorems of SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS.
5. I can apply basic properties of transformations and symmetry.
Geometry B
1. I can calculate the area of various polygons and regions.
2. I can calculate the volume, surface area, and dimensions of various solids.
3. I can find side lengths and angle measures of right triangles using the Pythagorean Theorem, special right triangle properties, and right triangle Trigonometry.
4. I can determine if polygons are similar by congruence and proportionality.
Honors Geometry B
1. I can calculate the area of various polygons and regions.
2. I can calculate the volume, surface area, and dimensions of various polygons and solids.
3. I can find side lengths and angle measures of right triangles using the Pythagorean Theorem, special right triangle properties, and right triangle Trigonometry.
4. I can determine if polygons are similar by congruence and proportionality.
5. I can discover properties of tangent lines and learn relationships among chords, arcs, and angles of a circle.
Algebra II A
1. I can obtain information and draw conclusions from graphs of functions and other relations.
2. I can understand the definition of a function. Use functional notation and evaluate a function at a given point in its domain.
3. I can express the terms in a geometric sequence recursively and by giving an explicit (closed form) formula, and express the partial sums of a geometric series recursively.
4. I can represent and solve problems in various contexts using exponential functions, such as investment growth, depreciation and population growth.
5. I can understand the concept of an asymptote and identify asymptotes for exponential functions and reciprocals of linear functions, using symbolic and graphical methods.
6. I can represent relationships in various contexts using equations involving exponential functions; solve these equations graphically or numerically. Know how to use calculators, graphing utilities or other technology to solve these equations.
7. I can sketch graphs of linear, quadratic and exponential functions, and translate between graphs, tables and symbolic representations. Know how to use graphing technology to graph these functions.
8. I can find the domain of a function defined symbolically, graphically or in a real-world context.
9. I can represent and solve problems in various contexts using linear and quadratic functions.
Honors Algebra II A
1. I can obtain information and draw conclusions from graphs of functions and other relations.
2. I can understand the definition of a function. Use functional notation and evaluate a function at a given point in its domain.
3. I can express the terms in a geometric sequence recursively and by giving an explicit (closed form) formula, and express the partial sums of a geometric series recursively.
4. I can represent and solve problems in various contexts using exponential functions, such as investment growth, depreciation and population growth.
5. I can understand the concept of an asymptote and identify asymptotes for exponential functions and reciprocals of linear functions, using symbolic and graphical methods.
6. I can represent relationships in various contexts using equations involving exponential functions; solve these equations graphically or numerically. Know how to use calculators, graphing utilities or other technology to solve these equations.
7. I can sketch graphs of linear, quadratic and exponential functions, and translate between graphs, tables and symbolic representations. Know how to use graphing technology to graph these functions.
8. I can find the domain of a function defined symbolically, graphically or in a real-world context.
9. I can represent and solve problems in various contexts using linear and quadratic functions.
Algebra II B
1. I can obtain information and draw conclusions from graphs of functions and other relations.
2. I can find the domain of a function defined symbolically, graphically or in a real-world context.
3. I can apply the properties of positive and negative rational exponents to generate equivalent algebraic expressions, including those involving nth roots.
4. I can represent and solve problems in various contexts using linear and quadratic functions.
5. I can represent relationships in various contexts using systems of linear inequalities; solve them graphically. Indicate which parts of the boundary are included in and excluded from the solution set using solid and dotted lines.
Honors Algebra II B
1. I can obtain information and draw conclusions from graphs of functions and other relations.
2. I can find the domain of a function defined symbolically, graphically or in a real-world context.
3. I can apply the properties of positive and negative rational exponents to generate equivalent algebraic expressions, including those involving nth roots.
4. I can represent and solve problems in various contexts using linear and quadratic functions.
5. I can represent relationships in various contexts using systems of linear inequalities; solve them graphically. Indicate which parts of the boundary are included in and excluded from the solution set using solid and dotted lines.
FST (Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry)
1. I can add, subtract and multiply polynomials; divide a polynomial by a polynomial of equal or lower degree.
2. I can obtain information and draw conclusions from graphs of functions and other relations.
3. I can recognize that to solve certain equations, number systems need to be extended from whole numbers to integers, from integers to rational numbers, from rational numbers to real numbers, and from real numbers to complex numbers. In particular, non-real complex numbers are needed to solve some quadratic equations with real coefficients.
4. I can use the Unit Circle to find trigonometric values in degrees and radians and do calculations involving the inverse. I can use the law of Sines/Cosines. I can use properties of right triangles and trigonometric ratios.
5. I can graph basic and transformed sine, cosine and tangent functions and use the Pythagorean Identities to rewrite equivalent trigonometric expressions and equations.
1. I can obtain information and draw conclusions from graphs of functions and other relations.
2. I can select and apply counting procedures, such as the multiplication and addition principles and tree diagrams, to determine the size of a sample space (the number of possible outcomes) and to calculate probabilities.
3. I can apply probability concepts such as intersections, unions and complements of events, and conditional probability and independence, to calculate probabilities and solve problems.
4. I can describe a data set using data displays, including box-and whisker plots; describe and compare data sets using summary statistics, including measures of center, location and spread. Measures of center and location include mean, median, quartile and percentile. Measures of spread include standard deviation, range and inter-quartile range. Know how to use calculators, spreadsheets or other technology to display data and calculate summary statistics.
5. I can use scatterplots to analyze patterns and describe relationships between two variables. Using technology, determine regression lines (line of best fit) and correlation coefficients; use regression lines to make predictions and correlation coefficients to assess the reliability of those predictions.
6. I can use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution (bell-shaped curve) and to estimate population percentages. I can recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve.
7. I can design simple experiments and explain the impact of sampling methods, bias and the phrasing of questions asked during data collection.
Algebra / Trigonometry A
1. I can graph and solve linear functions, inequalities and systems of equations, (including solving if in matrix form).
2. I can perform operations on polynomial functions (including adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing) and solve for zeros of a polynomial.
3. I can identify, simplify, and solve rational equations or functions with rational exponents.
4. I can graph, simplify, and solve quadratic functions.
5. I can simplify and solve radical expressions and root functions.
Algebra / Trigonometry B
1. I can identify, simplify, and solve exponential and logarithmic functions.
2. I can identify the appropriate conic equation, solve, and correctly graph the specific type of conic.
3. I can apply, convert, and evaluate trig. ratios and functions.
4. I can graph sine and cosine functions with translations.
5. I can verify and justify identities of trigonometric equations in proofs.
Pre-Calculus A&B
1. I can simplify and solve algebraic, exponential, radical, and rational expressions and equations and inequalities.
2. I can graph, model, and apply quadratic function transformations and identify appropriate extrema.
3. I can perform polynomial and rational function operations including finding real and complex zeros.
4. I can perform exponential and logarithmic function operations
5. I can graph, model, and apply trigonometric function transformations.
6. I can evaluate, simplify, verify, and solve trigonometric expressions and equations using appropriate trig identities
7. I can graph, evaluate, simplify, and solve polar expression and equations.
8. I can graph, model, and apply conical function transformations.
Honors Pre-Calculus A&B
1. I can simplify and solve algebraic, exponential, radical, and rational expressions and equations and inequalities.
2. I can graph, model, and apply function transformations and identify appropriate extrema.
3. I can perform polynomial and rational function operations including finding real and complex zeros.
4. I can perform exponential and logarithmic function operations.
5. I can graph, model, and apply trigonometric function transformations.
6. I can evaluate, simplify, verify, and solve trigonometric expressions and equations using appropriate trig identities.
7. I can graph, evaluate, simplify, and solve polar expression and equations.
8. I can perform vector operations and work with vector relationships in 2D and 3D.
9. I can graph, model, and apply conical function transformations.
Statistics and Analytics
1. I can use exploratory analysis of data which makes use of graphical and numerical techniques to study patterns and departures from patterns.
2. I can collect data according to a well-developed plan so valid information can be obtained.
3. I can use probability as a tool used for anticipating what the distribution of data should look like under a given model.
4. I can use statistical inference tools to make decisions about data.
5. I can communicate methods, results, and interpretations using the vocabulary of statistics.
6. I can use a graphing calculator and demonstrate the use of a computer and/or computer output to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring and analyzing data, assessing models, and performing simulations.
AP Statistics
1. I can use exploratory analysis of data which makes use of graphical and numerical techniques to study patterns and departures from patterns.
2. I can design experiments and explain the impact of sampling methods used in data collection.
3. I can use probability to understand chance behavior and to build sampling distributions.
4. I can use statistical inference to make decisions.
5. I can communicate methods and interpret results using proper statistical vocabulary.
6. I can use technology to enhance statistical understanding.
Calculus A&B
1. I can determine limits of functions using a variety of methods.
2. I can calculate derivatives analytically.
3. I can graph a function compiling data from its first and second derivative.
4. I can calculate antiderivatives and evaluate definite integrals.
5. I can calculate the area of a bounded region and the volume of a solid formed by revolving a bounded region about an axis.
AP AB Calculus
1. I can determine limits of functions using a variety of methods.
2. I can calculate derivatives analytically.
3. I can analytically and graphically make correlations between a function, its first derivative and its second derivative.
4. I can calculate antiderivatives and evaluate definite integrals.
5. I can analyze differential equations to obtain both general and specific solutions.
6. I can calculate the area of a bounded region and the volume of a solid formed by revolving a bounded region about an axis.
AP BC Calculus
1. I can calculate antiderivatives using a variety of methods.
2. I can apply L’Hopital’s Rule to a variety of limits in various indeterminate forms.
3. I can apply a variety of convergence tests to determine whether a series converges or diverges.
4. I can approximate a series using Taylor polynomials and write a power series for a given function.
5. I can calculate derivatives of vector-valued functions, parametric functions and functions in polar form.
6. I can use definite integrals to calculate the area of a region bounded by a polar curve.
Math - Computer Science Courses
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Computer Science A: JAVA A
- AP Computer Science A: JAVA B
- AP Computer Science Principles Online - Skinny Option
AP Computer Science Principles
1. I can apply a creative development process when creating computational artifacts. (Creativity)
2. I can use multiple levels of abstraction to write programs. (Abstraction)
3. I can analyze how data representation, storage, security, and transmission of data involve computational manipulation of information. (Data and Information)
4. I can develop and evaluate algorithms for efficiency, correctness, and clarity. (Algorithms)
5. I can employ appropriate mathematical and logical concepts in programming. (Programming)
6. I can explain the abstractions in the Internet and how the Internet functions. (The Internet)
7. I can explain how computing innovations affect communication, interaction, and cognition. (Global Impact)
AP Computer Science A: JAVA A
1. I can write and implement Conditional statements and Loops.
2. I can write, debug, and trace Void and Value Methods.
3. I can write, debug and trace Arrays in a variety of programming applications.
4. I can write, modify, debug and trace Strings and Objects with multiple classes.
5. I can define a simple Class with Objects and Object methods.
6. I can design, implement, and analyze solutions to problems.
AP Computer Science A: JAVA B
1. I can use and implement commonly used algorithms;
2. I can develop and select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve new problems.
3. I can write solutions fluently in an object-oriented paradigm.
4. I can write, run, test, and debug solutions in the Java programming language, utilizing standard Java library classes and interfaces from the AP Java subset.
5. I can read and understand programs consisting of several classes and interacting objects.
6. I can read and understand a description of the design and development process leading to such a program.
7. I can understand the ethical and social implications of computer use.
AP Computer Science Principles Online - Skinny Option
1. I can apply a creative development process when creating computational artifacts. (Creativity)
2. I can use multiple levels of abstraction to write programs. (Abstraction)
3. I can analyze how data representation, storage, security, and transmission of data involve computational manipulation of information. (Data and Information)
4. I can develop and evaluate algorithms for efficiency, correctness, and clarity. (Algorithms)
5. I can employ appropriate mathematical and logical concepts in programming. (Programming)
6. I can explain the abstractions in the Internet and how the Internet functions. (The Internet)
7. I can explain how computing innovations affect communication, interaction, and cognition. (Global Impact)
Music Courses
Music Electives
History of Rock and Roll
1. I can describe the evolution of rock and roll through blues music.
2. I can name pivotal moments/performers in rock and roll history.
3. I can describe and illustrate simple pop/rock musical form.
4. I can identify the social and cultural impact(s) on rock and roll/popular music.
5. I can identify similarities and differences between several music genres.
Music Insights
1. I can play instruments and/or sing.
2. I can recognize and perform music theory concepts.
3. I can engage in and respond to music from different time periods and genres.
4. I can collaborate to create a culminating performance project with my class.
5. I can engage in relationship-building through appropriate social and interpersonal skills.
9th Grade Band
1. I can perform all twelve major scales (one octave) with music.
2. I can identify and perform notes and fingerings for performance of grade three* level literature.
3. I can identify, vocalize, and perform literature specific rhythms.
4. I can demonstrate positive rehearsal etiquette.
5. I can develop and maintain a personal musical growth plan through individual lessons.
6. I can define a characteristic tone on my instrument.
Concert/Symphonic Band
1. I can perform all twelve major scales two octaves when instrument range allows.
2. I can identify and perform notes and fingerings at a grade 3/4/5 level.
3. I can identify, vocalize, and perform literature specific rhythms.
4. I can recognize methods to achieve characteristic tone on my instrument.
5. I can develop and maintain a personal musical growth plan through individual lesson.
Eagle Marching Band
1. I can memorize and perform music, drill, and color guard work.
2. I can demonstrate positive rehearsal etiquette.
3. I can utilize constructive criticism to help guide my performance over the season.
4. I can understand and perform marching and maneuvering technique at a box 5 level.
5. I can understand, apply, and perform music at a box 5 level.
Wind Ensemble
1. I can perform the twelve major scales with the corresponding three forms of relative minor scales and the chromatic scale – full range.
2. I can produce a characteristic tone on my instrument throughout its full range.
3. I can identify and perform notes on my instrument using both traditional and alternate fingerings – full range.
4. I can play accurately by sight in a variety of keys and time signatures.
5. I can listen and adjust my playing based on an understanding of ensemble balance, blend, and intonation.
6. I can evaluate the quality of rehearsal recordings and identify solutions to improve performance.
7. I can establish personal musical goals through individual lessons and show progress toward those goals.
8. I can increase my understanding of literature and best performance practice on my instrument by attending college-level and/or professional music performances.
- Concert Choir
- Men’s Concert Chorale
- Treble Choir (9th Grade)
- Varsity Choir
- 9th Grade Men’s Chorus
- Women’s Concert Chorale
Concert Choir
1. I can sing with expression to be heard clearly.
2. I can increase my ability to accurately sing harmony.
3. I can develop my ability to read musical symbols and apply it to my singing.
4. I can define and use comprehensive music vocabulary.
5. I can independently evaluate my influence on each performance.
6. I can consistently positively influence the quality of our group’s performance.
Men’s Concert Chorale
1. I can sing with expression to be heard clearly.
2. I can increase my ability to accurately sing harmony.
3. I can develop my ability to read musical symbols and apply it to my singing.
4. I can define and use comprehensive music vocabulary.
5. I can independently evaluate my influence on each performance.
6. I can consistently positively influence the quality of our group’s performance.
Treble Choir (9th Grade)
1. I can develop my ability to match pitch.
2. I can sing out in a healthy manner.
3. I can sing the notes written for my voice part.
4. I can define and use foundational music vocabulary.
5. I can follow my voice part in my printed music while also identifying other symbols on the page.
6. I can demonstrate positive rehearsal etiquette.
7. I can actively participate in a live performance.
Varsity Choir
1. I can develop my ability to match pitch.
2. I can sing to be heard clearly.
3. I can develop my ability to be an independent musician by singing the notes written for my voice part while singing in harmony with a large group.
4. I can actively participate in a live performance.
5. I can follow my voice part in my printed music.
6. I can define and use foundational music vocabulary.
7. I can consistently positively influence the quality of our group’s performance.
9th Grade Men’s Chorus
1. I can develop my ability to match pitch.
2. I can sing to be heard clearly.
3. I can develop my ability to be an independent musician by singing the notes written for my voice part while singing in harmony with a large group.
4. I can actively participate in a live performance.
5. I can follow my voice part in my printed music.
6. I can define and use foundational music vocabulary.
7. I can consistently positively influence the quality of our group’s performance.
Women’s Concert Chorale
1. I can sing with expression to be heard clearly.
2. I can increase my ability to accurately sing harmony.
3. I can develop my ability to read musical symbols and apply it to my singing.
4. I can define and use comprehensive music vocabulary.
5. I can independently evaluate my influence on each performance.
6. I can consistently positively influence the quality of our group’s performance.
Concertino Orchestra
1. I can demonstrate correct posture and hand position.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct posture in a variety of repertoire.
- I can use skills and theory to demonstrate correct full body posture and hand position in both right and left hands.
2. I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles of intonation.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct intonation in a variety of repertoire.
- I can apply theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct intonation in a variety of repertoire.
3. I can demonstrate correct rhythm while performing.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct rhythm in a variety of repertoire.
- I can explain and demonstrate correct rhythms while performing in a variety of repertoire.
4. I can demonstrate good musicianship by performing with accurate tone quality, dynamics, vibrato, and musical sensitivity.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct musicianship in a variety of repertoire.
- I can authentically demonstrate musicianship by performing with nuanced tone quality, dynamics, vibrato, and musical sensitivity in a variety of repertoire.
5. I can demonstrate correct bowing technique and control while performing.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct intonation in a variety of repertoire.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for using correct bowing techniques/control while performing a variety of repertoire.
Intermezzo Orchestra
1. I can demonstrate correct posture and hand position.
2. I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles of intonation.
3. I can demonstrate correct rhythm while performing.
4. I can demonstrate good musicianship by performing with accurate tone quality, dynamics, vibrato, and musical sensitivity.
5. I can demonstrate correct bowing technique and control while performing.
Philharmonic Orchestra
1. I can demonstrate correct posture and hand position.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct posture in a variety of repertoire.
- I can use skills and theory to demonstrate correct full body posture and hand position in both right and left hands.
2. I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles of intonation.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct intonation in a variety of repertoire.
- I can apply theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct intonation in a variety of repertoire.
3. I can demonstrate correct rhythm while performing.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct rhythm in a variety of repertoire.
- I can explain and demonstrate correct rhythms while performing in a variety of repertoire.
4. I can demonstrate good musicianship by performing with accurate tone quality, dynamics, vibrato, and musical sensitivity.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct musicianship in a variety of repertoire.
- I can authentically demonstrate musicianship by performing with nuanced tone quality, dynamics, vibrato, and musical sensitivity in a variety of repertoire.
5. I can demonstrate correct bowing technique and control while performing.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for playing with correct intonation in a variety of repertoire.
- I can apply the theory, skills, and strategies for using correct bowing techniques/control while performing a variety of repertoire.
Symphonic Orchestra
1. I can demonstrate correct posture and hand position.
2. I can demonstrate an understanding of the principals of intonation.
3. I can demonstrate correct rhythm while performing.
4. I can demonstrate good musicianship by performing with accurate tone quality, dynamics, vibrato, and musical sensitivity.
5. I can demonstrate correct bowing technique and control while performing.
Physical Education Courses
- American Red Cross Lifeguard
- Backpacking & Outdoor Adventure
- Body Shop I
- Canoeing, Camping, and Climbing
- Dance I
- Dance II
- Field & Ice
- Indoor Team Sports
- Indoor Team Sports Plus
- Online Physical Education
- Outdoor Individual Sports Activities
- Outdoor Team Sports
- Outdoor Team Sports Plus
- Physical Education Insights
- Racquet Sports
- Strength Training I
- Strength Training II
- Team Sports for Girls
- Total Body Conditioning
- Winter Individual Sports Activities
- Yoga/Personal Fitness
American Red Cross Lifeguard
Backpacking & Outdoor Adventure
Body Shop I
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can experiment and engage in a variety of group and individual fitness activities including but not limited to weight training, Zumba, yoga, kickboxing, and resistance bands.
Canoeing, Camping, and Climbing
1. I can perform proper canoeing techniques and water safety skills.
2. I can identify and demonstrate the basic outdoor skills needed to have a successful camping and canoeing trip.
3. I can safely demonstrate the proper techniques for climbing and belaying.
4. I can use the skills of collaboration, communication and critical thinking when working as a member of a team.
Dance I
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can experiment and achieve basic skills in a variety of dance genres such as ballet, contemporary/modern, tap, and jazz.
Dance II
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can experiment and achieve basic skills in a variety of dance genres such as ballet, contemporary/modern, tap, and jazz.
6. I can create and revise a movement pattern that demonstrates the elements of dance including time, space and energy.
Field & Ice
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of team sports.
Indoor Team Sports
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I can demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of indoor team sports.
Indoor Team Sports Plus
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Online Physical Education
1. I can improve my cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength over the course of nine weeks on my own.
2. I can identify and demonstrate the core fitness principles including overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I can demonstrate a basic understanding of nutrition and the relationship to physical fitness, health, and wellness.
4. I can successfully use a Fitbit to track daily movements with the goal of achieving 13,000 steps a day, 5 days a week.
Outdoor Individual Sports Activities
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of sports and activities.
Outdoor Team Sports
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of outdoor team sports.
Outdoor Team Sports Plus
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can apply advanced knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of outdoor team sports.
Physical Education Insights
1. I can I improve my cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength over the course of 9 weeks.
2. I can identify and demonstrate the core fitness principles overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I can demonstrate a basic understanding of nutrition and its relation to physical fitness, health, and wellness.
Racquet Sports
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of racquet sports.
Strength Training I
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can design and implement a personal strength training plan.
6. I can demonstrate an understanding of safety precautions while using fitness equipment.
Strength Training II
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can design, implement, and execute a nine week strength training program.
6. I can demonstrate an understanding of safety precautions while using fitness equipment.
Team Sports for Girls
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of team sports.
Total Body Conditioning
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can design a workout plan.
6. I can demonstrate an understanding of safety precautions while using fitness equipment.
Winter Individual Sports Activities
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance in a variety of sports and activities.
Yoga/Personal Fitness
1. I can improve my personal fitness levels of cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and upper body strength.
2. I can explain and demonstrate the following core fitness principles: overload, specificity, muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance.
3. I will demonstrate an understanding of the components of personal wellness; physical fitness, health, and nutrition.
4. I can exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. I can experiment and engage in a variety of group and individual fitness activities including but not limited to weight training, resistance bands, circuit training, running, walking, Zumba, kickboxing.
6. I can experiment and engage in a variety of styles of yoga, and breathing techniques.
Science Courses
- Advanced Biology: Anatomy/Physiology A
- Advanced Biology: Anatomy/Physiology B
- AP Biology
- Applied Science Around You
- Basic Biology A
- Basic Biology B
- Basic Chemistry A
- Basic Chemistry B
- Basic Physical Science 9A
- Basic Physical Science 9B
- Biology A
- Biology B
- Advanced Biology: Botany/Horticulture A
- Advanced Biology: Botany/Horticulture B
- Chemistry A
- Chemistry B
- Honors Biology A
- Honors Biology B
- Honors Chemistry A
- Honors Chemistry B
- Honors Physical Science 9A
- Honors Physical Science 9B
- Honors Physics A
- Honors Physics B
- Physical Science 9A
- Physical Science 9B
- Physics A
- Physics B
Advanced Biology: Anatomy/Physiology A
1. I can list the main functions of the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, circulatory system and immune system and how these systems change as we develop.
2. I can identify and label the organs of the integumentary system, their parts and explain their function.
3. I can identify and label the organs of the skeletal system, their parts and explain their function.
4. I can identify and label the organs of the muscular system, their parts and explain their function.
5. I can identify and label the organs of the digestive system, their parts and explain their function.
6. I can identify and label the organs of the circulatory system, their parts and explain their function.
7. I can identify and label the organs of the immune system, their parts and explain their function.
8. I can investigate a form of alternative medicine contributing to my knowledge that not all people practice “western” medicine and ideas have come from various timelines and countries.
Advanced Biology: Anatomy/Physiology B
1. I can list the main functions of the respiratory system, endocrine system, urinary system, reproductive system, nervous system and special senses system and how these systems change as we develop.
2. I can identify and label the organs of the respiratory system, their parts and explain their function.
3. I can identify and label the organs of the endocrine system, their parts and explain their function.
4. I can identify and label the organs of the urinary system, their parts and explain their function.
5. I can identify and label the organs of the reproductive system, their parts and explain their function.
6. I can identify and label the organs of the nervous system, their parts and explain their function.
7. I can identify and label the organs of the special senses system, their parts and explain their function.
8. I can objectively study and present two sides of a controversial issue related to the health field.
AP Biology
Applied Science Around You
1. I can explain the behavior and phases of particles using the kinetic molecular theory.
2. I can use Charles's and Boyle’s Laws to describe the effects of pressure and temperature on the volume of a gas.
3. I can determine which solutes will be dissolved in a solvent and which factors affect their rate of dissolving.
4. I can identify acids and bases and explain their uses in everyday life.
5. I can explain the uses of radiation and identify the types of radiation.
6. I can determine where in everyday life that we see organic molecules and their uses.
7. I can explain the science behind physical waves using the terms wave frequency, period, and speed.
8. I can identify and explain the behaviors of sound waves.
9. I can use light to describe how we see colors and how polarization works.
Basic Biology A
1. I can describe the molecular structures and functions of the organic compounds and explain how enzymes work.
2. I can demonstrate how energy transfer, nutrient cycles, carrying capacity and human actions shape an ecosystem.
3. I can discuss the influences leading to the development of the cell theory.
4. I can describe the structure of the cell membrane and compare the ways materials move across the cell membrane.
5. I can summarize how organisms use respiration and photosynthesis to capture and convert energy.
6. I can explain the structure and function of DNA and illustrate how is it passed on to new cells through the process of cell division.
7. I can explain how DNA directs the synthesis of proteins.
8. I can justify the use of evidence to support a claim.
Basic Biology B
1. I can explain how DNA passes from one generation to another through sexual reproduction.
2. I can model genetic inheritance using Mendel’s principles and laws.
3. I can defend, with evidence, the theory of natural selection and explain how it shapes a species survival and the formation of new species.
4. I can explain how bacteria and viruses make us sick and how to control their spread.
5. I can discuss how the immune system fends off perceived or real threats.
6. I can evaluate how biotechnology applications can affect my life.
7. I can justify the use of evidence to support a claim.
Basic Chemistry A
1. I can write a chemical formula given its name.
2. I can give a name given the chemical formula.
3. I can classify a chemical reaction as a synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, or combustion reaction based on a given chemical equation.
4. I can determine the number of atoms in a given chemical formula.
5. I can balance a chemical equations by based on the law of conservation of mass by supplying coefficients.
Basic Chemistry B
Basic Physical Science 9A
1. I can formulate a testable hypothesis, design and conduct an experiment to test the hypothesis, analyze the data, and draw conclusions supported by evidence from the investigation.
2. I can analyze an element on the periodic table to describe the structure of an element’s atom.
3. I can analyze the periodic table to describe atomic patterns and relationships to other elements.
4. I can explain and illustrate how elements combine to form compounds through ionic and covalent bonding.
5. I can explain why chemical equations need to be balanced and balance them.
Basic Physical Science 9B
1. I can convert from one measure to another measure using dimensional analysis.
2. I can calculate distance, time, and speed using the speed equation (speed = distance/time).
3. I can construct and analyze distance and velocity vs. time graphs.
4. I can apply Newton’s Three Laws to relate inertia, net force, and acceleration.
5. I can explain and calculate the work, power, potential energy, and kinetic energy involved in objects.
6. I can develop and construct possible solutions to an engineering problem using the design process.
Biology A
1. I can describe the molecular structures and functions of the organic compounds and explain how enzymes work.
2. I can demonstrate how energy transfer, nutrient cycles, carrying capacity and human actions shape an ecosystem.
3. I can discuss the influences leading to the development of the cell theory.
4. I can describe the structure of the cell membrane and compare the ways materials move across the cell membrane.
5. I can summarize how organisms use respiration and photosynthesis to capture and convert energy.
6. I can explain the structure and function of DNA and illustrate how is it passed on to new cells through the process of cell division.
7. I can explain how DNA directs the synthesis of proteins.
8. I can justify the use of evidence to support a claim.
Biology B
1. I can explain how DNA passes from one generation to another through sexual reproduction.
2. I can model genetic inheritance using Mendel’s principles and laws.
3. I can defend, with evidence, the theory of natural selection and explain how it shapes a species survival and the formation of new species.
4. I can explain how bacteria and viruses make us sick and how to control their spread.
5. I can discuss how the immune system fends off perceived or real threats.
6. I can I can evaluate how biotechnology applications can affect my life.
7. I can justify the use of evidence to support a claim.
Advanced Biology: Botany/Horticulture A
1. I can describe the unique structures and functions of plant cells and explain how communication between and within cells occurs.
2. I can explain the differences in plant tissue structures and functions.
3. I can summarize the primary form and functions in roots including specific regions along with important modifications and practical uses by humans.
4. I can describe the constitution of good soil including the functions of mineral nutrients needed by plants and how it is developed from raw materials over time.
5. I can describe the tissues and their functioning comprising stems, modifications for the environment they live in, and uses by humans.
6. I can detail the theories behind water movement in plants including the pressure-flow hypothesis and cohesion-tension theory.
7. I can describe plant growth and response to environmental stimuli in terms of differentiation and development and the roles of nutrients, vitamins, and plant hormones in these activities.
8. I can identify trees during dormant times using structural clues including growth patterns, bark, and branch patterns.
Advanced Biology: Botany/Horticulture B
1. I can identify the external forms and parts of leaves, specific functions of tissues found in leaves, and ecological relevance of leaves to humans.
2. I can identify and draw various aspects of flowers and differentiate between monocots and dicots.
3. I can categorize fruits and seeds based on structural classifications, and describe methods of seed dispersal.
4. I can define characteristics important to classifying flowering plants into groups and list the ecological relevance to humans of numerous flowering plant families.
5. I can compare methods used by plants for ensuring pollination and consequently fertilization and the development of fruits and seeds from self and cross pollinated crops.
6. I can explain various methods of asexual reproduction used in the horticultural industry along with selection methods used by humans leading to crop development.
7. I can discuss the role of evolution in agriculture, medicine, species extinctions and invasions, and biotechnology.
8. I can identify trees during active growing times using structural clues including growth patterns, bark, and leaves.
Chemistry A
1. I can analyze a compound and show electrons involved in ionic and covalent bonds to explain a substance chemical properties in the real world.
2. I can write a chemical formula given its name from common household products.
3. I can give a name given the chemical formula from common household products.
4. I can predict and verify the amount of a substance produced in a chemical reaction and conduct an error analysis. (Lab: ADI # 27)
5. I can synthesize something in the organic unit.
6. I can calculate the quantities between moles, particles, liters and grams of a substance
Chemistry B
Honors Biology A
1. I can describe the molecular structures and functions of the organic compounds and explain how enzymes work.
2. I can demonstrate how energy transfer, nutrient cycles, carrying capacity and human actions shape an ecosystem.
3. I can discuss the influences leading to the development of the cell theory.
4. I can describe the structure of the cell membrane and compare the ways materials move across the cell membrane.
5. I can summarize how organisms use respiration and photosynthesis to capture and convert energy.
6. I can explain the structure and function of DNA and illustrate how is it passed on to new cells through the process of cell division.
7. I can explain how DNA directs the synthesis of proteins.
8. I can justify the use of evidence to support a claim.
Honors Biology B
1. I can explain how DNA passes from one generation to another through sexual reproduction.
2. I can model genetic inheritance using Mendel’s principles and laws.
3. I can defend, with evidence, the theory of natural selection and explain how it shapes a species survival and the formation of new species.
4. I can explain how bacteria and viruses make us sick and how to control their spread.
5. I can discuss how the immune system fends off perceived or real threats.
6. I can I can evaluate how biotechnology applications can affect my life.
7. I can justify the use of evidence to support a claim.
Honors Chemistry A
1. I can use dimensional analysis to convert between English and metric quantities along with reporting the correct significant figures in the data. This includes an understanding of accuracy and precision in scientific measurements to determine and express the uncertainty of results.
2. I can balance chemical equations by applying the laws of conservation of mass and constant composition along with classifying chemical reactions as double replacement, single replacement, synthesis , decomposition, or composition. This includes correctly predicting the products of a chemical reaction.
3. I can differentiate between elements, mixtures and compounds, and use IUPAC nomenclature to write chemical formulas and name molecular and ionic compounds.
4. I can use collision theory to explain what is necessary for a chemical reaction to occur and identify ways to change the rate of the reaction.
5. I can relate the properties of acids and bases to the ions they contain.
6. I can use kinetic molecular theory to explain the behavior of gases and the relationship between temperature, pressure, volume and number of particles.
7. I can determine the molar mass of a compound and convert between particles, mass, moles and volume.
8. I can describe the evolution of an atomic model up to the quantum mechanical model and determine protons, neutrons, and electrons in the atom as well as writing electron configurations. This includes explaining the relationship of an element’s position on the periodic table to its atomic number and its electron configuration allowing interpretation of periodic trends.
Honors Chemistry B
1. I can illustrate ionic and covalent bonding and determine the shape of a molecule using VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory) along with evaluating these bonds to determine the polarity of a specific chemical bond and/or overall polarity of a molecule. This includes classifying the type of Intermolecular forces and understanding how they play a key role in determining the properties of substances.
2. I can describe the dynamic process by which solutes dissolve in solvents based on polarity, and calculate concentrations, including percent concentration and molarity.
3. I can describe the autoionization of water and calculate pH, pOH, hydronium ion and hydroxide ion concentrations.
4. I can use stoichiometry to convert between moles, grams, particles, and volume of any two substances in a balanced chemical equation and determine the limiting and excess reactant and actual amount of product produced. Percent yield is calculated to understand the efficiency of a chemical reaction. I can describe the autoionization of water and calculate pH, pOH, hydronium ion and hydroxide ion concentrations.
5. I can explain why adding a solute to a solvent will change colligative properties of a solution and calculate the new boiling and/or freezing point of the solution.
6. I can recognize that some chemical reactions are reversible and that not all chemical reactions go to completion by calculating and interpreting equilibrium constants.
7. I can determine the percent composition, empirical formulas, and molecular formulas of simple compounds.
8. I can compare and contrast the structure, properties, and uses of organic molecules by drawing and naming alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, carboxylic acids, ethers, amines, and ketones.
Honors Physical Science 9A
1. I can formulate a testable hypothesis, design and conduct an experiment to test the hypothesis, analyze the data, and draw conclusions supported by evidence from the investigation.
2. I can analyze an element on the periodic table to describe the structure of an element’s atom.
3. I can analyze the periodic table to describe atomic patterns and relationships to other elements.
4. I can explain and illustrate how elements combine to form compounds through ionic and covalent bonding.
5. I can explain why chemical equations need to be balanced and balance them.
Honors Physical Science 9B
1. I can convert from one measure to another measure using dimensional analysis.
2. I can calculate distance, time, and speed using the speed equation (speed = distance/time).
3. I can construct and analyze distance and velocity vs. time graphs.
4. I can apply Newton’s Three Laws to relate inertia, net force, and acceleration.
5. I can explain and calculate the work, power, potential energy, and kinetic energy involved in objects.
6. I can develop and construct possible solutions to an engineering problem using the design process.
Honors Physics A
1. I can use vectors and free-body diagrams to describe and analyze aspects of an object’s position, velocity, acceleration and forces in one and two dimensional space.
2. I can demonstrate understanding of conceptual, graphical, and mathematical relationships among position, velocity, and acceleration for the motion of a particle along a path.
3. I can use gravitational force and acceleration to help explain the projectile motion of an object near the Earth’s surface.
4. I can use Newton’s Three Laws to conceptual and mathematical problems involving states of equilibrium and non-equilibrium using free body diagrams and two dimensional force vector component equations.
5. I can calculate for work transferred to an object by various forces, and for potential and kinetic energies involved in an object’s movement under the influence of gravity and other mechanical forces.
6. I can explain and calculate for energy transfers between mechanical work, kinetic energy, and mechanical potential energies, for situations when mechanical energy is either conserved within a system or transferred into or out of a system by external forces.
7. I can use the laws of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy to analyze, explain, and calculate for systems involving elastic and inelastic collisions between two solid objects in one-dimensional motion.
8. I can describe that momentum and impulse is a vector quantity arising from Newton’s Third Law and use it to analyze, explain, and calculate for situations involving collisions.
9. I can properly collect and organize data and make physical meaning between variables in an experiment by using both interpretive and analytical techniques applied to the graphical representation of the data.
Honors Physics B
1. I can analyze the frequency, period, and amplitude of an oscillating system.
2. I can describe how vibration of physical objects sets up transverse and/or longitudinal waves in gases, liquids, and solid materials and use the wave formula to calculate the speed of a wave.
3. I can explain how interference, resonance, refraction, and reflection affect wave properties.
4. I can explain and calculate for the properties of a wave change when the medium changes.
5. I can describe, using the Doppler effect, changes that occur in waves as a result of the motion of a source of the wave relative to a receiver.
6. I can describe the nature of the electromagnetic wave and compare and contrast different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
7. I can explain the refraction and/or total internal reflection of light in transparent media, such as lenses and optical fibers.
8. I can explain the fundamental processes of electrical charging and that charge is conserved, and use Coulomb’s law to understand the nature of the electrical forces between charges.
9. I can explain why and calculate for the flow of electrical current due to electrical forces and fields.
10. I can explain and calculate for relationships involving electrical current, voltage, resistance and power in series and parallel circuits.
11. I can properly collect and organize data and make physical meaning between variables in an experiment by using both interpretive and analytical techniques applied to the graphical representation of the data.
Physical Science 9A
1. I can formulate a testable hypothesis, design and conduct an experiment to test the hypothesis, analyze the data, and draw conclusions supported by evidence from the investigation.
2. I can analyze an element on the periodic table to describe the structure of an element’s atom.
3. I can analyze the periodic table to describe atomic patterns and relationships to other elements.
4. I can explain and illustrate how elements combine to form compounds through ionic and covalent bonding.
5. I can explain why chemical equations need to be balanced and balance them.
Physical Science 9B
1. I can convert from one measure to another measure using dimensional analysis.
2. I can calculate distance, time, and speed using the speed equation (speed = distance/time).
3. I can construct and analyze distance and velocity vs. time graphs.
4. I can apply Newton’s Three Laws to relate inertia, net force, and acceleration.
5. I can explain and calculate the work, power, potential energy, and kinetic energy involved in objects.
6. I can develop and construct possible solutions to an engineering problem using the design process.
Physics A
1. I can use vectors and free-body diagrams to describe and analyze aspects of an object’s position, velocity, acceleration and forces in one and two dimensional space.
2. I can demonstrate understanding of conceptual, graphical, and mathematical relationships among position, velocity, and acceleration for the motion of a particle along a path.
3. I can use and apply gravitational force and the equations of kinematics to explain, analyze and predict the projectile motion of an object near the Earth’s surface.
4. I can use Newton’s Three Laws to conceptual and mathematical problems involving states of equilibrium and non-equilibrium using free body diagrams and two dimensional force vector component equations.
5. I can calculate for work transferred to an object by various forces, and for potential and kinetic energies involved in an object’s movement under the influence of gravity and other mechanical forces.
6. I can explain and calculate for energy transfers between mechanical work, kinetic energy, and mechanical potential energies, for situations when mechanical energy is either conserved within a system or transferred into or out of a system by external forces.
7. I can use the laws of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy to analyze, explain, and calculate for systems involving elastic and inelastic collisions between two solid objects in one-dimensional motion.
8. I can describe that momentum and impulse is a vector quantity arising from Newton’s Third Law and use it to analyze, explain, and calculate for situations involving collisions.
9. I can properly collect and organize data and make physical meaning between variables in an experiment by using both interpretive and analytical techniques applied to the graphical representation of the data.
Physics B
1. I can analyze the frequency, period, and amplitude of an oscillating system.
2. I can describe how vibration of physical objects sets up transverse and/or longitudinal waves in gases, liquids, and solid materials and use the wave formula to calculate the speed of a wave.
3. I can explain how interference, resonance, refraction, and reflection affect wave properties.
4. I can explain and calculate for the properties of a wave change when the medium changes.
5. I can describe, using the Doppler effect, changes that occur in waves as a result of the motion of a source of the wave relative to a receiver.
6. I can describe the nature of the electromagnetic wave and compare and contrast different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
7. I can explain the refraction and/or total internal reflection of light in transparent media, such as lenses and optical fibers.
8. I can explain the fundamental processes of electrical charging and that charge is conserved, and use Coulomb’s law to understand the nature of the electrical forces between charges.
9. I can explain why and calculate for the flow of electrical current due to electrical forces and fields.
10. I can explain and calculate for relationships involving electrical current, voltage, resistance and power in series and parallel circuits.
11. I can properly collect and organize data and make physical meaning between variables in an experiment by using both interpretive and analytical techniques applied to the graphical representation of the data.
Social Studies
- American History 10B
- Assassination Fascination
- AP Comparative Politics
- AP European History
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP Political Science
- AP United States Government
- AP US History
- Civics 9
- Civil War: Spies, Strategies, Scoundrels and Scalawags
- Economics and Public Policy
- Human Geography 9
- Global American Citizenship
- Honors Civics 9
- Honors Human Geography 9
- Honors World History I: Ancient to 1400 C.E.
- The Middle East: Crisis and Conflict
- Psychology
- Social Dynamics of Sex and Gender
- Sociology I
- World History I: Ancient to 1400 C.E.
- World History II: 1400 C.E. to Modern
American History 10B
1. I can analyze how the New Deal responded to the struggles of the Great Depression and transformed the role of government.
2. I can compare and contrast the role of government in the New Frontier and The Great Society of the 1960’s to the New Federalism and Modern Conservatism of the 1970’s and 1980’s.
3. I can describe the implications of United States involvement in World War I on foreign policy.
4. I can explain the factors that led to United States involvement in World War II.
5. I can compare and contrast the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War era.
Assassination Fascination
AP Comparative Politics
1. I can compare and contrast political institutions and processes across six countries (United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, Iran, China, and Nigeria).
2. I can compare and contrast political concepts, themes, and generalizations.
3. I can describe and explain typical patterns of political processes and behaviors and their consequences.
4. I can support generalizations with relevant factual information pertaining to the governments and politics in United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, Iran, China, and Nigeria.
5. I can analyze and interpret basic data relevant to comparative government and politics.
6. I can analyze how different governments solve similar problems by comparing the effectiveness of approaches to national and regional issues.
AP European History
1. I can explain the reasons why Europe interacted with other parts of the world and assess the impact of this interaction both on European society and the world.
2. I can outline the development of different economic systems in European history and explain the impact of these systems upon society.
3. I can explain how sources of authority developed and were challenged throughout the course of European history.
4. I can explain what forms European governments have taken, how they were challenged, and how they were changed throughout European history.
5. I can describe the forms that family, class, and social groups have taken in European history, and explain how they have changed over time.
6. I can use historical thinking skills to assess the continuity and change of European History 1450-present: Periodization, Patterns of change, Causation, Comparison.
7. I can apply critical thinking skills to primary and secondary sources: Analyzing evidence, Content and sourcing, Interpretation.
8. I can compose coherent and well defended oral and written arguments concerning all of the above demonstrating the following skills: Argumentation, Analysis and Synthesis of information, and Clear form of development - including thesis, lines of evidence, and conclusions.
AP Macroeconomics
1. I can show and explain how the equilibrium price and quantity of a good or service is determined and what causes it to change.
2. I can show and explain how the equilibrium price level, real gross domestic product, and unemployment level in an economy are determined and what causes them to change.
3. I can show and explain the causes and economic performance conditions of a recessionary gap, inflationary gap, and long-run equilibrium.
4. I can explain the appropriate fiscal policy to correct an inflationary gap and recessionary gap, and show and explain what happens to the price level, real gross domestic product, and unemployment as a result of that policy.
5. I can explain the appropriate monetary policy to correct an inflationary gap and recessionary gap, and show and explain what happens to the price level, real gross domestic product, and unemployment as a result of that policy.
6. I can construct an argument concerning public policy and support it with scholarly evidence.
AP Political Science
1. I can describe and compare important facts, concepts, and theories pertaining to U.S. government and politics.
2. I can explain typical patterns of political processes and behavior and their consequences (including the components of political behavior, the principles used to explain or justify various government structures and procedures, and the political effects of these structures and procedures).
3. I can interpret basic data relevant to U.S. government and politics (including data presented in charts, tables, and other formats).
4. I can critically analyze relevant theories and concepts, apply them appropriately, and develop their connections across the curriculum.
5. I can compare and contrast political institutions and processes across six countries (United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, Iran, China, and Nigeria).
6. I can compare and contrast political concepts, themes, and generalizations.
7. I can describe and explain typical patterns of political processes and behaviors and their consequences.
8. I can support generalizations with relevant factual information pertaining to the governments and politics in the United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, Iran, China, and Nigeria.
9. I can analyze and interpret basic data relevant to comparative government and politics.
10. I can analyze how different governments solve similar problems by comparing the effectiveness of approaches to national and regional issues.
AP United States Government
1. I can describe and compare important facts, concepts, and theories pertaining to U.S. government and politics.
2. I can explain typical patterns of political processes and behavior and their consequences (including the components of political behavior, the principles used to explain or justify various government structures and procedures, and the political effects of these structures and procedures).
3. I can interpret basic data relevant to U.S. government and politics (including data presented in charts, tables, and other formats).
4. I can critically analyze relevant theories and concepts, apply them appropriately, and develop their connections across the curriculum.
AP US History
American and National Identity
1. I can differentiate how ideas about democracy, freedom, and individualism found expression in the development of cultural values, political institutions, and American identity.
2. I can evaluate how interpretations of the Constitution and debates over rights, liberties, and definitions of citizenship have affected American values, politics, and society.
3. I can analyze how ideas about national identity changed in response to U.S. involvement in international conflicts and the growth of the United States.
4. I can analyze relationships among different regional, social, ethnic, and racial groups, and explain how these groups’ experiences have related to U.S. national identity.
Politics and Power
5. I can compare and contrast how and why political ideas, beliefs, institutions, party systems, and alignments have developed and changed.
6. I can evaluate how popular movements, reform efforts, and activist groups have sought to change American society and institutions.
7. I can assess how different beliefs about the federal government’s role in U.S. social and economic life have affected political debates and policies.
Work, Exchange, and Technology
8. I can compare how different labor systems developed in North America and the United States, and explain their effects on workers’ lives and U.S. society.
9. I can explain how patterns of exchange, markets, and private enterprise have developed, and analyze the ways governments have responded to economic issues.
Civics 9
1. I can analyze the factors led up to and caused the American Revolution.
2. I can differentiate between the three branches of the federal government as well as the powers and roles of each branch.
3. I can demonstrate how the system of checks and balances and separation of powers works to prevent one branch from gaining too much power over the other branches.
4. I can explain the relationship and the division of powers between the federal and the state governments.
5. I can explain how tribal sovereignty established a unique relationship between American Indian nations and the United States government.
6. I can apply the Bill of Rights and other important amendments in the Constitution to current issues around citizenship.
7. I can compare and contrast the differences between liberals and conservatives.
Civil War: Spies, Strategies, Scoundrels and Scalawags
1. I can identify and describe the reasons why the American Civil War began in 1861.
2. I can analyze the strengths, weaknesses and expectations of both the Union and the Confederacy at the beginning of the war.
3. I can analyze the reasons for early Southern successes and Northern failures in the Civil War.
4. I can explain the rise of Ulysses S. Grant and his growing importance to the Union by the middle and end of 1862.
5. I can analyze the importance of the Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg and their relationship to ultimate Union victory in the Civil War.
6. I can evaluate the strategy utilized by Ulysses S. Grant in the summer of 1864 to wear down Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia.
7. I can analyze the impact of the Battle of Atlanta and the Election of 1864 and the outcome of the Civil War.
8. I can explain the reasons why the Union was ultimately victorious in the Civil War.
9. I can evaluate the legacy of the Civil War and its connection to major questions about America’s more recent past, present, and future.
Economics and Public Policy
1. I can show and explain how the equilibrium price and quantity of a good or service is determined and what causes it to change.
2. I can show and explain how the equilibrium price level, real gross domestic product, and unemployment level in an economy are determined and what causes them to change.
3. I can explain the appropriate fiscal policy to correct the issues of high unemployment and high inflation.
4. I can explain the appropriate monetary policy to correct the issues of high unemployment and high inflation.
5. I can construct an argument concerning public policy and support it with scholarly evidence.
Human Geography 9
1. I can interpret and compare a variety of choropleth maps to determine positive and negative correlation patterns between data sets.
2. I can assess the impact of demographic transition as it relates to population growth in specific regions in the world.
3. I can distinguish between folk and popular culture while identifying various cultural universals and how they diffuse across space and time.
4. I can examine an area in the world that is experiencing conflict as a result of political geography and discuss the impact of boundaries on the conflict.
5. I can analyze the economic and environmental impact of various farming practices on the landscape around the world and formulate arguments as to the impact on future generations.
6. I can understand the environmental and social impact of city design and predict the implications of rapid urban growth around the world.
7. I can exhibit proficiency using geospatial technologies.
Global American Citizenship
1. I can demonstrate the skills necessary to participate in the election process including explaining the election process and identifying and evaluating candidates and issues in reference to the political spectrum and political parties in the United States.
2. I can define and provide examples of foundational ideas of American government including natural rights philosophy, social contract, popular sovereignty, constitutionalism, representative democracy, federalism and individual rights.
3. I can explain the purposes, organization, functions and processes of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States government.
4. I can analyze the meaning and importance of rights in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
5. I can explain the responsibilities and duties for all individuals (citizens and non-citizens) in a republic.
6. I can evaluate the effectiveness of diplomacy and other foreign policy tools used by the United States government and other nations in historical or contemporary times.
Honors Civics 9
1. I can describe the principles and ideas that caused the American Revolution.
2. I can describe the three branches of the US government, explain their roles and powers, and identify key leaders in each branch.
3. I can summarize the system of checks and balances and separation of powers.
4. I can explain the relationship and the division of powers between the federal and the state governments.
5. I can explain how tribal sovereignty established a unique relationship between American Indian nations and the United States government.
6. I can identify the Bill of Rights and other important amendments in the Constitution and apply them to current issues around citizenship.
Honors Human Geography 9
1. I can interpret and compare a variety of choropleth maps to determine positive and negative correlation patterns between data sets.
2. I can assess the impact of demographic transition as it relates to population growth in specific regions in the world.
3. I can distinguish between folk and popular culture while identifying various cultural universals and how they diffuse across space and time.
4. I can examine an area in the world that is experiencing conflict as a result of political geography and discuss the impact of boundaries on the conflict.
5. I can analyze the economic and environmental impact of various farming practices on the landscape around the world and formulate arguments as to the impact on future generations.
6. I can understand the environmental and social impact of city design and predict the implications of rapid urban growth around the world.
7. I can exhibit proficiency using geospatial technologies.
Honors World History I: Ancient to 1400 C.E.
1. I can create a thesis statement to answer a historical question and support it through a written essay and/or a presentation project that incorporates the historical question and thesis statement.
2. I can explain the development, characteristics, and decline of ancient African and Asian cultures and their impact on the world today.
3. I can describe the impact of ancient cultures and belief systems in Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean World. Areas of study:Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome.
4. I can compare and contrast the emergence, development, and impact of belief systems of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Europe, India, China, and Africa. (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Legalism, Taoism, Confucianism, Islam, Ancestor Worship)
5. I can discuss the political, economic, religious, social, and environmental changes that impacted Europe, Asia, and Africa starting in 500 CE.
The Middle East: Crisis and Conflict
1. I can analyze the impact that European actions had on the creation and development of the modern Middle East.
2. I can compare and contrast the political, social, and economic evolution of Middle East countries (Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel/Palestine, Syria, Saudi Arabia) in the post-colonial era.
3. I can compare and contrast how key leaders in the Middle East impacted their respective countries and the region.
4. I can analyze the evolution and core issues of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
5. I can evaluate how American foreign policy has impacted the people and governments of the region.
6. I can analyze what has caused a rise of extremism in the Middle East in recent decades.
7. I can compare and contrast the social and political role of Islam in different Middle East countries.
1. I can describe the mechanisms and the importance of plasticity of the nervous system.
2. I can explain how one moves from sensation to perception.
3. I can compare theories about the functions of sleep and dreams.
4. I can evaluate the impact of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning in everyday life.
5. I can explain the interaction of environmental and biological factors in development (nature vs. nurture).
6. I can describe Freud’s psychodynamic theories and their importance to the field of psychology.
Social Dynamics of Sex and Gender
1. I can apply my understanding of gender equity issues as they relate to real world situations such as education, healthcare, parenting, sports, the workplace, etc. on a local, national, and global level.
2. I can can distinguish between typical and atypical sex development in humans and argue that how a person feels about their body and their gender identity is a combination of chromosomes, hormones, anatomy, psychology, and culture.
3. I can examine how media constructs codes of gender and the impact that has on gender roles including how we define masculinity/femininity.
4. I can discuss historical views of feminism, critically consider what it means to practice feminism, and articulate my own views about feminism including what has led me to these views.
5. I can evaluate how gender inequality impacts gender violence issues around the world.
6. I can engage in thoughtful and meaningful conversations on the topic of gender and help advocate for a more inclusive gender perspective.
Sociology I
1. Students will describe the process of socialization across the life course.
discuss how studies of feral, isolated, and institutionalized children prove that social contact and interaction is essential for healthy human relationships.
identify the major agents of socialization in American society and discuss their impact on how we create our social-self.
2. Students will differentiate between components of culture.
provide examples of material & non-material culture, values, norms, sanctions, folkways, mores, and taboos in a particular culture.
3. Students will analyze how culture influences individuals, including themselves.
differentiate between the terms culture shock, cultural relativism, ethnocentrism and explain the effects of each.
Level 4: I can compare and contrast how gender is used as a basis for gender discrimination, violence, and inequality in the United States and around the world.
Level 3: Students will explain the concept of gender as a social construction, as well as the limitations of the gender binary, when providing real world examples of how gender is used as a basis for gender discrimination, violence, and inequality in the United States.
Level 2:
I can provide examples of different types of privilege.
I can explain how privilege supports racial structuralization and other specific systemic power structures in the U.S.
I can understand how gender is not cross-cultural.
I can identify multiple gender identities beyond male and female.
5. Students will analyze the effects of social inequality on groups and individuals.
I can examine the concept of race as both a reality and a myth and express how they both impact the lens through which we interact with the world.
examples of both individual discrimination and institutional racism and identify both in real world situations.
6. Students will explain the relationship between social institutions and inequality.
Distribution of power through social institutions
Potential of institutions to produce, reinforce, or challenge inequality.
World History I: Ancient to 1400 C.E.
1. I can create a thesis statement to answer a historical question and support it through a written essay.
2. I can explain the development, characteristics, and decline of ancient African and Asian cultures and evaluate their impact on the world today.
3. I can describe and analyze the impact of ancient cultures and belief systems in Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean World. The areas of study include Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome.
4. I can compare and contrast the emergence, development, and impact of belief systems of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Europe, India, China, and Africa. (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Legalism, Taoism, Confucianism, Islam, Ancestor Worship)
5. I can interpret and evaluate the political, economic, religious, social, and environmental changes that impacted Europe, Asia, and Africa starting in 500 CE.
World History II: 1400 C.E. to Modern
1. I can understand the Renaissance and Reformation and assess the impact of both throughout the World.
2. I can describe the social, political, and economic changes in Europe that lead to world exploration and colonization and analyze the impact on the Americas.
3. I can evaluate the absolute monarchs of Europe and the development of the first truly global economy, intensification of coerced labor, increasingly complex societies, and shifts in the international balance of power.
4. I can analyze and/or demonstrate the effect of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment and how they impact the emerging modern world.
5. I can explain the causes of the French Revolution and analyze and evaluate the Napoleonic Era and its global consequences.
6. I can describe European imperialism and apply its effects on the continents of Africa and Asia.
Special Services Courses
- Academic Life Skills
- Algebra Essentials A, B, C, D
- Augmentative Communication / Assistive Technology (skinny)
- Career Investigation
- College and Career Readiness
- Communication Skills
- Community Exploration
- English Essentials 9-12
- Geometry Essentials A, B, C, D
- Home Living
- Pre-Algebra Essentials
- Science 9/10
- Social and Emotional Skills
- Social Studies 9/10
- Social Studies 11/12
- Social Understanding
Academic Life Skills
1. I can tell, touch or write the main idea.
2. I can use technology to produce writing.
3. I can interact and collaborate with others.
4. I can take turns talking with others in my class.
5. I can tell others my ideas.
6. I can solve real world and mathematical problems using arithmetic with whole numbers.
7. I can use technology to communicate my wants and needs.
Algebra Essentials A, B, C, D
I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers and fractions.
I can evaluate algebraic expressions.
I can solve one step equations.
I can solve two step equations.
I can solve two step inequalities.
I can graph points and lines on a coordinate plane.
I can find the slope of a line from a graph or equation.
I can write equations of lines in different forms.
I can solve systems of equations.
I can simplify exponential expressions.
I can multiply binomials.
I can factor polynomials.
I can simplify radical expressions.
Augmentative Communication / Assistive Technology (skinny)
1. I can use an iPad/communication device to communicate my wants and needs.
2. I can use an iPad/communication device to communicate information about myself.
3. I can combine two or more words/symbols to create my own messages.
4. I can be actively involved in creating my own stories.
5. I can learn keyboarding skills both on the computer and iPad.
6. I can learn how to use organizational, fine motor, academic, and social/behavioral skills apps.
Career Investigation
1. I can use technology to explore, understand and prepare for career decisions.
2. I can make connections between real work expectations, my interests, and what I am learning in school.
3. I can visit jobs and interview a worker about their job tasks/role.
4. I can complete an application for employment.
5. I can compose a resume using correct form, spelling, and grammar.
6. I can complete assessments to develop an understanding of my personal skills and strengths.
7. I can identify a career path based on my interests, skills, and personality.
College and Career Readiness
Self-Advocacy: I can identify, express, and access appropriate supports and accommodations based on my needs.
Employment: I can explore and discover jobs and careers that match my strengths and interests, as well as learn job preparation and retention skills.
Post-Secondary Training: I can research a variety of training options (college, apprenticeships, certifications, internships) that match my career goal to make a realistic training plan for myself.
Independent Work Skills: I can manage my coursework and priorities through learning time management skills and practicing productive, on-task behaviors.
Organization: I can maintain a successful organization system for my due dates, materials, goals, and study skills.
Independent Living Skills: I can learn and practice the habits and responsibilities of a productive citizen so I am able to live independently.
Communication Skills
1. I can communicate with others using proper body position, personal space, and eye contact.
2. I can communicate with others using active listening skills.
3. I can communicate with others using a greeting, make connected comments, and end statements.
4. I can advocate for myself when I don’t understand what I should be doing.
5. I can identify comments I should “think” or “say”.
6. I can identify the Rules of Friendship
7. I can identify how to learn and work with others.
8. I can understand another’s point of view.
9. I can react appropriately to peer pressure.
Community Exploration
1. I can use a directory to find specific locations within my community.
2. I can do comparison shopping between like items within my community.
3. I can practice correct money skills within my community.
4. I can advocate for myself when I need assistance within my community.
5. I can access local resources within my community.
6. I can demonstrate appropriate social skills within my community.
7. I can identify safety rules to follow within my community.
English Essentials 9-12
1. I can determine the meaning of an unknown word using a variety of strategies (homophones, prefixes, suffixes, root words, context clues).
2. I can apply a variety of reading comprehension strategies (context clues, literary terms, close reads, reading logs, graphic organizers, annotating text) to help me understand the text.
3. I can cite evidence from the text to understand what is inferred.
4. I can summarize informational/fictional text without including my opinion.
5. I can write a paragraph that contains a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion.
6. I can revise and edit (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling) a rough draft in preparation for writing a final draft.
Geometry Essentials A, B, C, D
I can solve multi-step equations with variables on both sides.
I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide square roots.
I can classify, measure, and identify angle pair relationships.
I can use the angle addition and segment addition postulate to solve for missing lengths.
I can use the distance and midpoint formulas to find the distance and midpoint on a line segment on a coordinate plane.
I can prove lines are parallel with a transversal using corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, and consecutive interior angles.
I can classify triangles and solve for missing parts using the triangle sum theorem and the exterior angle theorem.
I can prove triangles are congruent using the SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, and right triangle congruency theorems.
I can calculate the the median and angle bisector of a triangle.
I can classify quadrilaterals by using the properties of parallelograms and trapezoids.
I can identify different types of polygons and calculate the area of regular polygons.
I can calculate the area of triangles and quadrilaterals.
I can solve proportions using similar polygons and triangles.
I can use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for missing side lengths of a triangle.
I can use special right triangle theorems to solve for missing side lengths.
I can use trigonometry functions to solve for missing side lengths and find the area of a triangle.
I can identify solid figures and calculate their volume and surface area
I can find the circumference and area of a circle.
I can identify the arcs and chords of a circle and their value.
Home Living
1. I can advocate for personal health.
2. I can interact and collaborate with others.
3. I can use technology to produce writing.
4. I can develop lifelong leisure activities.
5. I can solve real world and mathematical problems using arithmetic with whole numbers.
6. I can learn skills to prepare for successful post secondary education and meaningful employment.
7. I can use an iPad/communication device to communicate my wants and needs.
Pre-Algebra Essentials
Unit 1
1. I can state the rules for Order of Operations and use them to solve expressions
2. I can add/subtract/multiply/divide positive and negative integers.
3. I can identify the four quadrants of the coordinate plane and plot points on the plane.
Unit 2
1. I can solve equations by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
2. I can solve 1-step inequalities by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing.
Unit 3
1. I can round whole numbers and decimals to at least 2 places.
2. I can apply the concepts of mean, median, and mode to real world situations.
Unit 4
1. I can apply the rules of exponents to solve equations.
2. I can find equivalent fractions and write fractions in the simplest form.
Unit 5
1. I can state the rules of adding and subtracting fractions and apply them to solve equations.
2. I can state the rules of multiplying and dividing fractions and apply them to solve equations.
Unit 6
1. I can write and simplify ratios and find rates and unit rates.
2. I can solve real world problems using proportions.
3. I can convert between fractions, decimals, and percents.
Unit 7
1. I can solve multi-step equations involving whole numbers.
2. I can solve multi-step equations involving rational numbers.
3. I can solve 2-step inequalities.
Unit 8
1. I can identify slope and y-intercept given an equation.
2. I can identify slope and y-intercept given a graph.
3. I can graph linear inequalities.
Unit 10
1. I can find the area and volume of parallelograms, triangles, and circles.
2. I can calculate the surface area of prisms.
3. I can calculate the volume of a cylinder.
Unit 11
1. I can simplify square roots using perfect squares.
2. I can solve basic proportions.
Unit 12
1. I can create a box and whisker plot from a set of data.
2. I can determine the outcomes and probabilities for experiments.
Unit 13
1. I can find the common difference and the next 3 terms of a sequence.
2. I can evaluate simple polynomials.
Science 9/10
1. I can recognize that plants and animals have different structures and methods to obtain energy and maintain homeostasis.
2. I can recognize that an ecosystem can change when a new species is introduced to it.
3. I can recognize that traits are transmitted from parents to offspring
4. I can recognize that the principles of natural selection affect the survival rate of groups of organisms.
5. I can recognize the risks and benefits of changing a natural ecosystem as a result of human activity.
6. I can recognize a scientific experiment by making a hypothesis, analyzing data and/or making a conclusion on this data.
Social and Emotional Skills
Self Awareness
1. I can identify how I feel and what I need.
Self Management
1. I can responsibly manage my needs and emotions.
2. I can operate in a genuine and honest manner.
3. I can evaluate my choices and make good decisions.
4. I can demonstrate increasing levels of independence and set and achieve goals that will help me be successful.
Social Awareness
1. I can recognize other people’s roles and care about the feelings and viewpoints of others.
2. I can explain how I care about others and do my part to make my community better.
3. I can state how I demonstrate respect for the individual differences of others.
4. I can report how I perceive others and how I am being perceived.
Social Management
1. I can demonstrate appropriate interactions with others.
2. I can practice constructive relationships.
3. I can evaluate interpersonal conflicts and recommend positive resolutions.
Social Studies 9/10
1. I can state the explorers that explored the land that eventually became the United States.
2. I can state the causes of the American Revolution.
3. I can list 2-3 events that occurred during the American Revolution.
4. I can state how the United States became its own country.
5. I can state the 13 Colonies.
6. I can state what the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are.
7. I can state what the Articles of Confederation and Constitutional Convention are.
Social Studies 11/12
1. I can describe the principles and ideas that caused the American Revolution.
2. I can explain who makes up the Legislative Branch and explain their powers as stated in the U.S. Constitution.
3. I can explain who makes up the Executive Branch and explain their powers as stated in the U.S. Constitution.
4. I can explain who makes up the Executive Branch and explain their powers as stated in the U.S. Constitution.
5. I can understand and explain the purpose of the separation of powers and the checks and balances system.
6. I can explain the meaning of the key amendments in the Constitution.
7. I can describe the purpose of the Bill of Rights and where it is found in the U.S. Constitution.
Social Understanding
Self Awareness
I can identify how I feel and what I need.
I can advocate for my needs.
Self Management
I can responsibly manage my needs and emotions.
I can operate in a genuine and honest manner.
I can evaluate my choices and make good decisions.
I can demonstrate increasing levels of independence and set and achieve goals that will help me be successful.
Social Awareness
I can recognize other people’s roles and care about the feelings and viewpoints of others.
I can explain how I care about others and do my part to make my community better.
I can state how I demonstrate respect for the individual differences of others.
I can report how I perceive others and how I am being perceived.
Social Management
I can demonstrate appropriate interactions with others.
I can practice constructive relationships.
I can evaluate interpersonal conflicts and recommend positive resolutions.
Technology Education Courses
- Advanced Woodcrafting
- Civic Engineering and Architecture
- Digital Electronics Engineering (PLTW)
- Darkroom and Digital Photography
- Electronics I
- Engineering Applications I: Materials and Processes
- Engineering Applications II (Supermileage) / III (Advanced Supermileage Technologies)
- Introduction to Engineering Design
- Principles of Engineering
- Research & Design
- Woodcrafting
Advanced Woodcrafting
1. I can design a functional and aesthetically pleasing cabinet design.
2. I can determine the project price by using standard lumber formulas.
3. I can safely operate woodcrafting equipment and machinery.
4. I can effectively maintain the woodcrafting notebook according to the guidelines set forth in the class.
5. I can construct the woodcrafting project using the techniques outlined in class.
Civic Engineering and Architecture
1. I can identify typical components of a residential framing system.
2. I can incorporate sustainable building principles, energy conservation features, and universal design concepts into a residential design.
3. I can determine the overall R-value of a wall or roof section composed of multiple building components.
4. I can describe the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification program and its purpose.
5. I can create a commercial design project that complies with customer specifications, regulations, and building codes during a design process.
6. I can compare a variety of commercial wall systems and select an appropriate system for a given commercial application based on materials, strength, aesthetics, durability, and cost.
7. I can identify and differentiate between the various design loads that may influence the structural design of a building including dead, live, snow, wind, earthquake, flood, and earth pressure loads.
Digital Electronics Engineering (PLTW)
1. I can create a microcontroller program that uses inputs and outputs to create a functioning sequential operation.
2. I can create a complex combinational logic circuits using AOI digital logic components.
3. I can create a complex sequential logic circuits using Flip-Flop counter logic components.
4. I can create an automated FPGA digital logic program using input and output devices.
5. I can apply electronic theories to create a foundation of skills and understanding for digital electronics.
Darkroom and Digital Photography
- I can determine the characteristics of high impact\powerful Images.
- I can explain how ss and aperture work together.
- I can independently use PhotoShop's tools and functions to edit an image.
- I can apply composition techniques to my images.
- I can write a meaningful critique using the guidelines set forth in this unit.
- I can create an impactful portrait using 3 point lighting.
- I can use digital post processing techniques to create high impact images.
Electronics I
1. I can alternatively express electronic values using metric prefixes.
2. I can understand how common electronic components work.
3. I can construct a basic circuit from an electronic schematic.
4. I can distinguish between good and bad characteristics of a solder joint.
5. I can describe how the class project circuit works.
6. I can solve series and parallel resistive circuits.
7. I can successfully code a functioning microcontroller program.
Engineering Applications I: Materials and Processes
1. I can demonstrate and evaluate measurement and calculation processes.
2. I can perform proper use of machine tool operations.
3. I can effectively operate machine tools.
4. I can effectively set up manual hand tool processes.
5. I can effectively demonstrate proper hand tool techniques.
6. I can effectively demonstrate evaluation and revision of a design process.
Engineering Applications II (Supermileage) / III (Advanced Supermileage Technologies)
Introduction to Engineering Design
1. I can apply criteria to create 3D solid models from sketches or dimensional drawings.
2. I can create a set of working drawings to detail a design project.
3. I can apply dimensioning standards commonly used in technical drawing.
4. I can identify the steps in the design process.
5. I can differentiate geometric constructions and geometric constraints.
6. I can create sketches as representations of objects, ideas, or systems.
Principles of Engineering
1. I can define the six simple machines.
2. I can describe the relationships between the four types of forces.
3. I can demonstrate the ability to solve complex design problems.
4. I can define the components of vectors.
5. I can describe the processes for transfer of thermal energy.
6. I can define the advantages of hydraulic and pneumatic systems relative to each other.
Research & Design
1. I can effectively evaluate research as part of a design process.
2. I can effectively compare design ideas to choose a final solution.
3. I can differentiate various methods to construct a prototype.
4. I can evaluate my design through testing procedures.
5. I can evaluate a design through reflection of the design process.
1. I can develop working set of technical drawings for the woodcrafting project.
2. I can accurately measure using a standard rule.
3. I can effectively maintain the woodcrafting notebook according to the guidelines set forth in the class.
4. I can safely operate woodcrafting equipment and machinery.
5. I can construct the woodcrafting project using the techniques outlined in class.
Work and Career Experience Courses
- Career Options
- Community Employment Practicum
- Money Sense
- PAES Lab
- Service Occupations
- Work Experience
- Pre-Employment Seminar (skinny)
Career Options
1. I can demonstrate work skills, occupational knowledge, and positive behaviors and attitudes.
2. I can transfer academic SCANS Skills to experiential learning and the work site.
3. I can demonstrate job seeking, job keeping, applied academic, task management, and occupational skills needed for entry-level employment.
4. I can demonstrate an understanding of business and industry.
5. I can develop a personal portfolio that includes examples representative of “best work” in the course.
6. I can apply my career awareness to career exploration and transition to postsecondary options.
7. I can demonstrate an awareness of educational opportunities, labor market information, and my interests and aptitudes as it relates to postsecondary options.
Community Employment Practicum
1. I can demonstrate work skills, occupational knowledge, and positive behaviors and attitudes.
2. I can transfer academic SCANS Skills to experiential learning and the work site.
3. I can demonstrate job seeking, job keeping, applied academic, task management, and occupational skills needed for entry-level employment.
4. I can demonstrate an understanding of business and industry.
5. I can develop a personal portfolio that includes examples representative of “best work” in the course.
6. I can apply my career awareness to career exploration and transition to postsecondary options.
7. I can demonstrate an awareness of educational opportunities, labor market information, and my interests and aptitudes as it relates to postsecondary options.
Money Sense
1. I can evaluate and adjust a spending/savings plan that results in a balanced budget.
2. I can identify tasks I have completed related to meeting my long-range academic and career goals.
3. I can identify and complete various examples of state and federal income tax forms.
4. I can analyze choices available to consumers for protection against risk and financial loss.
5. I can apply a decision-making strategy to maximize consumer satisfaction when buying goods and services.
6. I can analyze factors that affect the choice of credit, the cost of credit, and the legal aspects of using credit.
1. I can demonstrate work skills, occupational knowledge, and positive behaviors and attitudes.
2. I can transfer academic SCANS Skills to experiential learning and the work site.
3. I can demonstrate job seeking, job keeping, applied academic, task management, and occupational skills needed for entry-level employment.
4. I can demonstrate an understanding of business and industry.
5. I can develop a personal portfolio that includes examples representative of “best work” in the course.
6. I can apply my career awareness to career exploration and transition to postsecondary options.
7. I can demonstrate an awareness of educational opportunities, labor market information, and my interests and aptitudes as it relates to postsecondary options.
Service Occupations
1. I can demonstrate work skills, occupational knowledge, and positive behaviors and attitudes.
2. I can transfer academic SCANS Skills to experiential learning and the work site.
3. I can demonstrate job seeking, job keeping, applied academic, task management, and occupational skills needed for entry-level employment.
4. I can demonstrate an understanding of business and industry.
5. I can develop a personal portfolio that includes examples representative of “best work” in the course.
6. I can apply my career awareness to career exploration and transition to postsecondary options.
7. I can demonstrate an awareness of educational opportunities, labor market information, and my interests and aptitudes as it relates to postsecondary options.
Work Experience
1. I can demonstrate work skills, occupational knowledge, and positive behaviors and attitudes.
2. I can transfer academic SCANS Skills to experiential learning and the work site.
3. I can demonstrate job seeking, job keeping, applied academic, task management, and occupational skills needed for entry-level employment.
4. I can demonstrate an understanding of business and industry.
5. I can develop a personal portfolio that includes examples representative of “best work” in the course.
6. I can apply my career awareness to career exploration and transition to postsecondary options.
7. I can demonstrate an awareness of educational opportunities, labor market information, and my interests and aptitudes as it relates to postsecondary options.
Pre-Employment Seminar (skinny)
1. I can demonstrate work skills, occupational knowledge, and positive behaviors and attitudes.
2. I can transfer academic SCANS Skills to experiential learning and the work site.
3. I can demonstrate job seeking, job keeping, applied academic, task management, and occupational skills needed for entry-level employment.
4. I can demonstrate an understanding of business and industry.
5. I can develop a personal portfolio that includes examples representative of “best work” in the course.
6. I can apply my career awareness to career exploration and transition to postsecondary options.
7. I can demonstrate an awareness of educational opportunities, labor market information, and my interests and aptitudes as it relates to postsecondary options.
World Language Courses
Chinese 1
1. I can count 0-1000 in Chinese.
2. I can introduce myself and my family.
3. I can greet people in a culturally appropriate manner.
4. I can ask and tell time (year, month, day, day of the week, hours and minutes).
5. I can talk about a simple school-related topic.
6. I can have a simple shopping conversation.
7. I can explain the difference between stroke, radical, and character.
8. I can use pinyin to pronounce a new character I do not know.
9. I can recognize 100-120 characters and write 50-70 characters at the end of this level.
Chinese 2
1. I can describe a person’s physical appearance and dress styles.
2. I can conduct a simple conversation in a restaurant setting.
3. I can use future tense, present progressive tense, and past tense appropriately to describe actions.
4. I can describe the seasons of the year and the activities I do in each season.
5. I can identify character structures (left-right, top-bottom, inside-outside).
6. I can recognize 220-250 characters and write 150 characters at the end of this level.
Chinese 3
1. I can describe a typical day at school, including the classes I take and the activities I participate in.
2. I can describe the city/town I live in.
3. I can give simple directions.
4. I can have a simple conversation in a hospital/clinic setting.
5. I can identify multi-pronunciation characters (多音字) and use the ones I learn correctly.
6. I can describe the progress of a sporting event.
7. I can talk about my hobbies using various details.
8. I can explain cause and effect in Chinese effectively.
9. I can recognize 330-350 characters and write 200 characters at the end of this level.
Chinese 4
1. I can describe my school in detail.
2. I can describe a trip in detail.
3. I can identify Chinese eating utensils and explain Chinese table etiquette.
4. I can describe the house I live in.
5. I can use connection words (的地得) in the correct context.
6. I can recognize 450 characters and write 250 characters at the end of this level.
Chinese 5
1. I can explain the cultural significance of choosing a meaningful Chinese name.
2. I can name the major contrives in each continent and describe their unique culture component.
3. I can describe people’s personalities.
4. I can talk about a book I have read.
5. I can describe the difference between Chinese cuisine and the Western cuisine, and I can give multi-step instructions for preparing a recipe using a series of simple sentences.
6. I can give safety instructions and describe surviving skills in case of emergency.
7. I can visually recognize 600 characters and write 300 characters at the end of this level.
8. I can appreciate cultural similarities and variations throughout the world.
- French 1A
- French 1B
- French 2A
- French 3B
- French 2B
- French 3A
- French 4A
- French 4B
- French 5 / CIS 1003
- French 6 / CIS 1004
French 1A
1. I can greet people, introduce myself, and understand a few courtesy phrases in a basic conversation using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
2. I can introduce friends and family members using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
3. I can communicate about basic weather, date, time, and age-related information using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
4. I can ask, order, and pay for basic food and beverages using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
5. I can have a basic conversation about what I like and dislike to do using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
6. I can politely extend, accept, and turn down an invitation on familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
French 1B
1. I can have a basic conversation about some of my daily activities using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
2. I can ask and answer some simple questions about very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
3. I can describe my room and my classroom, as well as a few objects that I own, using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
4. I can give and understand a basic description of someone - physical and personality - using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
French 2A
1. I can discuss where I and others live using phrases and simple sentences.
2. I can use a variety of verbs in the futur proche (aller + infinitif) to communicate with others about future weekend/travel plans using phrases and simple sentences.
3. I can interact with others in everyday situations (like shopping for clothes and food & meals and sharing my preferences) using phrases and simple sentences.
French 3B
1. I can shop for food in specific quantities using simple questions and sentences.
2. I can participate in conversations about various forms of entertainment, leisure, and sports using simple questions and sentences that include object pronouns.
3. I can politely extend, accept, and turn down an invitation on familiar topics using simple questions and sentences.
4. I can have a conversation about my health using a series of simple sentences.
5. I can describe my daily routine in the present and in the past tense using a series of simple sentences.
6. I can present about a personal hobby using a series of simple sentences.
French 2B
1. I can interact with others in everyday situations (like shopping for clothes and food & meals and sharing my preferences) using phrases and simple sentences.
2. I can use faire expressions to talk about individual sports/activities, including household chores using phrases and simple sentences.
3. I can use regular verbs in the passé composé to talk about past events using phrases and simple sentences.
French 3A
French 4A
1. I can exchange detailed information about daily situations (like where I live, travel, clothing, cars & driving, etc.) using a variety of sentence structures and tenses in connected sentences.
2. Using the imparfait, I can talk about what I used to do when I was a child using connected sentences.
3. Using the passé composé and imparfait I can describe past events using connected sentences.
French 4B
1. I can exchange detailed information about daily situations (like where I live, travel, clothing, cars & driving, etc.) using a variety of sentence structures and tenses in connected sentences.
2. Using the future sample, I can talk about what I will do in the future with both “quand” and “si”.
3. Using the conditionnel, I can talk about what I and others would do in certain situations (si clauses).
4. Using the subjunctive, I can talk about what I and others have to do.
French 5 / CIS 1003
1. I can develop knowledge of historical, educational, socioeconomic, and cultural interconnections between French-speaking countries and the rest of the world.
2. I can accurately identify a range of language forms.
3. I can create and use culturally appropriate language in oral and written contexts.
4. I can use a range of language forms appropriately and accurately in oral and written contexts.
5. I can understand and interpret authentic language in oral and written contexts.
6. I can identify multiple viewpoints within a given issue relevant to the French-speaking world.
7. I can interpret oral, written, and visual texts from multiple perspectives.
8. I can associate language forms used in texts with the cultural information and ideas expressed.
9. I can examine one’s own knowledge, perspectives, and values through engagement with oral, written, and visual texts.
10. I can build awareness of the interconnectedness of all communities.
11. I can interpret with greater accuracy and problematize aspects of others’ cultures and countries.
12. I can recognize that different individual and collective perspectives are valid, possible, and beneficial in global society.
13. I can formulate your own questions regarding issues relevant to the French-speaking world and seek answers to those questions.
14. I can recognize language strengths and challenges and identify ways to use language for academic and personal goals.
French 6 / CIS 1004
1. I can develop knowledge of historical, educational, socioeconomic, and cultural interconnections between French-speaking countries and the rest of the world.
2. I can accurately identify a range of language forms.
3. I can create and use culturally appropriate language in oral and written contexts.
4. I can use a range of language forms appropriately and accurately in oral and written contexts.
5. I can understand and interpret authentic language in oral and written contexts.
6. I can identify multiple viewpoints within a given issue relevant to the French-speaking world.
7. I can interpret oral, written, and visual texts from multiple perspectives.
8. I can associate language forms used in texts with the cultural information and ideas expressed.
9. I can examine one’s own knowledge, perspectives, and values through engagement with oral, written, and visual texts.
10. I can build awareness of the interconnectedness of all communities.
11. I can interpret with greater accuracy and problematize aspects of others’ cultures and countries.
12. I can recognize that different individual and collective perspectives are valid, possible, and beneficial in global society.
13. I can formulate your own questions regarding issues relevant to the French-speaking world and seek answers to those questions.
14. I can recognize language strengths and challenges and identify ways to use language for academic and personal goals.
German 1
1. I can count from 0-100 in German and spell in German using German phonetics.
2. I can introduce and describe myself and my family.
3. I can greet people in a culturally appropriate manner.
4. I can ask and tell time (year, month, day, day of the week, hours and minutes).
5. I can talk about a simple school-related topic – my classes, schedule, school system.
6. I can order a snack in German.
7. I can describe the geography of Germany.
8. I can describe my house and objects in the house and my chores at home.
9. I can give and understand given directions in a city.
10. I can describe and give an opinion to clothing.
11. I can describe my hobbies.
German 2
1. I can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized.
2. I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
3. I can write lists and memorized phrases on familiar topics.
4. I can recognize some familiar words and phrases when I hear them spoken. I can use modal verbs correctly.
5. I can recognize some letters or characters. I can understand some learned or memorized words and phrases when I read.
6. I can describe a personal event in the past tense.
German 3
1. I can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. I can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.
2. I can present basic information on familiar topics using language I have practiced using phrases and simple sentences.
3. I can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life.
4. I can often understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life. I can recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said.
5. I can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related to everyday life. I can sometimes understand the main idea of what I have read.
6. I can describe several events in the past tense.
German 4 / CIS 1003
1. I can participate in conversations on a number of familiar topics using simple sentences. I can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.
2. I can present information on most familiar topics using a series of simple sentences.
3. I can write briefly about most familiar topics and present information using a series of simple sentences.
4. I can understand the main idea in short, simple messages and presentations on familiar topics. I can understand the main idea of simple conversations that I overhear.
5. I can understand the main idea of short and simple texts when the topic is familiar.
- Spanish 1A
- Spanish 1B
- Spanish 2A
- Spanish 2B
- Spanish 3A
- Spanish 3B
- Spanish 4A
- Spanish 4B
- Spanish 5 / CIS 1003
- Spanish 6 / CIS 1004
- Adv Spanish Immersion 3A
- Adv Spanish Immersion 3B
- Adv Spanish Immersion 4A
- Adv Spanish Immersion 4B
Spanish 1A
1. I can greet people and introduce myself to others.
2. I can talk about components of the calendar including the date, the days of the week, and the months of the year.
3. I can describe weather conditions.
4. I can talk about activities that I like to do and don’t like to do.
5. I can use adjectives to describe myself and others.
Spanish 1B
Spanish 2A
1. I can communicate basic information about myself using a variety of words and phrases that I have practiced.
2. I can make plans with others by using phrases and simple sentences and by asking and answering simple questions.
3. I can describe my family using phrases and simple sentences.
4. I can order a meal using phrases and simple sentences and asking and answering simple questions.
Spanish 2B
1. I can ask & answer simple questions [about bedrooms] based on visuals using phrases and simple sentences.
2. I can tell someone what I’m doing.
3. I can give simple directions.
4. I can communicate some basic information about my everyday life
5. I can present information about others using phrases and simple sentences.
Spanish 3A
1. I can compose a letter, blog, discussion board, or email message about my life using a variety of words and phrases.
2. I can write and narrate about people, activities, events and experiences using simple sentences.
3. I can create narrations of my activities using words, phrases, and memorized expressions that I practiced using simple sentences.
Spanish 3B
1. I can tell about a familiar experience or event using phrases and simple connected sentences.
2. I can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized using a series of simple sentences.
3. I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases and memorized expressions.
Spanish 4A
1. I can share my reactions about a current event (natural disaster) and explain why the event is in the news using a series of simple sentences.
2. I can dramatize a childhood or past accident using a series of simple sentences.
3. I can give a presentation about a famous athlete, celebrity, or historical figure and summarize why he/she is important using a series of simple sentences.
4. I can write a brief summary of the plot of a movie or an episode of a TV show using a series of simple sentences.
Spanish 4B
1. I can give multi-step instructions for preparing a recipe using a series of simple sentences.
2. I can explain how to plan and carry out an event, such as a party, using a series of simple sentences.
3. I can describe a place I have visited or want to visit using a series of simple sentences.
4. I can describe holiday or vacation plans using a series of simple sentences.
Spanish 5 / CIS 1003
1. I can develop knowledge of historical, educational, socioeconomic, and cultural interconnections between Spanish-speaking countries and the rest of the world.
2. I can accurately identify a range of language forms.
3. I can create and use culturally appropriate language in oral and written contexts.
4. I can use a range of language forms appropriately and accurately in oral and written contexts.
5. I can understand and interpret authentic language in oral and written contexts.
6. I can identify multiple viewpoints within a given issue relevant to the Spanish-speaking world.
7. I can interpret oral, written, and visual texts from multiple perspectives.
8. I can associate language forms used in texts with the cultural information and ideas expressed.
9. I can examine one’s own knowledge, perspectives, and values through engagement with oral, written, and visual texts.
10. I can build awareness of the interconnectedness of all communities.
11. I can interpret with greater accuracy and problematize aspects of others’ cultures and countries.
12. I can recognize that different individual and collective perspectives are valid, possible, and beneficial in global society.
13. I can formulate your own questions regarding issues relevant to the Spanish-speaking world and seek answers to those questions.
14. I can recognize language strengths and challenges and identify ways to use language for academic and personal goals.
Spanish 6 / CIS 1004
1. I can develop knowledge of historical, educational, socioeconomic, and cultural interconnections between Spanish-speaking countries and the rest of the world.
2. I can accurately identify a range of language forms.
3. I can create and use culturally appropriate language in oral and written contexts.
4. I can use a range of language forms appropriately and accurately in oral and written contexts.
5. I can understand and interpret authentic language in oral and written contexts.
6. I can identify multiple viewpoints within a given issue relevant to the Spanish-speaking world.
7. I can interpret oral, written, and visual texts from multiple perspectives.
8. I can associate language forms used in texts with the cultural information and ideas expressed.
9. I can examine one’s own knowledge, perspectives, and values through engagement with oral, written, and visual texts.
10. I can build awareness of the interconnectedness of all communities.
11. I can interpret with greater accuracy and problematize aspects of others’ cultures and countries.
12. I can recognize that different individual and collective perspectives are valid, possible, and beneficial in global society.
13. I can formulate your own questions regarding issues relevant to the Spanish-speaking world and seek answers to those questions.
14. I can recognize language strengths and challenges and identify ways to use language for academic and personal goals.
Adv Spanish Immersion 3A
1. I can talk about our intern and his/her country with ease and confidence in various time frames.
2. I can compare and contrast the intern’s school system with our own in an organized way and with some detail.
3. I can describe daily routines and say what I want to about myself and my everyday life.
4. I can retell past events in an organized way with some detail.
5. I can analyze the qualities of real-life heroes and villains that I have researched from the Spanish-speaking world in an organized way.
Adv Spanish Immersion 3B
Adv Spanish Immersion 4A
Adv Spanish Immersion 4B
American Sign Language
- American Sign Language 1A
- American Sign Language 1B
- American Sign Language 2A
- American Sign Language 2B
American Sign Language 1A
1. I can do ABC’s. I can demonstrate the alphabet through names (fingerspelling).
2. I can greet people, introduce myself, and use a few courtesy phrases in a basic conversation using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
3. I can ask and answer using simple “Wh”-words and “Yes/No” questions using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
4. I can sign all of the colors.
5. I can give and understand basic description of someone, including appearance and clothing, using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
6. I can get someone’s attention, greet and leave-take people in a culturally appropriate manner.
American Sign Language 1B
1. I can introduce friends and family members using a variety of words phrases, and memorized expressions.
2. I can have a basic conversation about some of my daily activities that I like to do and do not like to do using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
3. I can talk about a simple school-related topic, such as classes, schedules, and the school system.
4. I can give basic directions on locations in the school building.
5. I can ask and tell time (year, month, day, hours and minutes).
6. I can talk about residence types, (i.e. houses, apartments, condominiums), chores, errands and modes of transportation to school and/or work.
7. I can count from 0-100 and give someone’s age in weeks, months and years.
American Sign Language 2A
1. I can correctly fingerspell clothing-related words using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
2. I can use the correct sequence to describe items that are not present using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
3. I can translate English sentences with the word “have” correctly using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
4. I can ask for advice by explaining a situation and using the conjunction that tells what I forgot to do using using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
5. I can correctly name the months, use numbers to tell in how many months something will occur, and modify number signs to explain an event that occurs repeatedly using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
6. I can modify an agreement verb to show the subject and object of the sentence using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
American Sign Language 2B
1. I can describe my neighborhood by following the narrative structure and using rhetorical questions as transitions using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
2. I can tell time using clock number patterns using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
3. I can give directions to a location in the neighborhood by using horizontal map orientation reference points and perspective shifts using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
4. I can describe a restaurant using descriptive, locative and element classifiers, using listing skills to name the food served, and give opinions about the food and cost using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
5. When asked for advice, I can suggest a place to eat and name a potential drawback for that place using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
6. I can understand the role of “information sharing” in the culture and how to share with the teacher about my absences, tardiness, or having to leave early using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.