Submit an Absence for Elementary Schools
Submitting absences will be even easier this year! Now, you can submit absences directly from your Parent Portal instead of through a separate form, and you can submit for multiple students at once. These are the steps:
First, log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. (Here are directions!)
Use the shortcut button on the homepage that says Absence Requests, or click on More -> Absence Requests.
- The student(s) you are submitting an absence request for
- The reason the student(s) will be absent from the Excuse dropdown list.
- Absence Type — full day, arrive late, or leave early.
- Absence Day and Time. If your student will be gone for at least one full day, enter the first and last day they will not be at school (can be the same day).
- Comments about the reason for the absence.
- Choose the Submit button at bottom when finished!
Previously submitted absence requests can be viewed or deleted using the options at the bottom of the Absence Requests area.
This resource from Infinite Campus explains the process! We hope you enjoy this upgraded absence-submitting experience this school year.
Please refer to District Policy 503 - Student Attendance for detailed information about excused and unexcused absence reasons, responsibilities of students, families and staff, and how the district works to encourage regular school attendance.
Attendance Information
We believe each student should be in school every day. Regular school attendance is directly related to success in academic work, benefits students socially, provides opportunities for important communications between teachers and students, and establishes regular habits of dependability important to the future of the student. Class attendance is a joint responsibility to be shared by the student, parent or guardian, teacher, and administrators. Eden Prairie Schools is a participant in the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office be@school program. This program seeks to improve school attendance and increase the opportunity for Hennepin County’s children to realize their potential. In collaboration with the County efforts, Eden Prairie aims to have each student attend school every day. In accordance with the Minnesota Compulsory Instruction Law, Minn. Stat. 120A.22, the students of the school district are REQUIRED to attend all assigned classes and/or study halls every day school is in session, unless the student has been excused by the school board from attendance because the student has already completed state and school district standards required to graduate from high school, has withdrawn, or has a valid excuse for absence.
- Excused Absences
- Late Arrival/Early Departure
- Tardiness
- Excused Tardiness
- Unexcused Tardiness
- Unexcused Absences for Truancy
- Consequences of Unexcused Absences
Excused Absences
Late Arrival/Early Departure
Excused Tardiness
Unexcused Tardiness
Unexcused Absences for Truancy
Consequences of Unexcused Absences
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I still be able to call the school to report my child's absence?
Yes, families can still report absences by phone if they prefer. However, we encourage families to use the online form as it is a more efficient and convenient method.
Is there a deadline for submitting the online form?
We ask that families submit the form before 9:00 am on the day of the absence. For early release, please submit the form at least 2 hours before the release time.
What if I make a mistake or need to change the information after submitting the form?
If you need to make changes to the information submitted in the form, please call the school as soon as possible.
What if I don't have access to the internet?
Families without access to the internet can still report absences by phone.
My child is in elementary school. What are the attendance policies?
Please visit the Elementary Handbook page to read the full attendance policies
My child attends Central Middle School. What are the attendance policies?
Please visit the Central Middle School Handbook page to read the full attendance policies.
My child attends Eden Prairie High School. What are the attendance policies?
Please visit the Handbook page of our website to read the full Eden Prairie High School attendance policies.