Registration Information

The Simplest Way to Register is Online!

We have one convenient place to register for all Community Education programs from early childhood through adult classes! Create an account to register yourself and your family members for a class or activity. The registration site makes it easy for you to register for a class, make a payment, and manage your account all in one convenient place.

Register Online for 2025-2026 Preschool and PreK

To register, please follow these easy steps:
  • From this site, click on “Register” in the top right menu bar.
  • Click on “Sign In.”
  • If needed, then create an account and fill in your personal information.
  • After this step, you will be able to add family members to your family profile. You are now ready to register online.

**Computers are available at the Community Education Building for in-person registration.**

Para obtener información en español, contáctese con Heriberto Vargas en o 952-975-7068.
Haddii aad ubaahan tahay caawinaad af Somali so wac 952-975-7069.

Registration FAQ

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policies vary by program. Call 952-975-6940 if you have questions regarding cancellation. Generally speaking, registration and Activity Fees are Non-Refundable.

For preschool and PreK, any changes to the child’s schedule, including withdrawal from the program, must be given 10 business days prior to when the change is needed. If notice is not given, two weeks of tuition will be charged to the account. A $20 processing fee is charged for all cancellations. No refunds are given for emergency or weather closings or for days missed due to illness or vacation.

Fee Assistance
Fee assistance is available for all classes, but must be approved in advance. Eligibility guidelines are posted at or visit the office for more information.

Inclement Weather
If school closes during the day due to bad weather, Community Education will cancel all activities. Announcements will be made on local TV news channels and on the school district website at

Adults with Disabilities
For deaf or hard of hearing, call the MN Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529.

If you need a sign language interpreter, note taker or other accommodations to participate in Community Education classes, call the Learning Exchange at
952-681-6121 or email Janet at at least 10 business days before your class start date.

Immunization Law
All students in Minnesota must have immunizations up-to-date and on record with the school before the child starts class. Immunization forms are available online at

Photo Policy
Participants in our programs may be photographed, filmed, or interviewed and the pictures, videos and quotes may be used by Eden Prairie Community Education and/or local news media.

If you would prefer not to have you or your child photographed, filmed, or interviewed, please contact our office after registering at 952-975-6940 so we may honor your wish.

Directions to Classes
Visit our website at for detailed directions to all Eden Prairie Schools locations.

Interested in Teaching an Adult or Youth Enrichment Class?
Community Education is centered around learning and sharing. Have you ever thought about teaching a class? We would love to hear your ideas. Submitting a proposal is easy. Fill out the short course proposal form online at:

Birth Date Guidelines
For ECFE, preschool and PreK classes, please select your class based on your child’s age by September 1st of the school year you are enrolling for. This age requirement aligns with district kindergarten age requirements.

Birth Certificate
Please submit a copy of your child’s birth certificate for any child participating in ECFE, preschool or PreK. They can be emailed to or dropped off at the Early Childhood office.


If you require financial assistance to participate in any of our programs, please check out the available resources at