Early Childhood Special Education

Eden Prairie Schools strives to ensure that each student reaches his/her full potential by working to meet the unique educational needs of every student who walks through our doors. One way Eden Prairie Schools meets the needs of students is through Early Childhood Special Education—programs and services that meet an individual child’s needs for children with disabilities from birth to age 5.

Early Childhood Special Education includes:

  • Early Intervention Services for children birth through age 2;
  • Comprehensive assessment of development for children ages birth through age 5;
  • Direct and consultative services for children with special education needs (birth through 5), including possible services of ECSE teachers, speech and language therapy, and motor specialists;
  • Parent support and education regarding special services, community resources and child development;
  • Children with special needs are served in a variety of natural and inclusive settings such as home, childcare, or preschool;

For more information about ECSE, please contact the Early Childhood Special Education office at (952) 975-7138.


If you require financial assistance to participate in any of our programs, please check out the available resources at edenpr.org/FeeAssistance