Facility Rental

Looking for Space in Eden Prairie? We're here to help!

If you’re looking to schedule space in an Eden Prairie Schools building, this is the place to start. Our modest fees and professional on-site staff provide a convenient and high quality experience for individuals and organizations looking to rent space.

Most facilities in the district including classrooms, commons, cafeterias, fields, theaters, stadiums, and gymnasiums are available for rent through the Eden Prairie Schools Facility Use Program.

Note: fields at Prairie View, Eden Lake, and Forest Hills are owned and managed by the City of Eden Prairie's Parks and Recreation Department.


To request a space, review the information on this site. and check availability on the Facility Calendar if you have a specific date and space in mind. Then fill out the appropriate form or application below (for school staff or new renters) or submit a request using your existing online Eleyo account at least 10 days prior to the first date of desired use. Please know submission of a form or a request via Eleyo does not automatically result in a permit being issued. All requests must be approved and certain requirements must be met before renters will be granted access to district buildings. Should the desired space be available and Facility Use Program staff verify all requirements have been met, you will receive notification that your reservation has been approved and a permit has been issued.

At this time, we are accepting requests for winter/spring 2024/2025. At this time, we are not accepting new gym reservations on Mondays-Fridays through the end of February due to lack of availability.


For rental reservations in the Eden Prairie High School Performing Arts Center, Eden Prairie High School Auditorium, or Central Middle School Performing Arts Center, please contact Jay Asfeld, Performing Arts Facilities Coordinator, at Jay_Asfeld@edenpr.k12.mn.us or 952-975-8144.

For rental reservations at other district spaces (gymnasiums, cafeterias, classrooms, fields, etc.), please contact Christopher Cook, Facilities Use Supervisor, at Christopher_Cook@edenpr.k12.mn.us or 952-975-6941. If you would like to make an appointment for a telephone call, virtual meeting, in-person meeting, or facility tour, please feel free to use our Calendly page

Indoor Walking Track

The Indoor Track at the high school's Activity Center is open to the public. There is no cost for use by community members. Access the track by entering the Activity Center doors via the North Parking lot.

Indoor Walking Track Hours:
Monday - Friday 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturdays 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sundays noon - 8:30 p.m.

NOTE: Eden Prairie Schools does not offer open dome or gym time for the general public due to current use schedules.

Details for Facility Use