Dear Eden Prairie Schools Families,
Eden Prairie Schools believes parent and family involvement is one of the primary keys to student success. In working together, all of us - staff members, parents, students and community members - work together to achieve the very best for our students. I believe it is our purpose to create an environment of care and support where each student is inspired every day. In partnership with the School Board, the district has developed comprehensive policies and procedures that define our students’ rights and responsibilities and provide for a positive learning environment. This handbook serves as a resource for students and families to help understand these policies and their alignment with district procedures. Eden Prairie Schools parents/guardians are asked to review this important handbook with their student(s). In addition, schools will review the handbook with students at the beginning of the school year. Thank you for taking the time to review this important resource. Together we can continue to inspire each student every day.
Dr. Josh Swanson
CMS Frequently Called Numbers
- Main Office: 952-975-7300
- Health Room: 952-975-7370
- Scheduling: 952-975-7324
- Student Management: 952-975-7335
- Attendance: 952-975-7301
- Guidance: 952-975-7330
- Student Activities: 952-975-7400
- Transportation: 952-975-7500
- Translation Available:
- Warbixin muhiim ah. Wac Ahmed Noor in laguu turjubaano 952-975-7069.
- Especialista en Comunicaciones Heriberto Vargas llame al 952-975-7068 para Traducciones Importantes.
Central Middle School Philosophy
We believe that education is important, that teachers are professionals, and that the school is a valid institution of learning. Education provides for physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth for each unique middle school student. Developmentally, middle school students are in varied stages of physical change and they experience emotional uncertainties including an increasing sense of isolation, as well as a need to belong. Intellectually, they eagerly test new skills and knowledge while also seeking security and encouragement. Our school responds with a positive learning environment that provides for individual differences. In addition, middle school is a transition between elementary school and high school. CMS offers a nurturing learning environment that encourages growing independence and exploration while students develop habits, attitudes, skills, appreciations, and ideas essential for a lifetime of learning. We provide a caring, exciting, challenging, and comforting environment. We strive to provide a model for responsible adult behavior while allowing for the activity of youthful enthusiasm. Our expectation of all CMS students is that they are Safe, Responsible and Kind in and out of school.
CMS is a vital part of the total community. We encourage a partnership among school, home, and the greater community through involvement, cooperation, responsibility, and communication. CMS empowers its staff to have a substantial impact on the system of learning, and we encourage cooperation, collaboration, innovation, and support among staff members.
The Critical Components of the CMS Program Include:
● Instructional Excellence: We provide experiences where the atmosphere, materials, pace, and flexibility focus each student on success in learning. We vary content presentation, use the 4Cs of Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity, and differentiate to meet the unique needs of each student. We recognize students for achievement, growth, leadership, and service.
● Exploration: We provide a wide range of intellectual, physical, and cultural activities with opportunities to take risks, discover, and experiment. We encourage participatory learning, divergent, as well as, convergent thinking, and exploration of a variety of co-curricular activities, career options, and subject areas. The CMS staff encourages this belief through the use of innovation and exploration within a 21st century context of learning.
● Comprehensive Curriculum: We value the integration of learning in English, math, social studies, science, fine arts, and physical education. We recognize, celebrate, and encourage creativity in both basic skills and exploratory learning experiences. We value the process of learning, as well as, the end result. We encourage continued exploration into a new, evolving curriculum.
● Continual Pursuit of Personal Goals and Aspirations: We strive to develop self-directed, lifelong learners who enthusiastically accept the challenge of their future with confidence and competence. Students assume increasing responsibility for their own academic, social, and personal learning. Students learn to solve problems, make decisions, manage time, set goals, work in groups, respond to change, and cope with positive and negative experiences.
● Contribution to Community (local to global): We encourage and model honesty, safety, responsibility, kindness, cooperativeness, creativity, and competency. We expect students to respect themselves and others, accept ambiguity, recognize human equity, and understand global and multicultural concepts. We support positive student involvement in school, home, community, and world projects.
● Guidance: We are a caring community. We seek to create a more intimate environment attuned to each student’s needs. The focus on creating smaller communities fosters stable, close, respectful relationships with adults and peers. Within the school, teachers, advisors, counselors, social workers, support staff, and administrators serve as resources for meeting students’ personal needs. Finally, we recognize that all adults in the school model appropriate behaviors and attitudes.
Academic Support Services
Eden Prairie Schools and CMS are committed to the academic success of each student. This commitment stems from our mission statement, “Inspiring each student every day!” We know you have entrusted your student’s education to us, and we promise to work hard to educate him or her in a caring, safe environment.
- Advisor
- Student Support Team
- Section 504
- Special Education
- Targeted Services
- Teaming
- Talent-Development Services
- Evaluation/Reporting System/Grades
- Student of the Quarter
- Homework
- Academic Misconduct
- Student Usage of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Advisor occurs daily and serves as a home base for students to build relationships with one another and their teacher. During this period, students engage in lessons focused on social-emotional learning and academic success. Collectively, they build a sense of community, strengthen organizational skills and learn about daily/weekly events.
Student Support Team
Each student is assigned to a Student Support Team (SST) that includes a counselor, social worker, administrative dean, and associate principal. This team provides academic, individual, and group support. Students are referred via staff, parents/guardians, friends and/or self. The Student Support Team is adept at handling a multitude of issues pertaining to adolescent development. Some of these issues may include depression, eating disorders, conflict resolution, healthy relationships, stress management, or school success. If parents/guardians or students need information, support, or skill-building during the year, please consult the students’ assigned support team member. The first point of contact on a SST is the counselor or social worker.
Section 504
Section 504 is a provision of the Federal Rehabilitation Act that ensures access to a free and appropriate public education for individuals with a qualifying disability by prohibiting discrimination based on a disability. An individual is eligible for accommodations under Section 504 if the student has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. If you have questions, please reach out to the appropriate Student Support Team member assigned to your student.
Special Education
Special Education programs and related services are provided to eligible students with disabilities at all grade levels and are based on the individual needs of students. Parents who suspect that their child may have a disability should contact the appropriate Student Support Team member assigned to their student, an administrator or the Special Education Lead. For questions about special education, please contact our Special Education Lead at (952) 975-7300.
Targeted Services
Central Middle School offers an extended-day Targeted Services program in Reading and Math. The Reading and Math classes are designed to build academic skills, develop organizational strategies, and build relationships. Targeted Services classes are taught by licensed teachers. Research indicates that students who attend extended-day programs make greater academic progress during the school year. Students are recommended by teachers for these programs based on assessment results and/or social emotional needs. Targeted Services help students acquire and master basic skills in math, reading, writing, organization, time management, and test taking.
Central Middle School is dedicated to providing a personalized school experience for each student. We create an environment focused on each students' needs by dividing our students and staff into teams. Each grade level consists of four teams, each team includes about 150-180 students, and seven to nine teachers. Students are randomly placed on teams and remain on their team for the entire school year. Teaming exists to strengthen relationships with teachers and peers and provides a smaller community within a large school. Teaming allows teachers to collaborate to provide individualized learning experiences for each student.
Talent-Development Services
Central Middle School serves as a bridge between elementary Talent Development services and the many advanced and/or enriched offerings at the high school level. Similar to our elementary schools, CMS offers enrichment and extensions to learning. Prior to registration for each school year, a parent/guardian informational meeting about Talent Development programs will be held at Central Middle School.
Other rigorous academic options Include:
- Extension Opportunities: CMS offers many co-curricular activities to engage gifted learners including academic contests and teams, student government, cultural experiences, music ensembles, arts programs, speech and drama activities, publications, and service groups.
- Mastery of Standards: Central Middle School is committed to providing students with the appropriate course placement. Most often, course placement is determined by previous coursework; however, when prior learning is unclear, students may be assessed on their mastery of standards to determine course placement.
- Additional Opportunities: Qualified students who are above grade-level in particular content areas may take appropriate courses at Eden Prairie High School. Students may have to forgo some desired courses due to differing daily schedules at each school.
UMTYMP: University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Program (UMTYMP) provides a highly accelerated math program in the evening for exceptional math students. Students in this program will have a study period instead of a math class at CMS. Registration is in the spring. Find more information at http://www.mathcep.umn.edu/umtymp
For questions about Talent Development, please contact our Talent Development Programming Specialists 6-8 at (952) 975-7300.
Student Support Plan for Advanced and Enriched Classes:
Students taking Advanced and/or Enriched courses should earn at least a C- on final term grades. If a student earns below a C-, the expectation is that the teacher, student and parent/guardian are in communication about what improvements need to be made and what goals need to be met moving forward. The Student Support Team will assess whether the goals are met and what subsequent action is needed.
Evaluation/Reporting System/Grades
Grades should convey the learning, specifically the mastery of content, done in each class.
A student’s class grade will be comprised of 30% formative and 70% summative assessments.
Our students are afforded opportunities to demonstrate mastery of content. Upon completion of a reasonable proof of practice as determined by each department, teachers will allow students to retake a summative assessment once. The retake must be completed no later than one week after the specific unit of study. The retake assessment may be in an alternate format for demonstrating mastery of content. Any retake is worth 100% value. * All coursework must be finalized by the last student contact day for Quarter 4.
Students receive quarterly letter grades for their performance. Parents/guardians can see students’ current letter grades through Campus and will be shared at conferences. The letter grades are determined in each class as follows:
- A: 93-100%
- A-: 90-92%
- B+: 87-89%
- B: 83-89%
- B-: 80-82%
- C+: 77-79%
- C: 73-76%
- C-: 70-72%
- D+: 67-69%
- D: 63-66%
- D-: 60-62%
- F: 0-59%
Student of the Quarter
Students of the Quarter are recognized four times throughout the school year by CMS staff. The students selected demonstrate a positive contribution to our school community through grades, attendance, behavior and citizenship. Families receive an email communication when their student is nominated. Students and their families are invited to attend a celebration in recognition of their student’s accomplishment.
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to cheating on school assignments or tests, plagiarism or collusion. If a student chooses to cheat and/or plagiarize on their schoolwork, they compromise their integrity and project an inaccurate picture of their performance. As such, administrative and/or academic consequences may be assigned.
Student Usage of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Guiding principles
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as text, images, music, video and code. Generative AI models are trained on large datasets of existing content and learn to identify the patterns and relationships in that data. Once a model is trained, it generates new data that is similar to what it knows while continuing to learn based on user inputs.
Eden Prairie Schools recognizes that there are both potential benefits and risks as the use of generative AI continues to grow.
The future is undeniably digital, and at the heart of this transformation is AI. As we step into this exciting era, it's crucial for our future leaders, our students, to be well-versed in the intricacies of AI. From enhancing creative projects to understanding the ethical implications, AI literacy will empower our students to be proactive citizens in an interconnected global society.
- Students should skillfully integrate generative AI tools into their learning journey. This includes utilizing AI for brainstorming, research, problem-solving, understanding varying perspectives, and evaluating writing quality.
- Students should rigorously scrutinize outputs generated by AI systems. Embracing transparency in their AI usage is key, and they must be adept at differentiating between credible and non-credible information.
- It's crucial for students to discern biases in AI and understand the datasets on which AI models are trained. This ensures they're well-equipped to question and understand the implications of AI outputs.
- In their AI learning journey, students need to distinguish between authentic understanding of core concepts and skills versus mere imitation. Establishing firm guidelines on plagiarism is essential, particularly as generative AI emerges as a common tool in academia.
- Emphasizing the balance, students should understand that while AI can enhance our capacity to identify patterns and tackle tasks, it's the depth of human connection and judgment that remains central to genuine collaboration.
Student expectations
As a student in Eden Prairie Schools, it is important to approach the use of generative AI tools responsibly and ethically. Students will be expected to adhere to the following guidelines for generative AI use in the classroom:
- Open communication with teachers
- Before using generative AI tools, it’s important to be clear about the purpose of the assignment, and whether generative AI can or should be used to enhance or support your learning.
- Protect your privacy
- Generative AI tools use data provided through your submissions to generate responses. Therefore providing your personal information can lead to privacy and security issues - do not put your private information (name, age, location, photo, etc.) into a generative AI tool.
- Proper acknowledgment and citation
- Follow your teacher’s guidelines for attributing AI-generated content. It’s essential to give credit where it’s due and acknowledge the role of generative AI in your work. Students cannot claim AI-generated content as their own.
- Fact checking and proofreading
- Generative AI utilizes databases that are often dated and incomplete. Information generated from these tools must be checked for accuracy, bias, or potentially harmful material.
- AI is for school assignments only
- AI has numerous and varied capabilities. During the school day, AI should be used for school assignments only and any misuse will result in appropriate consequences.
Consistent with our overall approach to academic integrity, students who willingly disregard these guidelines in their academic work may be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to:
- First offense: Redo or retake the assessment or assignment following coaching/re-teaching of expectations, a parent/guardian contacted, possible loss of privileges.
- Second offense: Parent/guardian conference, loss of privileges, consideration of suspension and/or removal from class
- Third offense: Administrative conference to determine next action and eligibility for course credit.
- Alerts
- Critical Incidents (Events/activities that may impact student and staff safety)
- Contacting Your Student During the School Day
- Deliveries for Students
- Parent/Guardian Communication with CMS Staff
- Weather-Related Closing
- Website
- Campus
- Schoology
- Conferences
- Curriculum Night
Eden Prairie Schools communicates important information and announcements through email, phone calls, and text. Our communication department uses student contact information in Campus. If you need to update your Campus information, please log in using your username and password. Questions can be directed to (952) 975-7094 or helpline@edenpr.org.
Critical Incidents (Events/activities that may impact student and staff safety)
When critical incidents affect our schools, we act immediately. Depending on the unique circumstances of each incident, that can involve gathering facts, collaborating with the police department and other important partners, creating messages that follow legal and ethical guidelines, and potentially distributing those messages to families through multiple channels. Because each situation is different, the approach taken to manage and communicate about it will be determined based on its individual circumstances. That means families may not be notified of every critical incident that happens in a school.
Below is additional information about each stage of this process:
- Gather the facts: School and district leadership work closely with the Eden Prairie Police Department and other partners when a critical incident affects a school. We do not make decisions based solely on rumor or conjecture. Each threat is swiftly and thoroughly investigated to determine its credibility. That process can take time, because it can involve search warrants, interviews, home visits, and more.
- This can be a difficult time for families. You may have heard of a situation from your student, but as it is investigated, you likely will not receive much information from official sources like the school, district or police department. This is intentional, because communicating before we have all of the facts can delay or impede the investigation and unnecessarily escalate a situation. We rely on you to trust us, and have patience, during this time.
- Even if that weren’t the case, though, there are instances in which we wouldn’t want to share all of the information. We exist to support children — and the fact of the matter is, children are learning and growing every day. Along the way, they make mistakes. Students will be held accountable, and they still deserve dignity even when their mistakes are big. Keeping them accountable for their actions — which we do, according to our handbook and district discipline policies — is different than sharing information about their mistakes publicly.
- In a moment when you don’t have all the information you want to have, please know we are making decisions to keep our students and staff safe, hold people accountable for their actions, and when possible, help them to learn from their mistakes. To do this most effectively — and legally — we cannot share most of the details that could make some families feel more fully informed.
- Distribute messages to affected families: Once we gather facts and develop appropriate messages for each unique situation, we begin a second period of reviewing those messages for any inaccurate or misleading information, having them reviewed by partners and our legal advisors to be sure we comply with legal requirements, and determine who should receive a message. At times, it is only a small group of individuals directly impacted; other times, it may be the entire school community.
- If a message needs to go to the entire school community or a large group of people, it must be loaded into our mass communication systems and sent. Whenever possible, we try to have translations in Spanish and Somali sent with our messages so that more families have access to the information. While you wait to receive a message, there are often dozens of school leaders, district administrators, law enforcement and legal professionals working as fast as they possibly can to get information to you. It matters to us that you are informed quickly, and we ask for grace and understanding as we make that happen.
Here are our requests for students and families:
- Trust us to keep your children safe. We all receive extensive training and practice emergency response so we are prepared to manage these situations. Our decisions are based on facts and deep situational understanding.
- Have conversations with your children about social media and their digital citizenship, and actively monitor their online activity.
- Continue to keep us informed any time you learn of information that could affect student or school safety. We take all reports seriously, investigate them, and take appropriate action.
- Show grace and practice empathy. Being a school staff member can be one of the most rewarding and the most challenging careers — and our Eden Prairie Schools staff go far above and beyond for our students, families, and one another. In critical situations, we ask for our community to support our staff members just as they support our students each and every day.
Contacting Your Student During the School Day
The best way to contact students during the school day is to email their school email account, which can be found on the Campus parent portal. If the situation is emergent or you are unable to connect through email, please call the main office at 952-975-7300 and a message will be sent back to your student’s classroom. Please refrain from texting your student as students are not allowed to use their cell phones during the school day.
Deliveries for Students
Items that are dropped off by a parent/guardian in the office for a student should be marked with the student’s name. We will not interrupt class for deliveries. Students should pick up these items during passing time or after school. Students are not allowed to receive food purchased from outside vendors during the school day.
Parent/Guardian Communication with CMS Staff
Email is one of the most timely and efficient ways for your teacher, principal, and the district administration to communicate with families. To ensure that we have your current email address, log in to Campus to verify that your information is correct. If you cannot access your parent portal, please contact the technology help desk at (952) 975-7395.
As a community of learners, CMS parents/guardians, staff and students work together to build a positive learning environment. Communicating with students and parents/guardians about student progress, school events, and classroom activities builds and maintains the learning environment. All Central Middle School staff respond to requests for information and assistance in a timely and professional manner. Here are some tips for communicating effectively with staff:
- Utilize email and voicemail whenever possible to contact staff; you can expect a response within one working day.
- Call the staff member in advance to schedule a face-to-face meeting.
- Strive to resolve a conflict directly with a staff member first; you are welcome to contact building administration if you are dissatisfied with the resolution.
Weather-Related Closing
District families will be notified of any emergency school closures through the emergency phone system and district emails. If you don’t see or hear any announcement, assume that school will be in session.
Additional Resources:
Website: www.edenpr.org
Radio: WCCO radio (830 AM)
Phone: (952) 975-7000
TV Channels: 4, 5, 9, and 11
If school is dismissed early, students will be told to go home on their regular buses – please be sure your student has a backup plan in place. Students may not remain at school. If school is dismissed early, the building will be closed for after-school and evening activities (such as sports, PTO meetings, and community education classes). If your student goes to an after-school program at a location other than school, please check with them regarding their closing policy.
Central Middle School's website is located at www.edenpr.org/cms. The website provides information about:
- Student Life - Calendars, School menus, CMS mornings, Counseling, FAQ, PTO, School supplies, and Transportation
- Academics - Registration, Curriculum night, iLearn, AVID, and conferences
- Activities - Athletics, Fine Arts, Academic activities, Leadership activities, Activity bus, and yearbook
- Enrollment - Enroll in grades 1-12, Find my school, and Update family information
- Contact CMS - Administrative team, Main office, Attendance line, Health room, Transportation, Parent technology helpline, and staff directory
Campus is a student information system (SIS) that provides families access to school calendars, student grades, attendance, schedule, locker, food service, fees, myPaymentsPlus, and messages. Eden Prairie Schools use Campus contact information when sending out communications or if a staff person needs to connect with families.
Each classroom teacher and student utilizes Schoology, a Learning Management System (LMS) that helps organize course content including: assignments, course resources, tests, quizzes, etc. Teachers may include more specific information regarding their class activities, homework, links to the internet and other information in Schoology as well. Teachers and students will set expectations about how to use Schoology at the beginning of the year. We encourage parents/guardians to enroll in Schoology also, as it is another way to be informed about your student’s education.
If you need assistance with accessing any of these online resources, please contact our helpline at 952-975-7094 or email helpline@edenpr.org.
Eden Prairie Schools recognizes the importance of families and staff working together. Students and their parents/guardians will have opportunities to meet with teachers during the school year. Conferences are held in the fall and the spring. At the conference, students may develop a plan for improvement. Please note, we encourage families not to wait for conferences to discuss serious concerns; instead, please contact your student’s teacher, a member of the Student Support Team or advisor to determine a solution.
Curriculum Night
Student Activities
Central Middle School offers students a wide range of co-curricular activities in four areas: academics, arts, athletics, and student leadership. We encourage students to try an activity to help them learn more about their interests and meet new friends. Some examples of activities include math league, robotics, plays, yearbook, student council, art club, Science Bowl, and several sports including soccer, lacrosse, floor hockey, tennis, and ultimate frisbee. For details on meeting dates and times, seasons, and fees please visit the activities section of the CMS website.
Student Life
- Organizational System
- Backpack/Handbags
- Personal Electronic Devices/Cell Phones
- Fieldtrip Guidelines
- Food/Drinks/Gum
- Lost and Found
- School Store
- Sales
- Student ID
- iPads
- Lockers
- Student Meal Time
- Lunch PINs
- Lunchroom Rules and Consequences
- Parents/Guardians Eating with Students
Organizational System
We strongly recommend all CMS students use a 2-3 inch binder, a planner (traditional or digital), and the tools available in their student Schoology accounts to assist with organization throughout the year. Binders provide students with a systematic way to keep track of essential school materials and class assignments. Planners are a place for students to set goals, create timelines to complete schoolwork, and practice effective study habits. Schoology is one location to keep track of class resources, assignments, and messages from teachers and peers.
Because of space and safety concerns, students are not allowed to carry backpacks during the school day. Students may use a backpack to transport books and belongings to and from school. Backpacks must remain in the student’s locker between 9:20 a.m. and the end of the school day. Handbags smaller than a school textbook may be carried at school. Exceptions to this policy may be granted to students with special circumstances.
Personal Electronic Devices/Cell Phones
Students may have their personal electronic device/cell phones at school as long as they are kept turned off and in their lockers during the school day. Students are not allowed to use personal devices at school unless they are explicitly invited to do so by a staff member for health or educational purposes. If a personal electronic device/cell phone becomes a distraction in any school environment, it will be confiscated and we will follow our CMS cell phone policy. Failure to comply will result in further action. CMS is not responsible for lost or stolen devices/cell phones. We do provide phones in each of our classrooms that students may use before and after school. If you need to contact your student during the school day, please call the main office, and we will contact the student or relay a message. Please do not call your student’s cell phone during the day. The personal electronic device/electronic item policy and expectations still apply if students are talking with family members.
Some bus drivers allow use of personal electronic devices, iPads, and cell phones while on the bus, but still must store them out of sight while at Central Middle School. If students store valuable items in their lockers, they assume any risk of theft that may result. Students will be informed of the expectations for their school issued iPad. If a student violates these expectations, a consequence will be assigned.
Fieldtrip Guidelines
Field trips provide a positive learning experience that takes place outside the walls of the regular classroom. A field trip accomplishes or reinforces an identifiable academic, social, emotional, or physical goal/outcome that is limited to middle school curriculum or philosophy. Planning considerations will include:
- Consistency and timing between teams.
- Balance in curricular areas and outcomes such as an academic experience, cultural awareness, community service, real life experience, and team building.
- Identified insights and experiences not otherwise available in the classroom
Field trips effectively use all resources available including:
- Financial
- Opportunity cost (field trip benefit vs. missed class time)
- Allocation of time
- Consideration of facility space available
Food and drinks in classrooms are at the teacher’s discretion. Small snacks are allowed during passing time and expectations are communicated by site administration. Any items for consumption brought from home needs to be consumed only by the person who brought it. Students are responsible for cleaning any trash from food. Sharing food and drinks is not permitted at CMS.
Lost and Found
School Store
Student ID
At the Open House events in August and September, students will have a picture taken for a school ID and will receive the ID by the end of September. Students should carry their current school ID with them at all times. You will need your ID to borrow books from the library, ride the activity bus, and present to staff whenever asked. If students lose their school ID, they may purchase a new one in the Media Center.
Students will be issued an iPad at the beginning of the school year to use for academic purposes. Students and parents/guardians will sign an iLearn Agreement outlining the school district policies for appropriate iPad use. While at school, students are not allowed to use games and/or social media or non-educational apps as the iPad is to be used as an educational tool. Students and families will be expected to be in compliance with all iLearn rules and guidelines while in possession of the school issued device. Students who violate the rules and guidelines of the iLearn Agreement will be subject to school consequences.
Students will be assigned a locker with a combination lock. It is a student’s responsibility to keep the locker closed and locked when not using it. The best way to prevent locker theft is to lock lockers. Students should not share a combination or locker with anyone (even a friend). Lockers are provided for student convenience but are not to be considered secure. Therefore, students should not leave items of value in their lockers unless they are willing to accept the risk of loss. School lockers are the property of the school district. School authorities may conduct inspections of lockers for any reason and at any time without notice or consent. If a student defaces or damages a locker, they will be responsible for cleaning it or paying for damages. More information can be found under the Search Policy heading in this handbook.
A Physical Education locker will be assigned to students during the quarter they have Phy. Ed. The same rules that exist for a regular locker apply to the Phy. Ed. locker as well.
Student Meal Time
Each morning, students may receive a grab-and-go breakfast in the cafeteria and must consume it before 9:25 am.
Breakfast and lunch are free for all students. A student bringing a lunch from home may receive a free milk. Lunch menus are available online. A la carte items may be purchased.
Lunch PINs
Each student is assigned an account with a personal identification number (PIN). A la carte items will be paid for by a student entering the PIN on a keypad at the end of the serving line and saying their first and last name to the cashier. Families must pay for a la carte items in advance by sending a check to school payable to Eden Prairie Schools or electronically through the Infinite Campus parent/guardian portal. If you have questions or need help with logging into the portal, please call the helpline at (952) 975-7094. Money remaining in a student’s account at the end of the year will be transferred to the next year’s account, even if they are moving on to a different Eden Prairie Schools building.
Lunchroom Rules and Consequences
Lunch is a scheduled period for each student and all school rules apply.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
- Follow directions from both kitchen and lunchroom staff.
- Do not cut in line.
- Stand in line only if buying a meal.
- Please keep money in student accounts as they are not allowed to charge.
- Be on time.
- Students are not allowed to leave the lunchroom without permission.
- Be responsible for keeping the table and surrounding area clean.
- Return to your seat and stay seated after disposing of your garbage.
Administrative staff will determine consequences for inappropriate behavior in the cafeteria.
Parents/Guardians Eating with Students
i-Learn Expectations
The mission of Eden Prairie Schools is “To inspire each student to learn continuously so they are empowered to reach personal fulfillment and contribute purposefully to our ever changing world”. Our world is changing with a new generation who never knew life without the Internet. Technology is a major tool in our personal lives as well as many professions. Our students will be prepared to demonstrate digital responsibility, technological awareness and the ability to use technology to create, research, communicate and produce in the academic and professional setting. i-Learn@EP is about creating engaging curriculum, dynamic learning environments, and students who are better prepared for the world beyond our school doors. It is not about the device, but rather how to use the device in education.
Students are required to follow Eden Prairie Schools District expectations regarding the use of technology. Access to Eden Prairie Schools’ owned technology is a privilege and not a right. At any point access to devices, the internet and the like can be revoked.
- Eden Prairie Schools Expectations for Student Learning
- Responsible Citizenship
- Student Digital Responsibility
- Accessing/Posting Inappropriate Material
- Information regarding the iPad in Eden Prairie Schools
- iPad Statement of Responsibility for Parent/Guardian and Student
Eden Prairie Schools Expectations for Student Learning
- Engaging and relevant learning experiences and development of life skills
- Learning experiences that encourage cooperation, collaboration, and innovation
- Use current technology to create, research, communicate and produce academically sound products
- Demonstrate respect, self-control, ethical behavior and empathy as classmates and members of our communities
- Being responsible citizens in our schools and communities, as well as the digital world
Responsible Citizenship
Being a responsible citizen in our schools, communities and the digital world requires responsibilities adapted for a changing world. We embrace the following conditions of being a digital citizen:
- Respect yourself. I will select names that are appropriate. I will consider the information and images I post online.
- Protect yourself. I will protect my personal details, contact details or a schedule of my activities.
- Respect others. I will NOT use technology to bully or tease other people.
- Protect others. I will protect myself and others by reporting abuse, and not forwarding inappropriate or harmful materials or communications.
- Respect & protect intellectual property. I will suitably use and cite and all content use intellectual property (websites, books, media, software, etc.) according to the copyright or creative commons licensing.
Access to Eden Prairie Schools’ owned technology is a privilege and not a right. At any point access to devices, Internet and the like can be revoked.
Student Digital Responsibility
As listed below, but not limited to:
Personal Safety
Do not send any message that includes your personal information such as: home address, personal phone numbers and/or last name for yourself or any other person. Do not send information regarding your schedule (where you are/will be, timing, dates, etc.). Do not send any inappropriate or sexually suggestive pictures of yourself or others.
Password Protection
Never share your password, steal or use another person’s password. If a password is lost or compromised, the student or teacher should call the technology Help Desk. A technology support specialist will help resolve the password issue.
Students and families need to know that files stored on school devices are not private. Network and Internet access is provided as a tool for educational purposes only. Eden Prairie Schools (EPS) has the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time, without prior notice, any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access including transmitted and received information. All information files are the property of EPS and no user shall have any expectations of privacy regarding such files.
Online Etiquette
Follow the guidelines of accepted behaviors within your schools’ handbook. Use appropriate language and graphics. Swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, harassing, threatening, or abusive language of any kind is not tolerated. Do not use this device to make, distribute or redistribute jokes, stories, to bully anyone, or pass along obscene material or material which is based on slurs or stereotypes relating to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.
Blogging and/or PodcastingUse of blogs, podcasts or other Web 2.0 tools are considered an extension of the classroom. Whether at home, or in school, any speech that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is also inappropriate in all uses of blogs, podcasts or other Web 2.0 tools.
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words or ideas as your own. Students are required to give proper credit to all Internet sources used in academic assignments, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music and text. Plagiarism of Internet resources will be treated in the same manner as any other incidences of plagiarism, as stated in your school’s handbook. In addition, students must adhere to the copyright laws of the United States (P.L 94-553) and the Congressional Guidelines that delineate it regarding software, authorship and copying information. All students should also adhere to the Creative Commons licenses where the author/artist denotes what media may be shared, remixed or reused.
The use of anonymous proxies and VPNs to get around content filtering is strictly prohibited and is a direct violation of this agreement.
Tech Support
If technical difficulties arise with the iPad, or non-conforming content is discovered, the iPad will be restored by Tech staff. If the Technology staff needs to restore the iPad, the District is not responsible for the loss of content put on the iPad by the student.
Accessing/Posting Inappropriate Material
Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, phishing, forwarding, downloading, scanning or displaying materials (including photos of students and staff) that are defamatory, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, threatening, discriminatory, harassing and/or illegal is a violation of this agreement.
Photos and Video:
Students are not to take pictures or videos of staff or students without staff permission. Any student use of cameras in Eden Prairie Schools should be part of a class or club activity. Unapproved camera use is a violation of this agreement.
Posting Disruptive Videos/Photos:
Students must not make or disseminate content (while on or off school property) recordings, photographs, or videos of other students or individuals, including school employees, if the recording will substantially disrupt and interfere with the work and discipline of the school, or the ability of a student to attend school or participate fully in its activities. Any making or dissemination of content must not disrupt the civil and respectful atmosphere toward teachers, other employees, and students alike. Content considered disruptive include, but is not limited to, recordings that are demeaning, derogatory, or sexually suggestive toward a student or employee. This policy applies to District-issued and personal devices that are used to make the recording.
Malicious Use/Vandalism:
Any malicious use, disruption or harm to the school unit's technology, networks and internet services, including but not limited to hacking activities and creation/uploading of computer viruses, is a violation of this agreement. No student shall obtain or try to obtain other students’ accounts, files, and/or data. Students are NOT to remove or attempt to remove or circumvent the management system or modify the operating system and software installed on each iPad. Using or possessing hacking software is a violation of this agreement. Students who attempt to hack or “jailbreak” any EPS iPad will be in violation of this agreement.
Information regarding the iPad in Eden Prairie Schools
iPad General Precautions
- The iPad is Eden Prairie Schools’ property.
- The iPad must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not issued and placed onto the device by EPS staff.
- Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the iPad to prevent damage.
- Never expose an iPad to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, or prolonged periods of time in rooms that are not at a normal room temperature.
- iPads must be kept in a secure location at all times; it is the student’s responsibility to know where their iPad is at all times. Do NOT leave unsupervised or lend to friends or family members outside of your home. During times when the iPad is not needed, place the iPad in a secure location within the classroom.
iPad Cases
Acknowledging the importance of a protective case for the iPad, Eden Prairie Schools invested in purchasing protective cases for all of the iPads. iPads need to be in the EPS issued protective case.
- The iPad should ALWAYS be in its protective case, including the screen protector.
- The iPad should be charged (EPS provides a charger) and brought to school ready to use each day.
- Do NOT place your iPad in a book bag that contains food, liquids, heavy or sharp objects.
iPad Screen & Cleaning
- The screens are sensitive to pressure and therefore can be damaged; they are scratch resistant, not scratch proof.
- The screens are made of glass and can either break or shatter.
- Do NOT use liquids to clean the iPad. This includes, but is not limited to: window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives.
- PLEASE USE: A soft, dry cloth or anti-static cloth.
iPad Care
- Only labels or stickers approved and placed onto the iPad by EPS staff are acceptable.
- Never leave an iPad unattended. It is your responsibility to keep your iPad stored in a safe, secure, temperature appropriate space.
- Do NOT dismantle or attempt to repair the internal workings of the iPad or the iPad case.
- If your iPad is not working, take your iPad to the Tech Support office as soon as possible and have an EPS technology support specialist examine it. If your iPad needs to be worked on for an extended period of time, you will be issued a temporary iPad until yours is working properly.
Eden Prairie Schools does not provide earphones; however, they are requested as part of the school supply list.
- Earphones shall not be used within or on school property unless a teacher specifically requests or allows students to do so.
- If allowed to use earphones, the appropriate level is when only the person wearing the earphones can hear the sound.
Storing Documents
There will be limited storage on the device, and academic files take priority over personal. Several backup options exist to cloud storage or personal computers. Students should back up their files.
Applications and Content
Students may only install apps provided to them through Self-Service on their iPad. If an app is needed, which is not available in Self-Service, students should work with their teacher to request it be added. Additional content used should have an educational purpose. Content that does not have an educational purpose and is disruptive to the educational process, will be blocked or removed from the device.
Student Discipline
If a student violates any part of the above policy, they will be subject to disciplinary action. The disciplinary action for a violation may include restrictions for downloading apps, checking the iPad in and out of school each day, having all iPad privileges revoked, or other actions deemed appropriate.
In instances where the student has put their own safety or the safety of others at risk (i.e. bullying), iPad privileges will be revoked immediately.
iPad Statement of Responsibility for Parent/Guardian and Student
We understand that instances of damage, destruction, or loss of the assigned iPad may occur. These instances will be dealt with on a case-by case basis. Incidents of gross negligence or repeated incidents may result in financial restitution or a student may be provided with an alternative device that performs all the essential functions that are needed to engage in learning. The fee schedule is:
o Device Damage: This includes the screen, dents, cracks and any other type of accidental damage.
- Cost: $50
o Device Accessories: This would include cases, charging cable, charging bricks, etc.
- Cost: $25
o Intentional Damage: Students who intentionally damage the device will be charged the full replacement price of the device. Students who alter, remove or change school issued protective measures (cases) and incur damage to the device, will be charged the full replacement cost of the device.
Over a students’ time in Eden Prairie Schools, each time the student damages a device, it will be tracked throughout their career. If a student damages a device in elementary school, that will be recorded and will follow the student through middle and high school. If more than one device is damaged during their career, there will be additional charges added to each recurring incident. For example:
- First damaged device - No multiplier
- Second damaged device - Damage cost x 2
- Third damaged device - Damage cost x 3
Student Behavior
Staff and Student Expectations
Expectations of Adults and Students
Philosophy of Behavioral Expectations for Adults and Students
Adults will:
- Create a balanced approach for all learning
- Create a climate for learning that includes:
● Opportunities for students to explore and construct their learning through choice, practice, trial, error, and reworking.
● Knowing the students culturally, and individually, by being fully cognizant of their strengths and interests.
● Co-creating classroom routines and procedures that maximize learning bell-to-bell.
● Creating a climate that respects difference and allows for multiple perspectives without hurting others.
● Fostering opportunities for students to determine responsibility in meeting academic, social, and emotional expectations in monitoring their self-control.
Students will:
- Participate fully in the learning experience, including curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities, from the moment they are on the bus until they return home, at all district activities and events.
- Participate actively in the learning experience by being fully engaged, fully prepared, raising engaging questions, and effectively and positively communicating with all students and staff.
- Participate actively in the learning experience by sharing information about themselves—strengths, weakness, and culture to create common bonds in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities.
- Participate actively in the learning experience by respecting differences while asserting perhaps a divergent viewpoint, doing so without harm to the other students, staff, and property.
- Demonstrate empathy (knowing others) to build fruitful relationships that create a cohesive learning opportunity for all and through self-control behave in an ethical manner from the moment they are on the bus until they are returned home.
If a student demonstrates a lack of responsibility, respect, empathy or self-control and disrupts the learning of other students, adults may apply non-exclusionary practices such as, but not limited to::
- Re-direct, work with, and ensure the student fully understands the expectations.
- Create an accountability system with the student and parent/guardian with clear consequences or processes for resolution for additional violations.
- Work in partnership with family, students, staff and other adults to determine additional strategies and/or consequences.
- Refer to peer mediation, conflict resolution or other proven processes.
- Determine if there are extenuating physical, emotional or mental supports needed.
- Submit an office referral as deemed necessary.
Student Management Guidelines
In order to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, the following guidelines regarding student behavior will be followed. These are guidelines only and do not include all possible student offenses. See Eden Prairie School District Policy 506.7. The School District retains the right to suspend or expel a student or impose other disciplinary action at their discretion, based on the severity of behavior, the facts, circumstances, and nature of a student offense and the student’s disciplinary record.
- Behavior Guidelines
- Behavior Consequence Definitions
- Office Visits
- Structured Day
- Removal From Class
Behavior Guidelines
- Abuse, Verbal or Written
The use of language or actions that are obscene, intimidating or that degrades other people or incites other people is prohibited.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Expectations review. (unless sexual or racial abuse/threats), restorative mediation, parent/guardian contact.
b. Second Offense: Expectations review and ISS, restorative mediation, parent/guardian meeting.
c. Third Offense: Up to 5-day suspension. Parent/guardian meeting.
- Academic Integrity
Plagiarism and cheating are not allowed in our educational environment. Honesty and integrity are essential to excellence in education. See Generative AI section for additional information.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Parent/guardian contacted by teacher. Loss of privileges. Plan for success developed in partnership with the teacher. Administrative and/or academic consequences may be assigned.
b. Second Offense: Parent/guardian contacted by teacher. Documentation. Loss of privileges. Plan for success developed in partnership with the teacher. Possible conference with administration to determine next action. Administrative and/or academic consequences may be assigned.
c. Third Offense: Administrative conference to determine next action. Administrative and/or academic consequences may be assigned.
3. Activity Bus
Students must demonstrate appropriate behaviors on the school activity bus.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Dean conference, parent/guardian contact
b. Second Offense: Dean conference, parent/guardian contact, possible bus suspension. Detention.
c. Third Offense: Dean conference, parent/guardian meeting, bus suspension.
d. Additional offenses will result in more lengthy bus suspension.
4. Alcohol/Chemicals, Possession, Use or Under the Influence of
The possession, use, distribution, delivery, transfer, sale or purchase of any controlled substance at school is strictly prohibited.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Up to 3-day suspension, confiscation, police referral, chemical health referral.
b. Second Offense: Up to 5-day suspension, police referral.
c. Third Offense: Suspension pending review by school & district administration for recommendation for expulsion. Police referral.
5. Attendance/Unexcused
Students are expected to be in school and in each class unless otherwise excused by a staff member or parent/guardian. Refer to the Attendance Section below for more details as well as guidelines for potential consequences.
6. Bullying/Cyberbullying
***Bullying defined:
Intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct that is objectively offensive and:
a. There is an actual or perceived imbalance of power between the student engaging in prohibited conduct and the target of the behavior and the conduct is repeated or forms a pattern; or materially and substantially interferes with a student's educational opportunities or performance or ability to participate in school functions or activities or receive school benefits, service, or privileges.
***Cyberbullying defined:
Bullying using technology or other electronic communication, including, but not limited to, a transfer of a sign, signal, writing, image, sound, or data, including a post on a social network Internet website or forum, transmitted through a computer, cell phone, or other electronic device. This includes use of electronic technology and communications off the school premises to the extent such use substantially and materially disrupts the school environment or interferes in a student’s educational opportunities or performance or ability to participate in school functions or activities or receive school benefits, services or privileges.
***Malicious and sadistic conduct defined:
Creating a hostile learning environment by acting with the intent to cause harm by intentionally injuring another without just cause or reason or engaging in extreme or excessive cruelty or delighting in cruelty.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Suspension or ISS, Restorative Practice/Mediation, parent/guardian notified.
b. Second Offense: Up to 3-day suspension. Restorative Practice/Mediation, parent/guardian meeting with staff and student.
c. Third Offense: Up to 5-day suspension, parent/guardian meeting with staff and student. Possible referral for expulsion.
7. Cell Phones
Cell phone use during the school day is prohibited unless permission is otherwise granted by a staff member. If a message is to be relayed to a student during the school day, parents or guardians should contact the main office. The use of cell phones or other video recording devices in bathrooms and locker rooms is strictly prohibited.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Confiscation of phone.
b. Second Offense: Conference with Dean, phone to be picked up by parent/guardian.
c. Third Offense: Phone to be picked up by parent/guardian, and parent/guardian meeting.
8. Disruptive Behavior/Disorderly/Insubordination BehaviorDisruptive behavior at school locations or at school sponsored activities is prohibited. Disruptive behavior means acts that disrupt, interfere or threaten to disrupt the educational process or school functions, including, but not limited to horseplay, disobedience, disrespectful behavior, inappropriate language, instigating a school disruption, discrimination or defiance of authority, or failure to report any of the aforementioned behaviors. Disruptive behavior includes insubordination. Students have the responsibility to follow requests and direction from staff members. The deliberate refusal to follow the reasonable request of a school staff member is considered insubordination.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Up to 1-day dismissal from class, suspension, and mediation.
b. Second Offense: Up to 3-day dismissal from class or activity, suspension, conference with teacher, parent/guardian meeting.
c. Third Offense: Suspension, pending referral to MTSS team for additional support and intervention.
9. Dress and Grooming
Central Middle School encourages students to take pride in their attire as it relates to the school setting. Students should dress in a manner that, in addition to the following guidelines, takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health and welfare of self and others. Students’ clothing must not become a distraction to the educational environment. Below is a list of examples of things not allowed in school. This list is not all-inclusive. Final decisions on student dress code will be made by building administrators. Dress and/or grooming that is disruptive or potentially disruptive to the educational process is prohibited, including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Wearing clothing that includes words or pictures which are obscene, vulgar, abusive, discriminatory, racist, sexist or otherwise degrading or sexually suggestive or which promote or advertise alcohol, chemicals, tobacco or any other product that is illegal for use by minors.
b. Wearing clothing and other items or grooming in a manner that represents and/or promotes threat/hate groups or supremacist groups is prohibited.
c. Wearing clothing that does not adequately cover abdomen, chest, or buttocks.
d. Wearing a costume face mask or wigs in school that would not allow the student to be identified is prohibited.
If necessary, parents/guardians may be called to bring appropriate clothing to school.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Expectation review, if necessary, parents/guardians may be called to bring appropriate clothing to school.
b. Second Offense: Detention, Parent/Guardian contacted.
c. Third Offense: Possible ISS, Parent/Guardian meeting, and development of individualized plan.
10. False Emergency Alarm
Intentionally giving a false alarm of a fire or tampering or interfering with any fire alarm is prohibited. False 911 reporting from any school phone is prohibited.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Up to a 5 day suspension pending review by school and district administration for recommendation for expulsion, and police referral.
11. Fighting/Assault
Engaging in any form of fighting (regardless of who initiated the fight), assault, or inciting a fight/assault (including filming a fight or assault) is prohibited. Fighting/assault includes, but is not limited to, hitting, slapping, pulling hair, biting, shoving, pushing, kicking, scratching or any other acts in which a student intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm on another person.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Up to 3-day suspension. Referral to School Social Worker. Mediation. Possible police referral. When appropriate teacher notification pursuant MN statute 121A.64.
b. Second Offense: Up to 5 day suspension. Referral to School Social Worker. Mediation. Police referral. When appropriate teacher notification pursuant MN statute 121A.64.
c. Third Offense: Up to 10 day suspension and possible referral to district administration for expulsion.
12. Roughhousing (Pushing, Shoving, Scuffling)
Physical contact such as but not limited to pushing, shoving, or scuffling that is not defined as an assault or fighting is prohibited. This also includes other physically intimidating contact (such as “slap boxing” and “neck slapping”) aimed at another student. In the event that pushing, shoving or scuffling constitutes a fight or assault, consequences for those violations will be imposed.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Up to 3-day suspension. Referral to School Social Worker. Mediation. Possible police referral. When appropriate teacher notification pursuant MN statute 121A.64.
b. Second Offense: Up to 5 day suspension. Referral to School Social Worker. Mediation. Police referral. When appropriate teacher notification pursuant MN statute 121A.64.
c. Third Offense: Up to 10 day suspension and possible referral to district administration for expulsion.
13. Littering/Lunchroom
Out of respect to our maintenance staff, the school, and to each other, students are expected to clean up after themselves. Students are responsible for the mess at their tables and for leaving the table clean in the cafeteria.
Students are expected to deposit all trash in school-provided receptacles. This includes trash generated anywhere on the school campus. Students are responsible for cleaning any trash generated by themselves or by the members of their group.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Dean conference, review of expectations.
b. Second Offense: Restitution, lunch detention, parent/guardian contact.
c. Third Offense: Restitution, lunch detention, parent/guardian meeting.
14. Non-compliance/Refusal
Non-compliance/refusal is when a student does not act in accordance with classroom/school/teacher expectations. This can include, but is not limited to: walking out of class without teacher permission, using a pass for an extended amount of time without permission, refusing to walk in the halls, and being in an area of the building without the guidance of an adult.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Up to 1-day dismissal from class or activity and mediation.
b. Second Offense: Up to 3-day dismissal from class or activity, possible ISS, conference with teacher, parent/guardian meeting.
c. Third Offense: Possible suspension, pending Referral to MTSS team for additional support and intervention.
15. Nuisance Objects
Possession use or distribution of any object that causes distractions, such as wallet chains, squirt guns, games, dice, playing cards, laser pens, etc. is prohibited. Skateboards, in-line skates and scooters must be kept in student’s locker at all times.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Confiscation.
b. Second Offense: Detention, confiscation.
c. Third Offense: Detention, confiscation, parent/guardian meeting.
16. Posting Disruptive Videos/Photos
Students must not make or disseminate (while on or off school property) recordings, photographs, or videos of anyone without their prior consent. Any making or dissemination of a recording must not disrupt the civil and respectful atmosphere toward teachers, other employees, and students alike. Recordings that are considered disruptive include, but are not limited to, recordings that are demeaning, derogatory, or sexually suggestive toward a student or employee. This policy applies to District-issued and personal devices that are used to make the recording. If recordings or photographs are made without approval or they substantially disrupt and interfere with school, the video must be removed and consequences provided.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences: (refer to i-Learn + personal devices)
a. First Offense: Possible Suspension or ISS. Restorative Practice/Mediation.
b. Second Offense: Up to 3 day suspension. Restorative Practice/Mediation. Parent/guardian meeting with staff and student.
c. Third Offense: Up to 5 day suspension. Parent/guardian meeting with staff and student. Possible referral for expulsion.
17. Selling Items for Profit
Students may only bring items that are necessary for their personal use during the school day. Students are not allowed to exchange any items for money or trade. Any items for sale or distribution will be confiscated.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Confiscation, expectation review and phone call home.
b. Second Offense: Restitution, detention, confiscation and phone call home.
c. Third Offense: Confiscation and parent/guardian meeting.
18. Tardies
An unexcused tardy is failing to be in an assigned area at the designated time class period commences without a valid excuse.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Expectation review with the teacher.
b. Second Offense: Expectation review with the teacher, phone call home by teacher and dean.
c. Third Offense: Meeting with a Dean, Parent/Guardian collaboration, detention, behavior plan.
19. Technology (School Issued) Misuse
See i-Learn Expectation Section of Handbook
Guidelines for Potential Consequences: Violations of these expectations could result in any of the following: removal of technology usage, disciplinary action (detention, legal action, police referral).
a. First Offense: Expectations review.
b. Second Offense: iPad Restriction up to two weeks.
c. Third Offense: iPad Restriction up to nine weeks.
d. Fourth Offense: Permanent iPad restriction.
20. Theft, Receiving or Possessing Stolen Property
The unauthorized taking, using, transferring, hiding, or possessing of the property of another person without the consent of the owner, or the receiving of such property, is prohibited.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Detention, up to 3-day suspension, possible police referral and restitution.
b. Second Offense: Up to 5-day suspension, police referral and restitution.
c. Third Offense: Suspension pending review by school & district administration for recommendation for expulsion, police referral and restitution.
21. Threats and Intimidation; Physical, Verbal or Written
Any language (oral or written) or gestures including the use of electronic devices or physical intimidation that are meant to threaten or cause fear of bodily harm or death is prohibited.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. Any Offense: Suspension pending review by school & district administration for recommendation for expulsion, and police referral.
22. Tobacco/Vaping Possession or Use
Central Middle School, in compliance with school district policy, is proud to encourage and support a tobacco-free environment. Smoking, vaping, chewing, possessing or using tobacco in any form including e-cigarettes at any time, at any school location including school vicinity, or at a school-sponsored activity is strictly prohibited.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Suspension, police referral, confiscation, parent/guardian contact.
b. Second Offense: Suspension, police referral, confiscation, parent/guardian meeting.
c. Third Offense: Suspension, restricted study, parent/guardian meeting, student success team involvement to set up plans for success, chemical health referral.
23. Transportation
Bus ridership is a privilege, not a right. Students are responsible for keeping their bus area clean. If students damage a bus, they will have to make restitution. If students do not follow the rules, they can lose their bus riding privileges. Any disruptive behavior, as defined under school policy, while riding a school bus is prohibited. This includes not remaining seated, throwing objects, disruptive behavior at a bus stop or to and from the bus stop, tampering with emergency or safety equipment, and lighting flammable devices, throwing objects or disruptive behavior at a bus stop or to and from the bus stop. Secondary students who commit a fourth or fifth offense may be suspended from riding the bus for the remainder of the school year. Severe behavior will move the student immediately to a higher level of offense, based on the severity of the action and/or previous bus violations. In addition, school management guidelines will be enforced when appropriate.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Warning given. Expectation review.
b. Second Offense: Up to 3-day bus suspension.
c. Third Offense: Up to 5-day bus suspension and conference with student, parent/guardian, transportation representative.
24. Vandalism
Defacing, cutting or damaging property, technology or telecommunication equipment that belongs to the school district, other students, staff members or other individuals is prohibited.
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
a. First Offense: Detention, restitution/cleaning, possible police referral.
b. Second Offense: Restitution/cleaning, possible suspension, and police referral.
c. Third Offense: Suspension pending review by school & district administration for recommendation for expulsion, police referral and restitution.
25. Weapons
In accordance with federal, state, and district policies, no weapons are permitted on school grounds. Anyone who has reason to believe a weapon is on a school site, bus, or at a school-sponsored activity has a duty to report that information to the site administrator, police officer, or any adult supervisor. Possession is defined as, but not limited to, having a weapon on one’s person or in an area subject to one’s control in a school environment.
Definition: A “weapon” means any object, device, instrument, or substance designed as a weapon or through its use is capable of threatening or producing bodily harm, or which may be used to inflict self-injury, including, but not limited to:
- all firearms, loaded or unloaded, functional or non-functional, look-alike or facsimile of a real weapon, or any other device or instrument having the appearance of a weapon
- all knives
- objects designed to be worn over fists or knuckles
- blackjacks, clubs, Nunchaku (“nunchucks”), throwing stars
- explosives, incendiary devices, bombs, fireworks, or other similar devices which can cause an explosion
- bows and arrows, slingshots, razors
- poison chemicals including mace, pepper gas, or similar sprays, or chemical components and/or mixture which can cause an explosion
- firearm muffler, silencer, or ammunition
- any object modified to serve as a weapon
- articles designed for other purposes (pencils, scissors, etc.) but used to inflict bodily harm and/or intimidate others
Guidelines for Potential Consequences:
First Offense: Confiscation of the weapon (if it can be done safely). 10-day suspension pending recommendation for expulsion from school for a period of not to exceed one year (365 days). Referral to police.
***Students with disabilities who violate the weapons policy shall be disciplined in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
***A student who finds a weapon on the way to school or in a school location, or a student who discovers that they accidentally have a weapon in their possession and takes the weapon immediately to the principal’s office shall not be considered to possess a weapon. If it would be impractical or dangerous to take the weapon to the principal’s office, a student shall not be considered to possess a weapon if they immediately turns the weapon over to an administrator, teacher or head coach or immediately notifies an administrator, teacher or head coach of the weapon’s location.
26. Unique Situations
Discipline situations that arise which are not covered by these guidelines will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Behaviors that are willful and disruptive or potentially harmful are included. Unique or special situations may call for an adjustment in the discipline policies to meet the school and/or district’s needs.
Suspension Procedures
Any student who is being suspended from school for more than one day will be provided written notice containing: the grounds for suspension, facts giving rise to the dismissal, a description of the testimony, a readmission plan, and a copy of the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act. A copy of the notice will be personally served upon the student at or before the time the suspension is to take effect, unless the student will create an immediate and substantial danger to surrounding persons or property. The parents or guardians of the student shall be provided written notice of the suspension by mail within 48 hours of the informal conference. The parent or guardian’s notice will include all the elements contained in the student’s notice. The administration will make reasonable efforts to notify the student’s parents or guardians of the suspension as soon as possible following suspension.
- Any suspension that exceeds five days in length will be accompanied by an explanation to the superintendent listing the reasons why the suspension exceeded five days in length.
- The student will be allowed to complete all schoolwork assigned during the period of suspension and receive full credit for satisfactorily completing all assignments.
- Upon return from a suspension, the student and parent/guardian will meet with a school administrator for a reentry meeting. The reentry plan for the student will be visited during this meetings. Reentry plans may include an agreed upon behavior contract.
Non Exclusionary Policies and Practices
Non Exclusionary disciplinary policies and practices means policies and practices that are alternatives to dismissing a pupil from school, including but not limited to evidence-based positive behavior interventions and supports, social and emotional services, school-linked mental health services, counseling services, social work services, academic screening for Title 1 services or reading interventions, and alternative education services.
Behavior Consequence Definitions
- In-School Suspension (ISS) – Students may be prohibited from attending a class or activity for a period of time not to exceed five days for each violation of school district rules, regulations or policies.
- Mediation - Bringing two or more parties involved in a conflict together to settle the dispute.
- Restitution - A student could choose to fix a problem or mistake, or to set things right. Restitution may be done instead of a consequence or along with a consequence.
- Suspension - An action taken by school administrators under the district’s discipline policy, which prohibits a pupil from attending school for a period of no more than 10 school days. The suspension period may be extended by an additional five days with a parent conference. A re-entry conference must occur before the pupil returns to school. This conference will include the pupil and their parent/guardian and any school official deemed necessary.
- Expulsion - An action taken by the school board to prohibit an enrolled student from further attendance for a period up to 12 months from the date the student is expelled.
- Exclusion - An action taken by a school board to prevent enrollment or re-enrollment of a pupil for a period which will not extend beyond the school year.
- Removal From Classroom - An action taken by a teacher, principal or other school district employee to prohibit a student from attending a class or activity for a period of time not to exceed (5) days.
- Malicious and sadistic conduct - Creating a hostile learning environment by acting with the intent to cause harm by intentionally injuring another without just cause or reason or engaging in extreme or excessive cruelty or delighting in cruelty.
Office Visits
Structured Day
Meeting with the student, parent/guardian, administrator and classroom teacher to develop a behavior contract that is agreed upon by all parties
Parent will shadow their student for a school day
Removal From Class
Any actions taken by a teacher, principal or other school district employee to prohibit a student from attending a class or activity for a period of time not to exceed (5) days. Removal from class is, but not limited to:
- Willful conduct that significantly disrupts the rights of others to an education, including conduct that interferes with a teacher’s ability to teach or communicate effectively with students in a class or with the ability of other students to learn;
- Willful conduct that endangers surrounding persons, including school district employees, the student or other students, or the property of the school;
- Willful violation of any school rules, regulations, policies or procedures, including the Code of Student Conduct in this policy; or
- Other conduct, which is at the discretion of the teacher or administration, requires removal of the student from class.
Procedures for Return to Class
- The student will return to class after a plan has been established and discussed with the appropriate staff member.
- Parents will be notified of students' removal from class.
- Parents of students with IEP’s will be contacted by the child’s case manager.
Procedures for notifying students and families of violation of the Rules of Conduct and of Resulting Disciplinary Actions
- Student will meet with a staff member
- Staff will notify parents regarding incident and assign appropriate consequence
A team meeting will be held for a student identified as having a disability or a perceived disability, who is being removed from class, to review if an assessment or further assessment is needed and if a review of the adequacy of the current Individualized Education Program (IEP) or if a referral for special education services is needed.
If a student has been removed from class due to suspected chemical abuse while on school premises, staff will immediately notify the school’s administration and a chemical abuse pre-assessment team member(s) or designated staff member.
Staff will provide support and interventions to students.
- District Advisory Council Volunteers
- Parent-Teacher Organizations
- Sharing Inspiration Volunteer Program
District Advisory Council Volunteers
A variety of district-level committees and advisory councils, such as the Curriculum Advisory Council, Finance Advisory Committee, Special Education Advisory Council, and Community Education Advisory Council, are important ways parents can help shape district policies, procedures, and programs. For more information, log onto www.edenpr.org or call (952) 975-7150.
Parent-Teacher Organizations
The Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) at Central Middle School is comprised of parents/guardians and staff working together to enhance your child’s school experience. The group sponsors family-oriented social activities during the year and also organizes parent/guardian volunteer programs. The PTO plans events and fundraisers and uses associated proceeds to supplement programs at CMS that directly benefit students. Please know that most PTO volunteers who are volunteering during the school day must also go through the Sharing Inspiration Volunteer Program process.
Sharing Inspiration Volunteer Program
We believe each person has individual gifts, interests and talents, which is why we are passionate about incorporating volunteers into our district classrooms and programs. Community Education oversees the Sharing Inspiration Volunteer Program, which places community members, older students wanting to give back, and parent volunteers (including field trip chaperones) in one-time or ongoing volunteer roles across the district.
The Sharing Inspiration Volunteer Program works with teachers and other building staff members to identify needs for volunteers. Placements are then made based on the availability, strengths, and interests of vetted volunteers. A wide variety of opportunities are available within and outside of the school day, including, but not limited to, lunchroom or recess support, guest speakers, media center volunteers, general classroom support, special event workers, and evening homework helpers/tutors.
All volunteers must start by submitting an application at www.edenpr.org/volunteer. Our Outreach and Engagement Supervisor will then connect to share next steps or discuss your interests and current opportunities. Most student-facing roles require a background check and brief orientation prior to the volunteer being placed. Financial assistance and reimbursement are available to ensure the background check fee is not a barrier to volunteering.
Eden Prairie Schools values attendance. We believe that every student should be in school every day. Regular school attendance is directly related to success in academic work, benefits students socially, provides opportunities for important communications between teachers and students, and establishes regular habits of dependability important to the future of the student. Class attendance is a joint responsibility to be shared by the student, parent/guardian, teacher, and administrators. Eden Prairie Schools is a participant in the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office be@school program. This program seeks to improve school attendance and increase the opportunity for Hennepin County’s children to realize their potential. In collaboration with the County efforts, Eden Prairie aims to have each student attend school every day. In accordance with the Minnesota Compulsory Instruction Law, Minn. Stat. 120A.22, the students of the school district are REQUIRED to attend all assigned classes and/or study halls every day school is in session, unless the student has been excused by the school board from attendance because the student has already completed state and school district standards required to graduate from high school, has withdrawn, or has a valid excuse for absence.
No student is to leave the building or its premises during the school day without having an early dismissal pass, permission from an administrator, signing out with the nurse, or being on an authorized work program. Students who leave without permission will be considered unexcused from the classes missed.
- Excused Absences
- Unexcused Absences or Truancy
- Consequences of Unexcused Absences
- Tardiness
- Excused Tardiness
- Unexcused Tardiness
- On-the-Job Training Programs and Enrichment Activities
Excused Absences
The following reasons shall be sufficient to constitute excused absences:
- Illness
- Serious illness in the student’s immediate family
- A death or funeral in the student’s immediate family or of a close friend or relative
- Medical, dental, or orthodontic treatment, or counseling appointment
- Court appearances occasioned by family or personal action
- Religious instruction not to exceed three hours in any week
- Physical emergency conditions such as fire, flood, storm, etc.
- Official school field trip or other school-sponsored outing
- Removal of a student pursuant to a suspension
- Religious observance
- Family vacation (limited to 5 days per year) handled as excused absences and students will be permitted to complete make-up work
- Family emergencies
- A student’s condition that requires ongoing treatment for a mental health diagnosis
In order for an absence to be excused:
A parent/guardian needs to call the school attendance line or complete the online attendance form prior to, or the day of the absence. The parent/guardian needs to state when the child will be absent and explain the reason for the absence. Students whose absences are excused are required to make up assignments missed or to complete alternative assignments as deemed appropriate by the classroom teacher. Students who accumulate excessive absences, even when excused, will work with the school staff and parents/guardians to develop a plan to assure attendance at school daily. In addition, a doctor’s note may be requested to excuse excessive absences.
Unexcused Absences or Truancy
These are examples of absences that will not be excused:
- Truancy which is an absence that is not approved by the parent and/or the school district
- Any absence where the student/ family failed to comply with any reporting requirements of the school district’s attendance procedures
- Missing the bus
- Oversleeping
- Vacations with family without prior notice and exceeding 5 days
- Any other absence not included under the attendance procedures set out in this policy
Consequences of Unexcused Absences
- School district staff will work with the parent/guardian, student and the Hennepin County Attorney’s office be@school program.
- If unexcused absences continue after following be@school process, the Hennepin County Attorney’s office will follow with necessary legal action to ensure attendance at school.
- Absences resulting from official suspension will be handled in accordance with the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act, Minn. Stat. 121A.40-121A.56.
- Days during which a student is suspended from school shall not be counted in a student’s total cumulative unexcused absences.
- Along with following the Hennepin County Attorney’s be@school programs, the student or their parent/guardian may, within a reasonable time, request a conference with school officials regarding the student’s absences and the prescribed discipline. The notification will state that the school strongly urges the student’s parent/guardian to request such a conference.
- Ineligible to participate in School-sponsored Extracurricular Activities.
Students are expected to be in their assigned area at the start of school or the start of a class when the bell rings. Failure to do so constitutes tardiness. Accumulating three tardies or one unexcused absence in any class is a violation of the CMS attendance policy. Violations will result in further intervention and may include disciplinary action.
Excused Tardiness
Valid excuses for tardiness are:
- Illness
- Serious illness in the student’s immediate family
- A death or funeral in the student’s immediate family
- Medical, dental, orthodontic, or mental health treatment
- Court appearances occasioned by family or personal action
- Physical emergency conditions such as fire, flood, storm, etc.
- Any tardiness for which the student has been excused in writing by an administrator or faculty member
Unexcused Tardiness
On-the-Job Training Programs and Enrichment Activities
This applies to all students involved in any extracurricular activity scheduled either during or outside the school day and any school-sponsored on-the-job training programs.
- School-initiated absences will be accepted, and participation permitted.
- A student may not participate in any activity or program if they had an unexcused absence from any class during the day.
- If a student is suspended from any class, they may not participate in any activity or program that day.
- If a student is absent from school due to medical reasons, they must present a physician’s statement or a statement from the student’s parent/guardian clearing the student for participation that day. The note must be given to the coach or advisor before the student participates in the activity or program.
- Students who miss school regularly due to enrichment activities must seek prior approval in order for those absences to be excused. Families for whom this applies may contact the building principal for further information.
The Health Services staff work in partnership with educational staff to provide students with high quality and consistent health care and health management. Find Health Services forms online at www.edenpr.org.
- Allergies (Animals, Fragrances, Latex)
- Health Conditions
- Homebound or Hospital Instruction
- Illness
- Illness/Injury at School
- Immunizations Up-to-Date
- Insurance
- Medications
- Restricted Activities
- Outside Resources For Teens
Allergies (Animals, Fragrances, Latex)
Animals and pets are not allowed to visit inside schools without principal permission and specific policy requirements. This policy is in place because of student and staff health needs and air quality issues. Some exceptions may be made; please check with the principal before bringing any animals into the classroom. Eden Prairie Schools encourages a fragrance aware and latex limited environment. “Fragrance Aware” means that we will try to have a fragrance and scent-free environment. “Latex Limited” means that no latex gloves or latex balloons are allowed.
Health Conditions
The school nurse will work closely with students who have an acute or chronic health need such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, allergies, or other illness. Parents/guardians will want to notify Health Services about their student’s specific health needs. The student and parents will work with the school nurse to determine how best to manage the health conditions and plan for any potential life-threatening emergencies.
Homebound or Hospital Instruction
Illness/Injury at School
When a student is unable to remain in school due to an illness or injury, a parent/guardian or emergency contact will be notified. First aid is given by school personnel, and parents are expected to provide transportation and decide whether a doctor should be contacted. In emergencies, 911 will be notified. No child will be sent home unless an adult assumes responsibility for their care.
Immunizations Up-to-Date
Eden Prairie Schools is part of the “No Shots, No School” program. All students must have proof of vaccination to start school. Students who have special medical problems and cannot be vaccinated, or whose parents/guardians conscientiously object, may receive legal exemption. Contact Health Services for assistance with accessing immunizations or to get information on exemptions.
The Eden Prairie School District does not carry medical insurance for student accidents on district property. The District does make available student accident insurance at a low cost to parents. More information can be found on the district’s website under Departments/Finance/Student Accident Insurance. The district also carries public/general liability coverage for district premises and/or employee negligence. MinnesotaCare health insurance is available for those families who qualify based on monthly income and family size. Questions about this plan can be directed to the school nurse or social worker.
Students are not usually permitted to administer their own medication at school. Parents/guardians requesting that prescription or non-prescription medication be administered during school hours are required to provide:
- A physician’s order/signature for medication during the school day
- Parent’s/guardian’s signature on a Medication Authorization Form or a note
- Medicine in original prescription bottle labeled with student’s name, etc. Please ask the pharmacy to put prescription medication in two bottles completely labeled – one for home and one for school.
All non-prescription medications must be provided in their original labeled container. No medications can be dispensed when provided in envelopes, plastic bags, etc. Medication Authorization Forms are available in the nurse’s office. At the end of the school year, all medication, both prescription and over-the-counter, will need to be picked up by a parent. Medications will not be sent home with students.
Restricted Activities
Outside Resources For Teens
- Hennepin County Child Crisis Services: 612-348-2233
- Rape & Sexual Assault Center (24 hr): 612-825-4357
- Suicide Hotline: 988
- COPE: Mobile Crisis Response: 612-596-1223
- Bridge For Youth: 612-400-SAFE
Mental or Chemical Health:
- Counselors, CMS Counseling Office: 952-975-7330
- Alcoholics Anonymous: 952-922-0880, www.aaminneapolis.org
- Family & Children’s Services: 952-884-7353, www.famchildserv.org
- Mental Health Association of MN: 612-331-6840, www.mentalhealthmn.org
- Narcotics Anonymous: www.twincitiesna.org
- Move Forward: 952-988-8336, www.moveforward.org
Physical Health
- West Suburban Teen Clinic: 952-474-3251 https://myhealthmn.org
- Normandale Dental Clinic: 952-487-7020 ext. 4
- Cornerstone Crisis Line: 952-884-0330, www.cornerstonemn.org
- Casa de Esperanza Crisis Line: 651-772-1611, www.casadeesperanza.org
Housing Insecurity and Homelessness Support
Under the federal McKinney-Vento Act, students experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness have certain educational rights and resources to ensure continued access to school. Learn more at www.edenpr.org/community-education/community/family-resource-program/mckinny-vento-housing-instability
- Asbestos/Pesticide/Air Quality Notices
- Background Checks, Employment
- Curriculum Content Review
- Fees
- Parent/Guardian Right to Know
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Release of Directory Information
- Student Records
- Student Surveys
Asbestos/Pesticide/Air Quality Notices
The Environmental Protection Agency requires school districts to annually notify parents/guardians and staff about the presence of asbestos in district facilities as well as planned abatement activities. Eden Prairie Schools performs routine six-month periodic inspections of all asbestos-containing building material to ensure materials are in good condition. Records of these inspections are available for viewing in each building maintenance office and the Facilities and Safety Department at the Administrative Services Center. Anyone is welcome to review these plans with prior notice during normal working hours Monday through Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the district’s Asbestos Designated Person, Kyle Fisher, at 952-975-7126.
The Parents’ Right-To-Know Act that was passed by the Minnesota Legislature requires schools to notify parents/guardians and staff regarding pesticide application in schools. The district uses Orkin Pest Control to conduct planned pesticide applications during the school year. Applications will be done as needed but will always be on the fourth Thursday of each month while school is not in session. However, the schedule may change due to inclement weather. Parents, guardians, and staff may request to be notified of any changes in the application schedule by contacting any of the school offices. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Facilities and Safety Department at 952-975-7121.
Eden Prairie Schools has developed an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management Program as required by the Minnesota Department of Education. The program includes information for concerned parents, guardians, and staff regarding the IAQ in our schools as well as an overall building walkthrough inspection that is conducted in all school district buildings annually. The program also includes a written set of procedures that describe ways to correct the identified IAQ problems, prevent future problems, and respond to emergencies and concerns. The district’s Indoor Air Quality Coordinator is Jim Anderson, Facilities and Safety Director. He can be reached at 952-975-7126.
Background Checks, Employment
The school district will seek criminal history background checks for all applicants who receive an offer of employment with the school district. The school district also will seek criminal history background checks for all individuals, except enrolled student volunteers, who are offered the opportunity to provide athletic coaching services or other extracurricular academic coaching services to the school district, regardless of whether compensation is paid. These positions include, but are not limited to, all athletic coaches, extracurricular academic coaches, assistants, and advisors. The school district may elect to seek criminal history background checks for other volunteers, independent contractors, and student employees.
Curriculum Content Review
As part of its policy, the district has specified a procedure for a parent/guardian, or adult student 18 years or older to review the content of instructional materials, address concerns, and propose alternative instruction for an individual student. The procedure spells out three action steps beginning with an informal meeting of the adult and responsible staff members. If the concern is not resolved, it will be taken to the building principal. If resolution cannot be reached, the parent/guardian/adult/student will be asked to complete a form and a meeting involving representatives of the district and site Learning and Teaching staff will be convened.
Materials that are part of the basic educational program are provided with state, federal, and local funds at no charge to a student. Students are expected to provide their own pencils, paper, erasers, and notebooks. Students may be required to pay certain other fees or deposits, including (not an all-inclusive list):
● Cost for materials for a class project that exceeds minimum requirements and is kept by the student.
● Security deposits for the return of materials, supplies, or equipment.
● Field trips considered supplementary to the district’s educational program.
● Admission fees or costs to attend or participate in optional extracurricular activities and programs.
● Voluntarily purchased student health and accident insurance.
● Use of musical instruments owned or rented by the school district.
● A school district-sponsored driver or motorcycle education training course.
● Transportation of students to and from optional extracurricular activities or post-secondary instruction conducted at locations other than school.
Students will be charged for textbooks, workbooks, and library books that are lost or destroyed. The school district may waive a required fee or deposit if the student and parent/guardian are unable to pay. For more information, contact your school’s principal.
Parent/Guardian Right to Know
If a parent/guardian requests it, the school district will provide information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers, including, at a minimum, the following:
- Whether the teacher has met state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
- Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional licensing status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
- The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
- Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
In addition, the school district will provide parents/guardians with information as to the level of achievement of their child in each of the state academic assessments. The school district also will provide notice to parents/guardians if, for four or more consecutive weeks, their child has been assigned to or taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified.
Pledge of Allegiance
Students will recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America weekly. Any person who does not wish to participate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance for any personal reason may elect not to do so. Students must respect another person’s right to make that choice. Students will also receive instruction in the proper etiquette toward, correct display of, and respect for the flag.
Release of Directory Information
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act requires school districts to notify parents/guardians and students that certain information from student records may be released and made public without the written consent of the parents or students 18-years-of-age or older. This information is called “directory information.” Directory information includes name, residential mailing address, telephone number, date and place of birth, grade in school, major field of study, participation in officially organized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, previous school attended, and photos. These publications could include district-initiated publications such as calendars, newsletters, annual reports, and brochures. They also include school-initiated publications such as student newspapers and yearbooks. In addition, media, including weekly community newspapers, metro daily papers, and television stations may ask to take photos of district students. Parents/guardians or students of majority age who do not want directory information released for internal and/or external use must notify the district in writing by October 1.
Student Records
Eden Prairie Schools has adopted a policy about the rights of parents and students with respect to school records. This policy complies with federal and state laws guaranteeing the right to examine and challenge the contents of student records. The Minnesota Legislature has said that all school records are deemed private. This means that the district cannot release any information without permission except directory information. A summary of census information along with grades and attendance data is stored electronically when students leave the school system.
Student Surveys
The school district occasionally administers surveys to students as part of our of improvement processes. Consistent with Policy 520, parents/guardians are notified any time a standardized survey is administered. Parents/guardians can contact their principal for more information on survey content, purpose, and participation.
Policies and Guidelines
- Bullying Prohibition
- Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- Harassment and Violence Prohibition
- Hazing Prohibition
- Internet Acceptable Use Policy
- Nondiscrimination
- Notice of Violent Behavior by Students
- Search and Seizure of Student Possessions
- Tobacco-Free Schools
- Weapons
- Wellness Policy
- Administrative Discretion
Bullying Prohibition
Eden Prairie Schools believes each student, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, (including gender identity or expression) or disability deserves the right to be educated in an environment that does not interfere with their educational opportunities or ability to participate in school functions or activities or receive school benefits, services, or privileges. To that end, acts of bullying towards another student or groups of students will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in a swift and serious manner. According to the Minnesota Safe and Supportive Schools Act bullying means any intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct that is objectively offensive in nature. Furthermore, there is an actual or perceived imbalance of power between the student engaging in prohibited conduct and the target of the behavior and the conduct is repeated or forms a pattern. The act of cyber-bullying which refers to bullying others by using technology or other electronic devices, or retaliation for asserting, alleging, reporting, or providing information about bullying or knowingly making a false report about bullying in any form are prohibited as well. Bullying does not refer to a one-time argument or disagreement between students.
Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises
Equal Employment Opportunity
The school district does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, disability, sexual orientation, age, family care leave status, or veteran status. The school district also makes reasonable accommodations for disabled employees.
Harassment and Violence Prohibition
It is the policy of the school district to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from harassment and violence on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability. The school district prohibits any form of harassment or violence on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, (including gender identity or expression) or disability.
Hazing Prohibition
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Users are expected to use Internet access through the district system to further educational and personal goals consistent with the mission of the school district and school policies. Uses which might be acceptable on a user’s private personal account on another system may not be acceptable on this limited-purpose network. In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the district filters Internet access. Students are directed to inform staff immediately if they receive any image or communication that is inappropriate.
The school district is committed to inclusive education and providing an equal educational opportunity for all students. The school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, parental status, status with regard to public assistance, disability, sexual orientation, or age in its programs and activities. If you have questions about this policy, please contact your principal.
● Disability Nondiscrimination: The school district shall not engage in contractual or other arrangements that have the effect of subjecting its qualified applicants or employees with disabilities to discrimination on the basis of disability. The school district shall not exclude or otherwise deny equal jobs or job benefits to a qualified individual because of the known disability of an individual with whom the qualified individual is known to have a relationship or association.
● Student Sex Nondiscrimination: The school district provides equal educational opportunity for all students, and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex. No student will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity operated by the school district on the basis of sex. Read more on the TitleIX page.
Notice of Violent Behavior by Students
The school district will give notice to teachers and other appropriate school district staff before students with a history of violent behavior are placed in their classrooms. Prior to giving this notice, district officials will inform the student’s parent or guardian that the notice will be given. The student’s parents/guardians have the right to review and challenge their child’s records, including the data documenting the history of violent behavior.
Search and Seizure of Student Possessions
School officials may, without a search warrant, search a student and/or their personal possessions based on a reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion means that a school official has grounds to believe that the search will result in evidence of a violation of school district policy, rules, and/or law. Personal possessions include, but are not limited to purses, backpacks, book bags, packages, clothing, cell phones, and vehicles. Pursuant to Minnesota statutes, school lockers and student desks are the property of the school district. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers and desks provided for the convenience of students. Inspection of the interior of lockers and student desks may be conducted by school authorities for any reason, at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Tobacco-Free Schools
School district students and staff have the right to learn and work in an environment that is tobacco-free. School policy is violated by any individual’s use of tobacco or tobacco-related devices in a public school, on school grounds, in any school-owned vehicles, or at any school events or activities. Students may not possess any type of tobacco or tobacco-related device in a public school, on school grounds, in any school-owned vehicles, or at any school events or activities. Any student who violates this policy is subject to school district discipline. Contact the school principal or another staff member if you have questions or wish to report violations.
The district has adopted a weapons policy. Anyone who has reason to believe a weapon is on a school site, bus, or at a school-sponsored activity has a duty to report that information to the site administrator, police officer, or any adult supervisor. Possession is defined as, but not limited to, having a weapon on one’s person or in an area subject to one’s control in a school environment. Weapons are defined as any object, device, instrument, or substance designed as a weapon or through its use capable of threatening or producing bodily harm, or which may be used to inflict self-injury, including, but not limited to: firearms, loaded or unloaded, functional or non-functional, look-alike or facsimile or having the appearance of a weapon; all knives; objects designed to be worn over fists or knuckles; blackjacks, clubs, nunchucks or throwing stars; explosive or incendiary devices; bows and arrows, slingshots, razors; poison chemicals including mace, pepper gas, or similar sprays; firearm muffler, silencer, or ammunition; any object modified to serve as a weapon; articles designed for other purposes such as pencils or scissors but used to inflict bodily harm or intimidate others.
Violation of the weapons policy may result in one or more of these consequences: out-of-school suspension, confiscation of the weapon; notification of the police, recommendation for expulsion or exclusion from school for up to one year. Students with disabilities who violate the policy will be disciplined in accordance with the requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Wellness Policy
Eden Prairie Schools has adopted a Wellness Policy to encourage students and staff to eat nutritiously and incorporate physical activity into a healthy lifestyle. A Wellness Advisory Committee was convened to monitor implementation of Wellness policies and guidelines, and to make recommendations to the district. Guidelines for healthy snacks, treats, and lunches from home were created. School district practices that have changed as a result of the policy include: lunch was moved after recess to discourage hurried eating, no pop is sold where students are present during the school day, classroom birthday treats are discouraged, staff is encouraged to model healthy behaviors, food and beverage rewards are discouraged, healthy snacks from home are encouraged (a snack guideline is available at each site), classroom/holiday parties should be limited and not centered around food, and staff are encouraged to create opportunities for physical activity for students.
Administrative Discretion
This handbook does not cover all situations. The administration reserves the right to sanction students for violating school rules and expectations not specifically covered in this publication. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to a warning, Think Tank visit, detention, after-school detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, exclusion, expulsion, community/school service, parent involvement, and loss of privileges. Any and all of the material in this handbook is subject to amendment by the school administration or the Board of Education at any time.
Safety and Security
The district has the ability to call and email all district families. In order to help ensure that you receive these important messages, please go to www.edenpr.org and make sure that we have the correct email address and phone numbers for us to use. You can update your email address and cell phone number yourself by logging into the parent portal and clicking on "Family Members". Make the necessary changes and click "Update" in each cell that you change. If you have moved or changed your primary home phone number, please contact your students' schools to have that information updated in the system. Contact us with questions at (952) 975-7094 or helpline@edenpr.org.
State law requires schools to have 11 emergency drills each school year, including fire drills, lockdown drills, and tornado drills. School staff train students on procedures required to observe each drill. During drills, staff will act immediately to assist students, visitors, and volunteers in evacuation to a safe location. During emergency procedures or evacuation, students, visitors, and volunteers are required to:
- Follow all emergency directions given by school officials.
- Report to designated area for attendance and further instruction.
- Report any suspicious activity/behavior, concern or information immediately to school officials.
Juvenile Liaison Officer
Eden Prairie School Juvenile Liaison Officers are connected with each school. Some have offices on campus, others visit regularly to develop relationships with students and teach safety programs. Officers may assist school staff with student behavior incidents when laws have been violated. Juvenile Liaison Officers and the Facilities Department work cooperatively to review district crisis management plans and site emergency procedures so that there is a coordinated response to emergencies by the school district and emergency responders.
Visitor Check-In
All visitors, volunteers, and parents visiting any Eden Prairie school must enter through the main door and follow the procedures at the Welcome Desk. These procedures include providing a driver’s license for a security check and receiving a printed name tag. Please check out before exiting the building. It is the responsibility of all adults in the school to explain the check-in procedures and to direct any visitors to the front office to complete this procedure. In addition, it is not permissible for any adult or child to open other entry doors to allow a visitor to enter a school building. No student "shadowing" is permitted unless approved through administration.
Before and After School Expectations
CMS school hours are 9:25-4:07. Students are not permitted to loiter around the building before or after school. Students may enter the building beginning at 9:05 am. If a student needs to enter the building prior to this time they must be enrolled in CMS Mornings, our before school program or have a signed note from a classroom teacher. Any student staying after school must be enrolled in an after school activity. Violation of these expectations will result in school consequences.
The Eden Prairie School District is pleased to offer safe, dependable, cost-effective transportation. In accordance with state law, a bus is available to any student living further than two miles from their school and to any students receiving special education services regardless of where they live if it is part of their individual education plan. For all students who live within two miles of school, bus transportation is available for a fee.
- Activity Buses for CMS
- Bus Assignment
- Riding a Different Bus Home
- Rules and Consequences
- Safety
- What’s allowed on the bus?
Activity Buses for CMS
An after-school activities bus is provided on a limited basis for students in grades 6-8. Central Middle School (CMS) students are required to show the bus driver a student I.D. and a bus pass from their activity. Route maps are posted at CMS. Students may have a longer ride and be dropped further from home than their normal bus stop.
Bus Assignment
The bus assignment process is as follows:
- May – Families receive Transportation Commitment Letters
- June – Transportation Commitment Forms and payment are due. Families inform the district of how their student(s) will be getting to school the following year so the district can plan appropriately for bus routes and pedestrian and vehicle traffic at each school.
- End of August – Families receive student bus route information (bus number, stop locations, pick-up and drop-off times)
Riding a Different Bus Home
Rules and Consequences
Transportation by school bus is a privilege, not a right, for an eligible student. A student’s eligibility to ride a school bus may be revoked for a violation of school bus safety or conduct policies or for violation of any other law governing student conduct on a school bus.
- Follow the driver’s instructions.
- Remain seated until the bus arrives at your stop.
- Speak in a quiet voice.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Keep all objects and body parts safely inside the bus.
- Use respectful language and gestures toward everyone on the bus.
- Be respectful towards peers and bus driver.
- Maintain cleanliness by refraining from eating, drinking, or chewing gum.
- Take care of the bus and keep it in good condition.
Grades 6-12 Consequences (listed in order of severity)
- Warning given, may be assigned a specific seat, may involve school consequences
- One- to three-day bus suspension
- Five-day bus suspension, conference with student, parent, school, driver, and Transportation Department
- Ten-day bus suspension
- Loss of bus riding privileges for the remainder of the school year. There will be no mid-year forgiveness period for students in grades 6-12. Severe behavior moves immediately to step 3, 4, or 5 at the administrator’s discretion based on the severity of the action and/or previous bus violations. School Student Management Guidelines may also be enforced when appropriate.
Rules at the Bus Stop
- Stay away from the street, road, or highway when waiting for the bus. Line up at least three feet away from the street in an orderly fashion and wait until the bus stops before boarding.
- Respect the property of others while waiting at your bus stop. Do not pick flowers or shrubs, throw stones, snowballs, litter, etc.
- Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.
- Use respectful language and gestures.
- Avoid standing in and blocking sidewalks and driveways.
- Be safe, responsible and kind- No pushing, fighting, harassment, intimidation, or horseplay.
- When the bus comes, stay back until the bus is actually stopped and walk to the bus. (A push at the middle or end of the line can send the front person into the bus or under its wheels.)
- Older students should be helpful to younger ones.
Eden Prairie Schools has a well-trained staff of drivers and our buses are very well maintained. We have an excellent safety record. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. The majority of children injured in student transportation are not hurt on the bus but outside the bus. Students should be aware of the 10-foot area around the stopped school bus referred to as the “Danger Zone.” Parents and community members are required by law to stop at least 20 feet from a bus with flashing red lights.
What’s allowed on the bus?
Students may bring items such as musical instruments that they can hold in their laps or between their legs during the bus ride. Objects like balls, ice skates, and in-line skates must be stowed in a backpack or bag.
Examples of objects not allowed on the bus include:
- Knives or other sharp objects
- Skis, ski poles, hockey or lacrosse sticks, bats, golf clubs, snow sleds (unless they roll up)
- Flammable items
- Glass items
- Laser pens
- Balloons
- Any items of dangerous or objectionable nature
More information about Eden Prairie Schools Transportation Department, including detailed student and parent/guardian responsibilities, is available at www.edenpr.org.