CMS Mission
The Mission of Eden Prairie Schools is to inspire each student to learn continuously so they are empowered to reach personal fulfillment and contribute purposefully to our ever-changing world.
CMS Philosophy
We believe that education is important, that teachers are professionals, and that the school is a valid institution of learning. Education provides for physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth for each unique middle school student. Developmentally, middle school students are in varied stages of physical change and they experience emotional uncertainties including an increasing sense of isolation as well as a need to belong. Intellectually, they eagerly test new skills and knowledge while also seeking security and encouragement. Our school responds with a positive learning environment that provides for individual differences.
In addition, the middle school is a transition between elementary school and high school. CMS offers a nurturing learning environment that encourages growing independence and exploration while students develop habits, attitudes, skills, appreciations, and ideas essential for a lifetime of learning. We provide a caring, exciting, challenging, and comforting environment. We strive to provide a model for responsible adult behavior while allowing for the activity of youthful enthusiasm.
CMS is a vital part of the total community. We encourage a partnership among school, home, and the greater community by encouraging involvement, cooperation, responsibility, and communication. CMS empowers its staff to have a substantial impact on the system of learning, and we encourage cooperation, collaboration, innovation, and support among staff members.
The Critical Components of the CMS Program Include:
- Instructional Excellence: We strive to provide experiences where the atmosphere, materials, pace, and flexibility focus each student on success in learning. We strive to vary content presentation, use the 4Cs of Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity, and make modifications to meet the unique needs of each student. We recognize students for achievement, growth, leadership, and service.
- Exploration: We provide a wide range of intellectual, physical, and cultural activities with opportunities to take risks, discover, and experiment. We encourage participatory learning, divergent as well as convergent thinking, and exploration of a variety of co-curricular activities, career options, and subject areas. The CMS staff encourages this belief through the use of innovation and exploration within a 21st Century context of learning.
- Comprehensive Curriculum: We value the integration of learning in English, math, social studies, science, fine and related arts, and physical education. We recognize, celebrate, and encourage creativity in both basic skills and exploratory learning experiences. We value the process of learning as well as the end result. We encourage continued exploration into new, evolving curriculum.
- Continual pursuit of personal goals and aspirations: We strive to develop self-directed, lifelong learners who enthusiastically accept the challenge of their future with confidence and competence. Students assume increasing responsibility for their own academic, social, and personal learning. Students learn to solve problems, make decisions, manage time, set goals, work in groups, respond to change, and cope with positive and negative experiences.
- Contribution to Community (local to global): We encourage and model honesty, responsibility, compassion, cooperativeness, creativity, and competency. We expect students to respect themselves and others, tolerate ambiguity, recognize human equity, and understand global and multicultural concepts. We support positive student involvement in school, home, community, and world projects.
- Guidance: We are a caring community. We seek to create a more intimate environment attuned to each student’s needs. The focus on creating smaller communities fosters stable, close, respectful relationships with adults and peers. Within the school, teachers, advisors, counselors, support staff, and administrators serve as resources for meeting students’ personal needs. Finally, we recognize that all adults in the school model appropriate behaviors and attitudes.