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Staff Directory

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CMS Staff Directory

1 2 > showing 1 - 200 of 220 constituents

Najmo Abdullahi

Central Middle School

Krista Abrahams

Central Middle School

Bonnie Acosta

Central Middle School

Kowsan Aden

Central Middle School

Kathryn Adkins

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Megan Alomassor

Central Middle School

Melania Amundson

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Ben Anderson

Teacher, Band
Central Middle School

Jill Anderson

Central Middle School

Shelby Anderson

Teacher, Art
Central Middle School

Kirstin Bailey

TOSA, Special Services
Central Middle School

Javier Baiza

Central Middle School

Jude Beekman

Student Teacher
Central Middle School

Mitchell Benson

Teacher, Physical Education
Central Middle School

Barb Bentley

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Jeremy Beulah

Central Middle School

Cathy Bockenstedt

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Neal Boegel

Teacher, Health
Central Middle School

Roxanna Bona

Guidance Counselor, Counseling
Central Middle School

Conor Borgert

Teacher, Permanent Building Reserve
Central Middle School

Carolyn Brubaker

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Lisa Buerman

Teacher, Health
Central Middle School

Bruce Buesgens

Building Services
Central Middle School

Jacqueline Campbell

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Jennifer Campbell

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Roeder Camrud

Teacher, Physical Education
Central Middle School

Robin Capouch

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Jason Carver

Central Middle School

David Castillo

Central Middle School


Building Services
Central Middle School

Vanessa Centeno

Scheduling Clerk
Central Middle School

Chansamnang Chhuor

Central Middle School

Alicia Chimchirian

Teacher, World Language, Spanish
Central Middle School

Beth Christophersen

Teacher, English Language
Central Middle School

Sarah Cobb

Central Middle School

Jacob Conley

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Jennifer Cordes

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Melissa Dabbs

Teacher, World Language, French
Central Middle School

Nina Davare

Central Middle School

Laquita Davis

African American Cultural Liaison
Central Middle School

Daniel DeMarce

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Cindy Dooley

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Judy Doran

Speech Language Pathologist, Special Education
Central Middle School

Kelsey Droen

Guidance Counselor, Counseling
Central Middle School

Leslie Eggan

Talent Development Programming Specialist
Central Middle School

Ryan Eggers

Associate Principal
Central Middle School

Laura Eid

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Rachel Eide

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Billie Emory

Teacher, Permanent Building Reserve
Central Middle School

Virginia Enfield

Central Middle School

Connie Ewing

Student Activities Assistant
Central Middle School

Kayla Fahey

Teacher, Physical Education
Central Middle School

Benjamin Fall

Teacher, Physical Education
Central Middle School

Mason Frank

Teacher, Health
Central Middle School

Tim Fulford

Teacher, Engineering and Technology
Central Middle School

Cedric Fuller

Central Middle School

Mary Gallus

Teacher, ALP Seminar
Central Middle School

Jose Garcia Francia

Building Services
Central Middle School

Rob Gauvin

Maintenance and Operations Coordinator
Central Middle School

Kjersti Gilthvedt

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Naomi Grein

Central Middle School

Joslyn Guerra

Central Middle School

Chris Hajney

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Miranda Halvorsen

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Kelsey Hansen

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Eric Hanson

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Laura Hanson

Central Middle School

Hodan Hassan

Somali Speaking Cultural Liaison
Central Middle School

Andrea Haug

Teacher, World Language, Spanish
Central Middle School

Chatham Hedges

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Hannah Heitzman

Teacher, English Language
Central Middle School

Kathleen Hellevik

Central Middle School

Madalyn Hennen

Occupational Therapist, Special Services
Central Middle School

Jenna Herbrand

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Alan Hergott

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Malakai Holloway

Teacher, Theater
Central Middle School

Adam Holt

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

William Hommerding

Central Middle School

Eric Huff

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Bashir Hussein

Building Services
Central Middle School

Nicole Hutchinson

TOSA, Special Services
Central Middle School

Fihimo Ibrahim

Central Middle School

Said Jama

Building Services
Central Middle School

Derek Jensen

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Dave Johnson

Teacher, Reading
Central Middle School

Noah Johnson

Teacher, Business Management
Central Middle School

Dave Jones

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Inga Kammueller

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Austin Keith

Teacher, Engineering and Technology
Central Middle School

Seema Khan

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Sonia Khouri

Central Middle School

Foster Killen

Guidance Counselor, Counseling
Central Middle School

Lindsay Klaverkamp

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Lauren Koller

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Suzanne Kubler

Central Middle School

Madelynn Langemo

Teacher, Business Management
Central Middle School

Dean Larsen

Building Services
Central Middle School

Emily Larson

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Timothy Leach

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Joshua Lee

Central Middle School

Lauren Liberacki

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Jack Lillestol

Teacher, Business Management
Central Middle School

Katie Little

Administrative Assistant
Central Middle School

Kevin Luker

Teacher, Engineering and Technology
Central Middle School

Sterling Lund

Building Services
Central Middle School

Samira Mahad

Central Middle School

Shukri Mahamed

Central Middle School

Laura Mahoney

Central Middle School

Andrew Malone

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Kristen Mantel

Teacher, Reading
Central Middle School

Stacy Marek

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Kayla Mattern

Scheduling Clerk
Central Middle School

Paul Mckay

TOSA, Q Comp
Central Middle School

Elizabeth McKeever

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Patrick Mcloone

Teacher, Permanent Building Reserve
Central Middle School

Georgitta Mel

Central Middle School

Linda Mertz

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Bryanna Meyer

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Joseph Meyer

Central Middle School

Heather Mignone

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Kassy Miller

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Rich Mills

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Rogelio Mitre

Spanish Speaking Cultural Liaison
Central Middle School

Zahra Mohamed

Central Middle School

Jack Moody

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Kari Moore

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Leif Mostrom

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Marcus Moten

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Viji Murugavel

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Kristine Myers

Guidance Counselor, Counseling
Central Middle School

Crystal Nelson

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Janesha Nelson

Building Services
Central Middle School

Morgan Nissen

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Mira Nockel

Office Professional
Central Middle School

Cynthia OBrien

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Molly OjedaOpitz

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Janine Olson

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Kevin Olson

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Steven Olson

Building Services
Central Middle School

Maristella Omanyo

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Nimo Osman

Central Middle School

James OToole

Building Services
Central Middle School

Alisha Pagan

Teacher, Reading
Central Middle School

Makena Panning

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Carolyn Perez

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Juan Perona

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Jason Peterson

Central Middle School

Steven Peterson

Teacher, Engineering and Technology
Central Middle School

Vladimir Petrenko

Building Services
Central Middle School

Adam Petroski

Teacher, Music
Central Middle School

Natalie Philbin

Teacher, English Language
Central Middle School

Allison Poss

School Psychologist, Special Services
Central Middle School

Bill Prem

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Binu Punnoose

Central Middle School

James Purcell

Central Middle School

Aleasha Radzom

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Kelly Reynolds

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Nelson Rhomberg

Student Teacher
Central Middle School

Ryan Rice

Teacher, Engineering and Technology
Central Middle School

Christopher Roberts

Social Worker, Special Services
Central Middle School

Julie Rochford

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Megan Rose

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Todd Rose

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Ashley Ross

Teacher, Special Education
Central Middle School

Sara Rowan

Teacher, Music
Central Middle School

Steven Rowekamp

Teacher, English Language
Central Middle School

Jayde RyanBostwick

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Ana Saca Miranda

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Maja Samec

Central Middle School

Vanitha Samraj

Central Middle School

John Schmidt

Building Services
Central Middle School

Gretchen Schuett

Guidance Counselor, Counseling
Central Middle School

Liz Schuette

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Kalpana Selvamurugan

Central Middle School

Lisa Senne

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Travis Seubert

Teacher, Physical Education
Central Middle School

Rahamthunnisa Shaik

Central Middle School

Noor Shidane

Building Services
Central Middle School

Dhyana Shunmugam

Central Middle School

Andrea Skiba

Associate Principal
Central Middle School

Katie Skramstad

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Erin Smith

Central Middle School

Kathy Smith

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Nora Smyth

Mental Health Therapist, Washburn Center for Children
Central Middle School

Gertrude Sommerfeld

Teacher, Band
Central Middle School

Kelsey Sorenson

TOSA, Special Services
Central Middle School

Georgi Speliopoulos

School Psychologist, Special Services
Central Middle School

Rachel Spessard

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School

Sue Stagg

Teacher, English Language
Central Middle School

Darrin Stohlberg

Teacher, Orchestra
Central Middle School

Bryce Stuart

Technology Support Specialist
Central Middle School

Lisa Stuehringer

Teacher, Business Management
Central Middle School

Nihada Subasic

Food and Nutrition Services
Central Middle School

Peter Swanson

Teacher, Business Management
Central Middle School

Devin Tatum

Central Middle School

Carla Thompson

Teacher, Math
Central Middle School

Marilyn Thompson

Central Middle School

Yvette Toko

Teacher, English
Central Middle School

Raymundo Trejo

Teacher, Science
Central Middle School

Tiffany Turner

Teacher, Social Studies
Central Middle School