Activities Registration
MyPaymentsPlus is our online registration system. Instructions for registration are below:
To Register:
- Click this link to create a new user account on MyPaymentsPlus. All first-time users will have to create their own Username and Password.
- You will need your student's school ID number to add them to your new account. Student ID numbers can be found in their class schedule, in the numeric part of their school email, or by logging into your Parent Portal.
- For first time users, here is a guide to walk you through the process of creating an account and registering for an activity.
- If you are able to add an activity to your cart and complete payment, your student is good to go. You will receive an email confirmation from MyPaymentsPlus that your registration is complete.
- If you are having trouble linking your student's last name to their ID number, this is common with students who have two last names or hyphenated last names. The system will only recognize one last name. Try only one last name at a time.
- If you cannot complete registration, it may be due to the fact that you have not completed all required fields. Make sure to fill in all highlighted fields before you save or the system will clear your form and make you start over.
Need help or have general questions?
Call Tech Support 1-877-237-0946
Email Tech Support
Utilize the Online Chat feature on MyPaymentsPlus website
Code of Conduct
The purpose of our program is to stimulate physical and emotional health and to encourage attitudes of teamwork, determination, pride in the school and in the individual, and commitment while enjoying an activity. These policies out line our expectations for each participant.
1. A student, who is assigned an office detention that conflicts with the activity, must serve the detention before resuming the activity.
2. If a student is suspended from school, he/she will be removed from co-curricular activities for the duration of the suspension.
3. A student must attend a full day of school on the day of his/her sport activity or he/she will not be allowed to participate. Students must be in school by 9:25 am. (This does not include excused absences.)
4. A student must attend practice the day before a contest or the student will not be allowed to participate. (This does not include excused absences.)
5. The student will not use tobacco or alcoholic beverages, use, consume have in possession, by sell or give away any other controlled substance, including steroids. After confirmation of a first violation, the athlete shall lose eligibility for the next two (2) consecutive games/meets or two (2) weeks of a season in which the athlete is a participant, whichever is greater. After confirmation of a second violation, the athlete shall lose eligibility for the next six (6) consecutive games/meets in which the athlete is a participant.
6. The student has not and will not violate the racial/religious/sexual harassment/violence/and hazing bylaws of the Eden Prairie School District.