Gifted & Talent Development
Eden Prairie Schools meets the unique educational needs of students through our gifted and talented services, which aim to challenge and nurture each learner. Some learners have academic skills, cognitive abilities, creative talents and leadership potential that differ from their age-level peers; therefore, our purpose is to identify gifted and talented learners in order to provide services that meet those unique academic, social and emotional needs.
Elementary Programs
Secondary Programs
Contact Us
Molly Hammel l Talent Development Programming Specialist, K-5 l l 952-975-7060
Leslie Eggan l Talent Development Programming Specialist, 6-8 l l 952-975-7342
Kelsey Snyder | Talent Development Programming Specialist, 9-12 | | 952-975-8049
An Eden Prairie Schools secondary (grades 6-12) student may receive credit for a course by demonstrating competence in the skills and concepts of the course. The assessment of this competence may include such tools as written and/or oral examinations, product or performance exhibitions, and teacher input.
A review committee will determine the appropriateness of each request for credit for learning. The review committee, along with the subject area teacher, will also identify the assessment procedures(s) to be used with each student in awarding credit for learning.
As a result of the assessment, one of the following will occur:
- No credit for learning will be awarded.
- Credit for learning will be awarded and the student will be placed in another course.
- Credit for learning will be awarded, and the student will progress by means of supervised independent study or alternative enrichment.
Students interested in obtaining credit for learning should discuss this request with a teacher, counselor, or case manager. As appropriate, the student will complete an application to be submitted to the review committee.
April 1 is the preferred application deadline for the following year. Departures from this date will be agreed to by the student and the review committee.