Every Meal Food Program

Weekend Food for Kids is a partnership between Eden Prairie Schools, Every Meal (previously called The Sheridan Story), and a number of generous community sponsors. This program provides FREE, culturally appropriate and shelf-stable food for children who don't have access to the nutrition they need over weekends during the school year. In 2022 and 2023, Weekend Food for Kids was also available throughout the entire summer through our districtwide pick-up model.

Eden Prairie Schools partners with Every Meal in two ways:

  • School-Specific Programs: Food is provided discreetly to children whose parents opt into the program (typically the food is snuck into backpacks while children are out of the classroom). Any family in need is welcome to participate, and can register by connecting with your school's social worker. These programs exist at all elementary schools.
  • Districtwide Pick-up Program: Parents can pick up food from Every Meal for all students and children in our district on Thursday evenings from 4:00-6:00 PM at the Historic Gym at the Administrative Services Center (8100 School Road). No registration required.

To learn how to contribute funds, become a sponsor, or access this food, contact Reta Johnson, Family Resources Specialist, at reta_johnson@edenpr.org or 952-975-7030. 

Keep reading for information about our Districtwide Pick-up Program in English, Somali or Español.

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FREE for Eden Prairie Schools Families * Anonymous * NO Registration REQUIRED 

Weekend Food for Kids Weekly Pick-up

All Eden Prairie Schools families (including TASSEL) are welcome to pick up Weekend Food for Kids bags (one per child) from Every Meal, a local non-profit fighting child hunger. Food packs include non-perishable meal ingredients or ready-to-eat food items. 

All food bag types contain 4-5 pounds of nutritious, non-perishable food - including a variety of canned fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and soups/entrees. Families may choose from five food bag options that are tailored and identified by different colors of the Every Meal apple icon:

  • Blue Bag: Tailored for East African dietary preferences (NO pork)
  • Orange Bag: Tailored for Latino dietary preferences
  • Purple Bag: Tailored for Southeast Asian dietary preferences
  • Yellow Bag: Ready-to-eat items requiring little or no preparation
  • Green Bag: Widest variety of food items (not intended to serve any specific dietary preferences)

In collaboration with One City MN, fresh produce may also be available seasonally, as supplies allow. 

Thursday evenings from 4:00-6:00 PM

Outside Door 4 of the district office's Historic Gym at 8100 School Road (drive-up model) 

FREE for all Eden Prairie Schools families, including TASSEL students.
Food is available to every child regardless of income or participation in other food programs. 

No registration required.

Download Flyer in English

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Cunto Aad Ciyaalkaaga u Qaadi Kartid Usbuuc Kasata
(Sabtida iyo Axadda)

Dhamaan qoysaska Eden Prairies Schools (oo ay ku jiraan TESEL) wey  soo doonan karaan Sabti iyo Axad kasta cuntadan Usbuuc Kasta ee  ay hay’ada la dagaalanta gaajada caruurta ee Every Meal bixiso; waa hal bushqad ilmihiiba, cuntooyinkani waa kuwa qalalan iyo kuwa diyaar ahba.

Dhamaan bushqadahan cunnada ahi waa ilaa 4 kiiloo ama 5 kiiloo oo cunno nafaqo leh ah, oo ah kuwa aan dhakhsaha u xumaan sida khudradda, midhaha, maraqa qasaaca ku jira iwm. Qoysasku waxey ka dooran karaan ilaa shan nooc bushqadahan cunnooyinka ah, kuwaas oo ku asteysan midabbo kala gedisan, waxaana ku taala astaanta qolada Every Meal.

  • BUSHQADA CALANKA AH: Waxa ku jira cuntooyin loogu tala galey dadka Afrikada Bari (Doofaar kuma jirro)                                
  • BUSHQADA OORANJAHA AH: Waxa loogu tala galey Laatiinaha dadka ah
  • BUSHQADA BASALIGA AH: Waxa loogu tala galey dadka Koonfurta Bari ee Aasiya
  • BUSHQADA JAALAHA AH: Waxa ku jirra cuntada diyaarka ah ee aan u baahneyen karin
  • BUSHQADA CAGAARKA AH: Waxa ku jira cunnooyin isku dhex jir ah (oo aan cidna gaar u aheyn)

 Sidoo kale, sida sahayda ay u oggolaato, iyadoo lala kaashanayo One City MN, khudaarta cusub ayaa la heli karaa.

Xagaaga: KHAMIISTA GALABNIMADA inata u dhaxeysa 4:00 – 6:00 PM

Bannaanka ALBAABKA 4-aad ee Historic Gym-ka ee 8100 School Road (drive-up model)

Waxey bilaash u tahey dhamaan qoysaska Eden Prairie Schools-ka oo ay ku jiraan kuwa TASSEL dhigtaa. Waxaa xaq u leh cuntadan ilma kasta, loomana eegayo dakhli, inay cunto meel kale ka qaataan iyo wax kale toona.

Uma baahnid isdiiwaangalin.

Download Flyer in Somali

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Gratis para niños desde el Nacimiento hasta los 18 años * Anónimo * No es necesario registrarse

Verano Recogimiento Semanal de Comida de Fin de Semana Para Niños

Todas las familias de Eden Prairie Schools (incluyendo a TASSEL) están invitadas a recoger bolsas con comida para los niños cada fin de semana (una por niño) las comidas son donadas por Every Meal, una organización local sin fines de lucro que lucha contra el hambre infantil. Los paquetes de alimentos incluyen ingredientes no perecederos para hacer comidas o alimentos listos para comer.

Todas las bolsas de alimentos contienen de 4 a 5 libras de alimentos nutritivos no perecederos e incluyen una variedad de frutas enlatadas, verduras, proteínas, granos, y sopas/platos principales. Las familias pueden elegir entre cinco opciones de bolsas de comida, las bolsas se identifican por el color de la manzana, icono de Every Meal:

  • ETIQUETA AZUL: Adaptada a las preferencias alimenticias de África Oriental (SIN carne de cerdo)
  • ETIQUETA NARANJA: Adaptada a las preferencias alimenticias de los latinos
  • ETIQUETA MORADA: Adaptada a las preferencias alimenticias del Sudeste Asiático
  • ETIQUETA AMARILLA: Artículos listos para comer que requieren poca o ninguna preparación
  • ETIQUETA VERDE: la más amplia variedad de alimentos (no está destinado a satisfacer ninguna preferencia alimenticia específica)

Según lo permitan los suministros en colaboración con One City MN, es posible que haya productos frescos disponibles.

Verano: JUEVES POR LA NOCHE de 16:00 a 18:00

Afuera de la PUERTA 4 del Historic Gym en 8100 School Road (modelo drive-up)

GRATIS para todas las familias de Eden Prairie Schools, incluyendo estudiantes de TASSEL. Los alimentos están disponibles para todos los niños, independientemente de los ingresos o la participación en otros programas alimentarios. No es necesario registrarse.

No es necesario registrarse.

Download flyer in Spanish